Friday, October 25, 2013

Partying at the Farm: Rada special guest, Ekrem celebrates birthday

All princes before Christmas arrived in Belgrade! fred olsen : The world
As the Christmas holiday that brings together family and in the home of Crown Prince Alexander II Karadjordjevic, traditionally, they are all back together. The sons of HRH, Prince Peter, Philip and Alexander came from America and are in Belgrade, where together with his father and Crown Princess Katherine resting and preparing for the biggest Orthodox holiday. Before the impending holiday, Prince Alexander II sent a letter to all the citizens of Serbia who celebrate Christmas according to the Julian calendar, message, in which, inter alia, states:
"Dear citizens of Serbia, fred olsen 2012. was a very difficult year for Serbia, although it has fulfilled all its international obligations. Still not officially asked Serbia to recognize Kosovo, but she was ordered fred olsen to go with him normalize bilateral relationships. Our people who live there exposed to great pressure. It all happened fred olsen in the 2012th year is the centenary of the First Balkan War, which was my great-grandfather King Peter I met Kosovo pledge and after five centuries freed Serbian Jerusalem. fred olsen Then, 100 years ago, Serbia sought his way among the great powers that she were not always friendly, but had its national objectives, its strategy, and its ways to achieve them. Some say that history should not be a burden on the way of the future, and I agree with that, but history has to be our teaching, from it we have to learn that we do not pretend the same mistakes. "
The statement also noted Crown and pride because of the large, world significant results achieved. fred olsen "Our fred olsen young mathematicians back winner on public takmičanjima world, as well as our athletes who brought medals from the Olympics. Winners fred olsen are here among us. All these results and achievements prove that Serbia is a country with a lot of talent and great potential. That's why everyone needs to unite and build a stable and prosperous society, for the good of our fatherland, their families and all citizens of Serbia, regardless of their origin or religious affiliation. "
Partying at the Farm: Rada special guest, Ekrem celebrates birthday
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