Thursday, January 29, 2015

21. Mazza Susan

Vancouver, Canada
Mexican island of Cozumel
Gettysburg National Park (GETTYSBURG NAT 'L PARK).
1. Honolulu greek islands is the most densely populated cities in Hawaii. It is a place known for the security of the nation. And a quiet, hidden in dense urban area. The key to the city Surrounded by the sea It is not surprising that when the sun sets. This town has a touch of romance to replace the chaos immediately.
2. Virginia Charleston It is a popular destination for Americans too. With beautiful views And is rich with a variety of historic churches. And the place is filled with lights at night. So, make it a top destination for American couples ever.
3. San Francisco city is not to say that I saw with my own eyes. I do not feel passionate attraction to visitors. I felt that it was more than impressed. With a diverse natural scenery That blends seamlessly greek islands with the city.
5. Santa Fe town is a small town, I have one word that is very chic and lovely greek islands place here. Whether it is home to people or churches were built with earthy tones too. There is also unique in that people here tend residential building with earth. For people who like romantic vintage.
6. San Diego, California, although greek islands it is known as the city of the rich. However, it is one of the natural. greek islands And the city together seamlessly. greek islands Additionally, it has a good atmosphere, good weather for you to breathe easy. It also offers a variety of attractions. Whether the beach or the modern church. The only city that has all the flavor.
8. Las Vegas is known for its nightlife, the city of light, but not out with the casino at one time. If you look deep and vibrant nightlife, this is the charm of this city. The people who had visited first. I want to visit again
10. New York City of the modern And this would be attractive not only to appeal to those businessmen to visit only. But tourists are not equally In addition to the hip, but Hide the aura of a long history of this city into a deep well.
1. Alabama (Alabama) "state bird of Yellowstone Hammerstein" (The Yallowhammer State) is a species greek islands of small birds Yallohammer head, neck and breast are yellow. This bird is the symbol of the state of Alabama has been set. The nickname of this state
2. Alaska (Alaska), there are two nicknames. "The Final Frontier" (The Last Frontiea) and the "Land of the Midnight greek islands Sun" (Land of the Midnight greek islands Sun) because it is the state's largest. Far and away the largest. North on the border with Canada.
3. Arizona (Arizona) "State of the Grand Canyon" (Grand Canyon State) greek islands Grand Canyon is a natural attraction is a vast area comprising high and deep valleys. Stratigraphy of soaring high and Colorado River flowing through it is a symbol and name of this state.
5. California (California) "State of Gold" (Golden State) in the 19th century with the Gold Rush (The Gold Rush) occurred in this state. I was just saying "Go West Young Man" (I want to be rich or have disappeared. I have to go digging for gold in the west of the country) symbol. greek islands The state is a suspension bridge in the city of San Francisco and the Golden Get Hollywood film industry in the city.
7. Connecticut greek islands (Connecticut) is a two nicknames. "State of the Constitution" (The Constitution State) and "state of the nutmeg" (Nutmeg State) nutmeg greek islands spice is one. Is the nutmeg In addition, Yale (Yale University) is in this state.
10. Georgia greek islands (Georgia) is a two nicknames. "The greek islands Peach State" (Peach State) and "Empire State of the South" (Empire State of The South) because they are planted peach trees very tall buildings greek islands with modern capital, Atlanta, New York, no less.
18. Louisiana (Louisiana) greek islands "The Pelican State" (Pelican State) is a large pelican eating greek islands fish goiter city of New Orleans in the state of Louisiana as a tourist. Because the atmosphere France and the Mardi Gras Festival
21. Mazza Susan's Gazette (Massachusetts) is a two nicknames. "State of the Gulf" (Bay State) and "state of the old colonial" (Old Colony State) is one of the 13 states and the center of history. Intellectuals and students
22. Michigan (Michigan) "Discovery of the State of Wu" (Wolverine State) Wolverines West Marine (Wolverine) as the animals in winter. greek islands Such as fox-like mammal cat with long black hair surrounded by Lake Michigan. The four lakes And is the state's number one automobile and steel industries, with the city of Detroit is a major industrial city.
23. Minneapolis Minnesota (Minnesota) is a three nicknames. "State of the North Star" (North Star State) "State of squirrel, gopher" (Gopher greek islands State) and the "Land of 10,000 Lakes" (Land of 10,000 Lakes) Gopher (gopher) is the North American opossum, squirrel large. A large buccal
24. Mississippi (Mississippi), nicknamed. "State of Magnolia" (Magnolia State) magnolia (Magnolia) is the artichoke. Species flowering magnolias blossom, white, pink, purple and yellow Mississipp greek islands i is the state with the largest cotton growing in the country.
27. Nebraska (Nebraska) is a two nicknames. "State of the sheep, corn," (Cornhusker State) and "state of beef" (Beef State) greek islands the name of this state is rich in corn and cattle. It also offers industry Meat packing in major cities as well.
28. Nevada (Nevada) is a three nicknames.

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