Friday, March 28, 2014

Foreign investment in Cuba - a necessary clarification - Foreign Investment in Cuba: a necessary cl

The Commission on Human Rights and National Reconciliation (CCDHRN) reported Friday that at least 35 dissidents were temporarily detained this week and some "'' beaten by police northern europe in the city of Camagüey, AFP reported. The group said in a statement that least 23 opponents were "brutally beaten and arrested'' on Wednesday, after" make a demonstration in the streets of that city.'' Dissidents protesting "the cruel and inhuman treatment received in prison'' dissident Orlando Zapata , on hunger strike since December, according to the president of the CCDHRN, Elizardo Sanchez. Another 14 people were detained Thursday in a house in Camagüey, where coordinated "solidarity northern europe actions'' in favor of Zapata, considered a" prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International'' in 2003, according to the text. "Almost all the detainees were released but five continuing'' in police units in Guantánamo and Camagüey, added CCHRNC, also expressed concern about" the critical state'' northern europe Zapata and asked the government to put it in "freedom unconditionally.'' Sanchez told CUBA DIARY repressive act that was led by the greatest figure of the Communist Party in Camagüey, Julio Cesar Garcia. "He personamente northern europe led the operation of the political police. Even beat women, "added the activist. In its annual report, released in January, the Commission considered that the situation of human rights in Cuba is" the worst of the continent,'' 201 political northern europe prisoners, and that 2009 the policy of repression, intimidation and temporary detentions of opposition remained. Detained and 'hit' northern europe several dissidents demonstrate in the streets of Camaguey | DIARIODECUBA (5 February 2010)
Health System in Cuba
"Arrived" dengue San Antonio de los Baños - "came" dengue San Antonio de los Baños Misael Aguilar Hernandez March 28, 2014 Artemisa, Cuba - - The municipal government northern europe of S. ..
"Arrived" dengue San Antonio de los Baños - "came" dengue San Antonio de los Baños Misael Aguilar Hernandez March 28, 2014 Artemisa, Cuba - - The municipal government of S. ..
Foreign investment in Cuba - a necessary clarification - Foreign Investment in Cuba: a necessary clarification Posted on March 28, 2014 By Miguel Fernández Díaz The special session of the Cuban Parliament to vote ...
Foreign investment in Cuba - a necessary clarification - Foreign Investment in Cuba: a necessary northern europe clarification Posted on March 28, 2014 By Miguel Fernández Díaz The special session northern europe of the Cuban Parliament for v ...
Cuban flight Changes Over Fees for Private Pilots - Cuban Changes Over Fees for Private Pilots flight CREATED: MARCH 27, 2014 Free Permits Still Available based on reduced MTOW The Cuban Civil Aviation Au ...
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