Saturday, March 21, 2015

Kane and afternoon ae @ vnf

Burma will take time each day to a 12-hour period is 2 hours day and night on the set of day. Or night together with numbers such as "I suggested Shinar Mash" is "eight" and "Hell Shinar Mash" brilliance of the seas is "eight brilliance of the seas o'clock dinner (eight)."
I suggested a reuf
Noon rëef; wnfh Mousse tap.
Kane and afternoon ae @ vnf
Nae cool name signs
Dining nOD; ydkif; Slouching Toward Hell
Late nOfheuf suggested Gospel
New Year ESpf
V per month
Date ae @ ne
Date & uf inbreeding
Minute mini rdepf
PuUef @ clan fencing seconds brilliance of the seas
First, brilliance of the seas we know The names of the 7 days of the week and months of the 12 in one year.
May [may la] superseded it.
Myanmar to use the system to read that one of the two systems is the traditional culture of Myanmar, is primordial. "The era of Myanmar", as for 2012, as of the year 1374, the second is a British Burma since most people use the common era, Myanmar, and c.. It is because people are educated and Slash. official When writing or speaking the day, month, year, Myanmar to speak and write in the first instance. Later in the month, brilliance of the seas the date as at 16 October 2012.
Questions to ask the general said, "What time is it" in Myanmar's [bae hna nar yi shi bar byi lae] "Black gyBazinetNeilsonTerrydq technology Toshiba's technology brilliance of the seas and" I'll answer that. "Ten o'clock in the morning," said a Myanmar that [ma nat sae nar yi shi bar byi].

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