Monday, December 2, 2013

Rose, what happened to you? We searched everywhere they could. cruse We know that you last saw over

The most current news based on books! Where to go first? Browse the report reviews cruse the short sample, or jump straight to the books that I recommend. Or something for longer? A series of articles about YA, genre and subgenre, my views on writers, book world, blogging, interviews and actually everything cruse that happens.
I do not believe that the war has been going on for five years. Five years that was my biggest worry school, new clothes and American boys. I Nepriletela only to England, but a whole new world. People here in Europe are different. Worn out, destroyed, tired. cruse I do not understand this world.
Rose, what happened to you? We searched everywhere they could. cruse We know that you last saw over France, cruse but then? Where'd you go? You still alive at all? We leave this notebook with the U.S. Embassy hoping that it one day you come to pick itself. All of you think.
They did not believe me, it's me. They did not believe me when under the name Rose signed up this fragile, emaciated frame with circles and barely holding on his feet. But not me. And I survived Ravensbrück concentration camp.
I survived all the evil and horrible. Hunger, penalties, nonsensical system, cruel Guards. And you know what is the worst? That I knew about it. I knew about women who have given the world to know what is happening in Ravensbrück - a doctor who "for the good of science" simulate gunshot wounds on innocent women and tested what happens to the body without the aid. And I nodded over his head, another anti-German propaganda. cruse I did not believe it. And she is true.
But I was there and everything I had. Crippled woman called Rabbit. Fear of life - either their own or one of my "rabbit" girlfriends Rózy. I watched as Barak build a gas chamber and then every week will send random transport, which runs for hours round and round about the camp to finally stood on the same spot and herded hundreds of women to death.
And you know what saved my life? Poetry. Poetry and my beloved girlfriend. Elodie, who always knew how to pass the Germans through reason. Irina, cruse who has never forgotten dream of flying. Lisette, who has held out each time was the worst. Karolina, who so craved by sea. And my Rose, Rózyczka ...
Maddie read my diary all night. She could not tear his eyes away from him. If you accidentally stopped, had to return it immediately. There is a story about a concentration camp, it's a story about me and my girlfriend. Not veľkopelý nor epic, I'm not a hero, and it never will. Heroine who would ultimately own mistake ended up in German captivity? And yet, even if it was a book, I would not disclose at the outset that still survive. I would not write to her own account, dreams of future poems.
My story is one big surprise that you notice after you finish reading overlap. Like the story of Maddie and her Scottish friend, and mine will at some point something so often seen. Both our stories cruse are made up of two parts - the end of the first you think it's the end, but it's continued and suddenly you look at everything cruse else, deeper, cleaner. cruse And if you have heard the story about Maddie cruse ... Top it will break my heart. Perhaps it is a bit boring and tedious, but when you get to the conclusion you understand that he had his place. Without it, you would not see how much I've changed.
I'm guessing you have not read many such stories. Story with absolutely no men, no heroism, no plot. Only on weekdays and friendship. And yet I think that I succeeded. I was able to describe what I felt. I was able to bring my girlfriend back to life. I have managed cruse to describe the few weeks that I spent in Ravensbrück, although I know that others would have done better, more believable. I do not know who exactly do I recommend, because cruse even though I have only 19, I feel much older, but doing so does not matter much.
This entry was posted on Thursday, June 20, 2013 and is filed under I recommend Review. You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments cruse (Atom). 5 comments
Huh. Now I do not know if this is a summary of the entire book (and therefore full of spoilers) or just home :) Or something else entirely. cruse Anyway, I really like it! Therefore, I would like to advise you - read this or Code Name Verity?
No, it's just home :) I purposely chose only those rabbits (which cruse hears heroine from the outset and wondering how far can the anti-propaganda go) and one pair of rows scene to monitor the transports and is somewhere in the 60 %, but has no impact. Heroine is simply cruse just watch and notes, and I liked the idea, if it can use the word "liked." There's so much more. Heroine cruse of a major re-writes, so if you do not count just transported by the scene, cruse so I went estimates after page 60 (of 350) because there until it starts talking about the camp, which actually promised the book from the beginning. That part of the girlfriends I actually stole straight from the text, so n

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