Sunday, January 4, 2015

So will continue from the point where the girls are on the scene and the swelling breeze from the b

So will continue from the point where the girls are on the scene and the swelling breeze from the bottom ... Give, which was also called to the scene (balcony)? Aha, Eva. Since dancing ncl pune is my weakness and the greatest love, I certainly did not need to ask twice ... In addition, in a popular club, where more than 1,000 visitors (although it was a Monday). I though I was wiser and was not directly under the air flow, so as my kilt was where they were located. Needless to say, one Finnish guy with me after the day did not speak, but I enjoyed it and I realized that dancing really is my weak point ..
Cancun club met by two Colombians meitenēm- pārsteigta- was actually because I think generally neiepazīstas girls with girls clubs ... But very nice samainijamies by e-mail and I sent another Finnish guy to dance with them. They were into the beam and Mika long could hear that he loves Colombia! Similarly, ncl pune La Isla Mujer'ē when I went to buy a new dose of sunscreen, met with senior Mexican-over. At the beginning of the Mexican oncology told me that I would be a top-model in Mexico (imagine me and Mexican Topmodel) nodomāju- aha..kārtējais ... but after tsam he introduced me to his wife. As it turned out, the two have lived in Austria for some time, and when I told them that I study in Austria, then they brightened even more. Understandings reached at the end of a 15-20 minutes and woman admirer of Austrian BIPU (as Latvian Drogas) because there could buy so cheap bags !!! Saklausījusies compliments on your Spanish, ncl pune got a business card and promised them drop a e-mail. Really enjoyable dating and when I am in Austria will send BIPA Mexican cheap bags!
Cancun highlight- scuba diving (Latvian time diving?) !!! Unfortunately, no pictures, because it simply did not have time .. So Evelīna husband's friend is a diving Master and working in Playa del Carmen. After the Austrian girls suggested ncl pune and say that was the best diving in Cancun and we had to try. And quite noteikti- it was worth it! At first is to choose the corresponding ekvipments- glasses nirējtērps, fins, vest, to which all nepieciešamais- oxygen tubes and so on. (No clue how it all called ncl pune in any language). Interestingly, the roasting sizes were 38/39 and 40/41 and since I have a 39/40, then 38/39 was by small and 40/41 were by and large, was finally stricken little pastaipītas 38/39!
We had 6 divers and 2 instruktori- we were divided into 2 groups (interesting that all the diving school and mostly spoke French was also French). Pirmais- signature of the contract, that take risks and are aware of all the possible consequences etc. Then watch throughout the film, which tells the main, to remember and to do diving la Ika. I was getting a little uncomfortable ... After training in the pool. The instructor demonstrated in front and then one by one made repeated. Try and as clean glasses of water to get the water out of the mouth and breathable pipes to check and display the instructor how much oxygen is left in the reservoir, what to do if the oxygen ends. Being in the pool and the thought that I may have a depth of 12m to withdraw from the mouth of the oxygen pipe and put back so that there is not any water, it was pretty ncl pune scary, because when the first 2 times I tried, I after insertion tubes back in the mouth, the mouth was fuller 5x with water as before ,. (In addition, ncl pune prior to the swimming pool along with glasses, ncl pune seen as very clean and hairy is the main water law nirstot- never be detained breath, because the pressure under water is high, if not breathing, may cause severe damage to the lungs sounded inspiring .. ! Like all the time, it is recalled ncl pune that while walking down the depths (holding on to ropes) every half meter must be balanced sinuses, ears (to avoid the airplane when the pressure change as a result slams ears, etc., under water all this is a more severe form).
Before going to the sea, tells us how it will happen. From Coco beach by boat will go to a place called Jardines ("Parks"), then there will be elected backwards into the sea from the edge of the boat as shown in films, all three with an instructor holding on to the rope laidīsimies 12 m depth, remembering that from time to time to balance ncl pune the ears and nose (do not know how to explain its nice). Then let us be under water up to the first one of us will be left in the reservoir 800 (forgot ncl pune the unit, possibly the atmosphere, maybe Pascals, who knows ...) Then all saķersimies together and go upstairs, where dreifēsim by sea by boat will collect us. Plan ready and we will!
Everything as expected, ieveļamies Sea (it seemed to me that I get from it will be the most scared) waves that day were large, the small Baili made it a little more! Maybe that's why the other girl from our group at sea ievelšanās wants back into the boat and it also nenira .. OK, we are ready to go down to 12 m depth, No worry at all nefilmēju what I was doing, but now fairytale ncl pune that everything well! So walking down the rope to think Ensuring balanced what should ncl pune be balanced every half meter

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