Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Matthew Hopkins was born the son of a puritanical pastor in Suffolk, pand James Hopkins. He worked

Even science pand will come into their own. Nata Sabová WARNING! This blog is definitely not suitable for children! Given that history, on topics about which I write, often also contains descriptions are brutal nature of his reading I recommend to people older than 15 years (or even 18).
Inquisitors, witch hunters, witch persecutors ... for these denominations are hiding men who are responsible for many accusations of witchcraft, which led to the trial, torture and innumerable cases, the sentencing to death by hanging or burning mostly innocent victims.
I guess every country is at least one that was more special pand than the others (unfortunately, in the negative sense). For all mention of Matthew Hopkins, the head hunter of witches in England, which in the film Witchfinger General in 1968 portrayed Vincent Price.
Matthew Hopkins was born the son of a puritanical pastor in Suffolk, pand James Hopkins. He worked as a lawyer in Ipswich and Manningtree in Essex. In 1647 he published his book in London Revealed witchcraft.
Matthew Hopkins hunter started his career in 1644 during his stay in Manningtree, which found that about seven or eight people out of the city and other people from other surrounding towns organized near his house secret meetings to make sacrifices to the devil. One of those who heard speak to your elves and encourage them to go to another witch who then immediately seized on it.
Hopkins was the first victim of single-witch Elizabeth Clark, whose mother had long since hanged as a witch. Elizabeth closed to jail, strip naked and found that it has three nipples, which chaste women do not. Illegal she was tortured by her three days denying food and sleep. On the fourth pand night confessed being a witch, and that (according to the minutes M.Hopkinsa) physically lay with the Devil six or seven years, and it appeared her three-four times a week and líhal in bed with her and slept together half the night, take the form gentleman with embroidered ribbon and was high as an ordinary man. And he said to her: "Bessie, you have to lie." Never has rejected it.
Elizabeth allegedly had five goblins - white kitten Holt, polecat newest, black rabbit Sack-and-Sugar, cocker Narmada and leggy greyhound with a head like an ox, wide eyes and a long tail Vinegar Tom. Eight people swore they saw.
Elizabeth Chudy mistreating reported a further 5 women who are admitted to the fellowship of elves and servants pand of the devil, who is called Elemanzer, Pyewacket (Stray friend), Peck in the Crown (cubes in the crown) and Grizz Greedigut (whiny glutton). Overall, getting involved 32 people.
After this process, Hopkins declared himself the head witch hunter pand with a mandate from Parliament to deprive the country of witches. To handle the brunt of growing applications gained to himself helpers: John Stearn, who was known pricking awl into the body of Mary "Good" Philips, which specialized in the detection of Devil's marks, Parsleya Edward and Frances Mills. For cleaning the city from witches charged up to 25 pounds (for comparison, the average monthly wage was then only 6 pence). Thus, together earned almost 1000.
Hopkinson victims pand were most vulnerable members of society; indigent, aged and infirm people who were unpopular and which others complained. Frequent were mainly old women who had pets. But it was also a priest who was very popular and so the villagers against the accusation of witchcraft and subsequently hanged protested. Helped you so. Čertovým list that supposedly contained the names of all the witches in the country.
To conceal physical evidence pand of illegal torture methods used, which to leave obvious traces. Humiliate the victim stripped naked and torture of hunger and lack of sleep, which was a very powerful method of torture. He tied the victim with his legs crossed on a desk or table and let them alone and 24 hours, which caused great pain to the victims. Or forcing the victim to walk naked and barefoot over the cold pavement. When collapsed, began questioning, while for the award was a slight nod of the head or zachrčanie. Another method was pricking the body with a view to finding Devil's marks. Hopkins helpers to use sharp pins, nails and spikes. He used a knife with a sliding blade to be sure that the sign will not bleed after pricks.
The most frequent pand confessions, which Hopkins has forced their victims were: signing a contract with the devil, hex humans or animals resulting in death, calling the disease, mayhem and fun with ghosts or goblins pand who usually acted as pets.
One of the most popular methods of proving witchcraft was a "test the water" - the victim tied so that they crossed hands strapped on toes, thrown into the water. If you set sail, they were guilty if nevyplávali were innocent. pand "Guilty" proceeded apparently because

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