Sunday, December 1, 2013

3 Now we have a series of interesting videos of films that are suspiciously a lot of things in comm

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Add new information | Thanks | Mobile | iPhone | Contact us | Add to favorites | RSS | Promote Us Big Ben (Elizabeth Tower) may not survive 2012 -
This article is published 10 references to a potential threat to the tower previously known as Big Ben, along with political analysis of why this landmark of London also a risk. At the outset, northwest passage I note that the article may not correctly understand people who do not see deep into the global-political life, in other words, behind the scenes. Readers who know that a group of people playing northwest passage a game called northwest passage "Control" and one of the rules of the game is that the public must advance through the hidden symbols communicate what they plan, wish you a pleasant reading. northwest passage
1 Us to clarify some inaccuracies, it should be mentioned that the tower, which cleaveth name Big Ben actually called Westminster Tower, and it is the bell inside of it that has the name Big Ben. That's up but does not play such a role, since only a few days ago, the tower was renamed the Elizabeth Tower, in honor of the 60th anniversary of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Probably northwest passage like this, at first glance not so important relationship fled, so that the entire article can be read here:
What is important in this case to the public perception. In England a queen particular honor, although it has only a formal northwest passage status and also the army is obliged to protect it in case of a possible attack by all available means. Changing the name of the tower on the Elizabeth Tower, therefore, plays a major symbolic role and is not as irrelevant as it might seem at first glance.
2 Group of people, which I wrote above, we call it whatever they may be, has its own card game whose origins date back to 1981 and was finalized in 1995. Is the name of the Illuminati northwest passage card game and yet reliably predicted several major events, of which the most noteworthy example 11 September
Similarly, there are a whole number of cards that could be attributed to events that occurred in the world, or taking place. Among them is a card that shows the Big Ben falling, respectively, have Elizabeth Tower and the crowd of panicking people.

When we look closer at the picture are two symbols that tell us a little more. Note the color of clothing in which they are dressed people in the foreground. I do not know you, but I recall something.
The other thing that is worth noting is the time that Elizabeth Tower shows. After turning the tower in a graphics northwest passage program so I better be looked at the clock, I take the time 11:12. Well, guess what the time of year, the winter solstice northwest passage occurs? Shot! The winter solstice takes place exactly 21 December 2012 at 11:12 UTC (which is also the time to be used in London.) In my view, therefore, the time on the tower clearly shows just for 2012.
3 Now we have a series of interesting videos of films that are suspiciously a lot of things in common and also interesting links in the background of the producing companies.
I chose as the first scene of the movie called V for Vendetta. The film premiered in 2005, has since been screened in many theaters and homes around the world. Already in the very title badať same symbolism, since V is the Roman

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