Monday, March 31, 2014

Fidel is a talented, loews philadelphia egotistical guy who hates the Cuban people loews philadelph

Vitoria, Feb. 26 (Reuters) -. Basque Parliament today urged the Government of Cuba to that unconditionally release all those imprisoned today "as prisoners of conscience." The president of the Parliament of Vitoria, Arantza Quiroga, read an official statement at the end of the plenary session today on the occasion of the death of political prisoner Orlando Zapata after a voluntary 85-day fast to demand to be treated as a "prisoner of conscience" status that Amnesty International recognized him. The Basque Parliament this death lamented and expressed its solidarity and "deepest sympathy" to the family and friends of Zapata. "In line with its continuing condemnation of the lack of political freedoms loews philadelphia and human rights violations loews philadelphia anywhere loews philadelphia in the world," the Basque Parliament considered loews philadelphia that this "unfortunate outcome is a result of non compliance policy with Human Rights Cuban government. " It expressed loews philadelphia "deep concern loews philadelphia at the lack of political freedoms and the repression of political loews philadelphia dissidents in Cuba", and advocated for recognition "of political pluralism in this country." After expressing "solidarity with the peaceful democratic opposition loews philadelphia in Cuba," the Basque Parliament reminded the Cuban Government to respect human rights and democratic freedoms "are an essential part of the progress of peoples." The Basque Parliament urges Cuba to release all prisoners of conscience. (26 February 2010)
Fidel is a talented, loews philadelphia egotistical guy who hates the Cuban people loews philadelphia - Fidel is a talented, egotistical guy who hates the Cuban people / Augusto Cesar San Martin Posted on March 30, 2014 Havana, Cuba - Hubert Matos is a symb ...
Kidnapped and brought to the U.S. Cuban planes not fly again - Posted on Monday, 03.31.14 Cuban Aircraft kidnapped and brought back to the U.S. no fly CHRISTINE CABINET / AP Key West - On face value, loews philadelphia ...
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