Saturday, February 21, 2015

Skopje still breathe

Skopje still breathe "to the gills" and hope the wind and rain, since due to the irresponsible behavior of city authorities this is so far the only lifeline, said Peter Arsovski, a member of the Council of the City of Skopje. "As long as the Mayor and the ruling majority perx led by VMRO DPMNE Skopje understand that there is a problem with the air and that they are obliged to take all necessary measures pursuant to the quality of ambient air and mandatory action plans for air quality, the Mayor proposes concrete measure - the citizens to share free masks, "said Arsovski. "After the tour announced for Trajanovski yet to find out who actually pollute our air, fear that it may take some time. Therefore we remind Kotze Trajanovski and political option that belongs that they directly participated in the increase in the level of air pollution, "says Arsovski. SDSM has said the project "Skopje 2014" as one of the causes of air pollution in ...
-Neodamna Alert about dangerous air pollution in the city of Skopje and asked to promptly take appropriate measures. perx VMRO DPMNE agreed perx to debate this issue, and Mayor Kotze Trajanovski ironically replied that SDSM "discovered America," emphasized Peter Arsovski, a member of the Council of the City of Skopje. But in the meantime, Skopje became inglorious record - the most polluted city in the world! Skopje still breathe "to the gills" and hope the wind and rain, since due to the irresponsible perx behavior of city authorities this is so far the only salvation. After the tour announced for Trajanovski yet to find out who actually pollute our air, fear that it may take some time. Therefore we remind Kotze Trajanovski and political option that belongs that they directly participated in the increase in the level of air pollution. Let's start with their "renaissance" projects, including "Skopje 2014" - its implementation, non-methodical and contrary to all urban principles and rules, resulting in the pits ...
Today Peter Arsovski SDSM had a press conference talked about the current problems of pollution and Skopje slammed Mayor Kotze Trajanovski perx because it did not use appropriate measures and absence of a debate by VMRO DPMNE. In the context of the statement follows integral Peter Arsovski. Recently alert about dangerous air pollution in the city of Skopje and asked to promptly take appropriate measures. VMRO DPMNE agreed to debate this issue, and Mayor Kotze Trajanovski ironically replied that SDSM "discovered America"! But in the meantime, Skopje perx became inglorious record - the most polluted city in the world! Skopje perx still breathe "to the gills" and hope the wind and rain, since due to the irresponsible behavior of city authorities this is so far the only salvation. After the tour announced for Trajanovski yet to find out who actually pollute our air, fear that it may take some time. Therefore we remind Kotze Trajanovski and political option ...
Skopje air again raised the legs opposition SDSM. -Neodamna Alert about dangerous air pollution in the city of Skopje and asked to promptly take appropriate measures. VMRO DPMNE agreed to debate this issue, and Mayor Kotze Trajanovski ironically replied perx that SDSM "discovered America," emphasized Peter Arsovski, a member of the Council of the City of Skopje. But in the meantime, Skopje became inglorious record - the most polluted city in the world! Skopje still breathe "to the gills" and hope the wind and rain, since due to the irresponsible behavior of city authorities this is so far the only salvation. After the tour announced for Trajanovski yet to find out who actually pollute our air, fear that it may take some time. Therefore we remind Kotze Trajanovski and political option that belongs that they directly participated in the increase in the level of air pollution. Let's start with their "renaissance" projects, including "Skopje 2014" perx - its implementation, non-methodical and otherwise ...
"Recently alert about dangerous perx air pollution in the city of Skopje and asked to promptly perx take appropriate measures. VMRO-DPMNE agreed perx to debate this issue, and Mayor Kotze Trajanovski ironically replied that SDSM "discovered America", and meanwhile, Skopje became inglorious record, the most polluted perx city in the world. " This at a press conference said Peter Arsovski Advisor in Skopje by the opposition SDSM. He said Kotze Trajanovski and political option that belongs directly participated in the increase in the level of air pollution. - Its implementation, non-methodical and contrary to all urban principles and rules, resulting in pits, huge dust and cutting alleys. Parks because megalomaniac monuments are hoeing and green overnight turn into construction stamps for alleged storey garages and administrative hd

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