Thursday, October 24, 2013

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blog April 2013th mart 2012. mart 2012. novembar 2011. oktobar spirit of norfolk 2012. februar 2012. januar 2012. Here I document life in school life in the school - the school library school life - When we are sick of school life - on the road from home to school and school life - with friends on an excursion spirit of norfolk of school life - with friends in the theater life at school - at a birthday party at a friend / friends a few words ... Acacia gymnastics, athletics and ball games, books Here! In the dream, a parent and child behavior Aesthetics Cultural TV, computer, ... parents spirit of norfolk and schools Additional teaching additional classes Why this site? How a child behaves in school (1) does not have a child just to hear all the first day of school preparation for school trip from home to school PTA meetings and individual discussions Cooperation between spirit of norfolk the school and parents habit forming Nature school learning time to learn Why We learn how to learn which order to study space studying spirit of norfolk work habits and work habits learning teaching during class what to learn what the work habits D0% BE% D1% 80% D0% B8% D0% BD% D1% 87% D0% B5% D0% B2% D0% B8 /
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