Monday, March 30, 2015

The problem is not yours or him! Read a book by Haruki Murakami (Sputnik, My Love) and I could not

It seems to me that there is a misunderstanding between what I hoped were the works of this author much talked about in recent years and between what are in reality. Would that be due to my lack of sensitivity to their plots and words and, more than anything, to my lack of knowledge about Japanese culture because, if not, we have a serious case of writer-impostor.
It is true that not made a superhuman effort to finish reading "Kafka en la orilla" (2002). norwegian epic Not so much the content of the story but because I wanted to fast forward to see how far is this Mr. Susih was able to get. And, it was also packed for this curiosity that I went into reading a second work "Tokio Blues: norwegian epic Norweigain Wood" (1987). And I left so packed that I was unable to stop in time. Now I'm all desfarfelada and a damn little norwegian epic voice inside your head that keeps telling me "ahahaha, the guy walked two books mocking you, ahahaha ... are even geek".
I repeat, I know practically nothing about the Japanese culture. I know they say "Arigato" because of the Portuguese. I know that we count the little finger norwegian epic thumb because of the Japanese. I know they are a monarchy, an island, drinking green tea to give to stick and therefore live as long. Have provided little mixed up in the head voice doAxl Rose to say "Good evening in Tokyo", in concert they recorded emTokyo in the "Use Your Illusion World Tour 1992". I know the Kyoto protocol and the nuclear power plant in Fukushima. And I confess that I would like to know more, in fact, Japan is a country where I would live, but for now my ignorance of the Japanese and their culture is more than a lot. Maybe this was why my first serious contact with a Japanese norwegian epic writer has given tent (had read briefly hayku the author when he was in college).
On the one hand, I was a bit concerned about the issue of suicide. Is that really so? The Japanese commit suicide around here gives that straw? And sexuality is experienced so naturally from an early age? They always love as adults? Never experience things, have doubts as teenagers around the world? And why Murakami insists teenage characters who are too intelligent and mature for his age?
On the other hand, understood the sadness that the character Watanabe, Tokyo Blues: Norweigain Wood feels. This adolescent transition to adult so much pain causes you. This pain of feeling, thinking, exist that makes you feel like you to download all the blinds and stay home sossegadinho waiting for the pain to pass.
To enhance the amount of musical norwegian epic references that the author does: Blood, Sweat and Tears, Cream, Simon & Garfunkel, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles again, Prince, Burt Bacharach, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Jim Morrison etc ... Amazing!
I know it's a surrealist writer who really addresses the issue of loneliness, norwegian epic and both aspects are patents the two works I read. As I'm not sure if it's my problem or Mr. Sushi'll risk the reading of another work there later on. However, I suggest you not be swayed by my impressions. Read Murakami and tell me what think ye.
"Cuando terminó April llegó el mes mayo; mayo fue mucho peor that April. En mayo, en plena spring, ya no could avoid feeling norwegian epic like shuddered norwegian epic temblaba y mi corazón. Solía ocurrirme al atardecer. En la pale oscuridad norwegian epic impregnated del sweet smell of magnolias, mi corazón, sin prior notice, empezaba the henchirse, the estremecerse, the temblar, Atravesado by un pinchazo. En estos moments, cerraba los ojos y apretaba them dients con fuerza. Y Esperaba that Pasara. Poco a poco, despacio, this is dolor alejaba, dejando behind him un dolor sordo. "
The problem is not yours or him! Read a book by Haruki Murakami (Sputnik, My Love) and I could not stop reading, as was packed with curiosity by that fascinating story content and pleasantly mild in style. But come to an end, the disappointment of not having all the answers was higher than happy to me to have been given space to play my way. I do not know if I will return to read a book of Murakami, but for me a book only comes in the gallery of "very good" when lingers in the memory long after having read it when I revisit from time to time (even if only in thought) and when I get a sense of satisfaction when I remember it or mention it to someone. Sputnik, My Love was in the awful "middle ground", but over time has been fading ... I do not think that will win place in the gallery ... July 29, 2013 at 15:49
Hello Antonio, you're right. There comes a time in Murakami's books that reading is enjoyable and almost addictive because norwegian epic of this melancholic and humid atmosphere it creates ... but I think all too surreal and final

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