Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bringing up children is not an easy

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Bringing up children is not an easy "job", what more. It is very well aware of all parents, especially those who spoil their kids while they were still quite small. Such errors in steps after only a few years cause problems as a child, to get used to everything that it wants, varco or does not care what his parents are saying. Upbringing of children requires incredibly great patience, dedication, but as much as you can at any given moment so difficult, you can not give up, because it comes to your beloved child.
Beatings and constant scolding a child of 3-4 years will not help much. With him you need to talk more, give him a clear indication of what we can and what is not. So do your frustration when you come back from work treated in this innocent varco creature, but he is fasting when you have a real reason for it, when it is really something wrong.
For the proper upbringing of children is still not a single school that parents would be able to enroll and attend classes and useful. At issue is a real skill in which each parent varco entertains has its own style. However, parents-beginners this text could be of great benefit. Just 5 minutes
Each toddler is more than fun to play with their peers in the Pediatric playroom or one of the nearby a park. Then you do not feel hunger, thirst, everything was just right, and he does not know when it's enough. However, you are aware that no matter how he was nice, though there can not spend your whole day. You have not even approached him yet, and your little one has already burst into tears. Even though you told him that you get as much tomorrow, to at home waiting varco for his favorite cake, scream it louder. Clearly, the child wants to loosen.
Many parents make a big mistake when it comes to this situation. varco After so many child 'lamentation, they put, no matter what the obligations were, however, permission to try it a few more minutes. Although it seems like a small thing, it can make a big issue in further education. Although small, the child becomes aware that they can manipulate you, and that is sufficient only to tears, so to get what he wants. Punishment
All we have as children were in all sorts of penalties, three days there is no candy, no TV week, ten days without favorite toy ... you will agree, experienced varco parents, this "joke" and only know how to inflammation.
However, that the penalty had some effect, it must remain consistent. A child will make every attempt to keep you "otkravi" how could you play with mates, eating your favorite chocolate all day watching varco cartoons. It is understood, those days will be a wonderful wonderful, probably will dazzle you with their obedience.
However, whatever at all, the word in question and must be maintained. Although there's only one day until the completion of the sentence, do not hurry its end. If you give in, the child will not realize varco any serious next time you punish him and dovijaće in various ways to make you cheer you up. Rewarding varco praise
As punishment, the rewards are also very important. Maybe sometimes significantly. If your girl was really good, if you picked up all your toys before you told her, she got Cvetić on hand in kindergarten, do not forget to praise. It will make her a very mean and give her even more motivation to be good and obedient.
Moms and dads infrequently buy "towers and cities" due obedience to their children, but this is not recommended. Thus the first child next time you do not get the required doll after learning the first letter will not just be angry and furiously, but will understand this gesture as a sign that no longer need to bother.
I emphasize again - be patient. You need to stay calm, poised as the child explain how this is good work, and what does not. You have to build authority, over it, and it certainly will not achieve svkodnevnom shouting and drama. varco
Extremely important item in a man's life is properly raising children. Unfortunately, the man is still far from the stage properly educate and raise children just because you and I have not yet found himself or understand their own world and the world in which he lives.
How to proceed when the child is 4 years. NAM

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