Saturday, March 29, 2014

Castro dictatorship

A Cuban opposition human rights steam boat group reported Friday that at least 35 dissidents were temporarily detained this week and some "beaten'' by police of the communist steam boat government in the city of Camagüey, 530 km east of Havana. Committee on Illegal Human Rights and National Reconciliation (CCDHRN) said in a statement that at least 23 opponents were "brutally beaten and arrested'' on Wednesday, after" make a demonstration in the streets of that city.'' The dissidents protesting "by cruel and inhuman treatment received in prison'' dissident Orlando Zapata, on hunger strike since December, according to the president of the CCDHRN, Elizardo Sanchez. Another 14 people were detained Thursday in a house in Camagüey, where coordinated "solidarity actions'' in favor of Zapata, considered a" prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International'' in 2003, according steam boat to the text. "Almost all the detainees were released but five continuing'' in police units in Guantánamo and Camagüey (west end), added CCHRNC, also expressed concern about" the critical state'' Zapata and requested the government that set to "unconditionally release.'' Sanchez noted that" the act of repression by the political police'' was directed by the top leadership of the Communist Party in Camagüey. In its annual report, released in January, the committee felt that the situation of human rights in Cuba is "the worst of the continent,'' 201 political prisoners, and in 2009 the policy steam boat of repression, intimidation and remained .. temporary detentions of opposition The government argues that the island but no political prisoners being held by mercenaries'' U.S.'' or try threatening steam boat state security denounce arrest of 35 dissidents in Cuba - Cuba - ElNuevoHerald . com (5 February 2010)
Castro dictatorship
Cuba and Vietnam signed a bilateral economic agenda for the next five years - Cuba and Vietnam signed a bilateral economic agenda for the next five years Agencia EFE Havana, March 28 (Reuters) steam boat -. Cuba and Vietnam steam boat signed a age ...
Nude woman in the street suffering steam boat mental disorders - Naked woman on the street suffers degrading Treatment mental disorders mental ill-as seen in the video by the police are com ...
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