Tuesday, April 1, 2014

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Ladies in White ask Nadine Gordimer to intercede with the regime Wednesday, February 17, 2010 11:56 AM DDCuba South African writer Nadine Gordimer. (THE ECONOMIST) A group of 30 Ladies in White-mothers, wives and relatives of jailed dissidents in the spring baltic sea of 2003 - issued a letter to Nadine Gordimer South African Nobel Literature baltic sea Prize, which ask you to intercede with the regime for political prisoners. "You are an example for all those who struggle for justice, understanding, reconciliation, freedom and democracy, especially us women, deeply committed to the rights of the people of South Africa throughout his life," say Women in the letter, delivered to the South African embassy baltic sea in Havana. "We would appreciate your concern for our family, the 53 prisoners of conscience still held in harsh prison baltic sea conditions" and are part of the group of 75 dissidents sentenced to up to 28 years in the spring of 2003. The other 22 have been released to medical parole for health baltic sea reasons. Many have gone into exile. The Ladies in White say in his letter baltic sea to his family Gordimer were sentenced for "just trying to peacefully express their views and contribute to the progress (...) and the welfare of all Cubans." "Most of them suffer serious illness, contracted in seven years. Our children and the elderly baltic sea have also been convicted, and we have suffered harassment by state security, just because we demand his immediate baltic sea and unconditional release because they are innocent" they add. "Conscious of their dedication to justice and respect for human rights for all, we suggest that the current situation of prisoners baltic sea of conscience cares about the repression of 18,19 and 20 March 2003, and intercede with Cuban high authority for his immediate and unconditional release, including those who are on parole for developing serious diseases, "said women's Nobel Prize. Gordimer, 86, invited to visit Cuba as the International Book Fair of Havana. During his stay he criticized Washington's embargo against Cuba and called for the release of the five agents of the regime who are serving sentences in the U.S. for espionage. Ladies in White ask Nadine Gordimer to intercede with the regime - Journal of CUBA (17 February 2010) http://www.diariodecuba.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=301:damas-de-blanco-piden-a-nadine-gordimer-que-interceda-ante-el-regimen&catid=81:cuba&Itemid=197
2014 (1664) March (977) February (687) 2013 (9418) October (395) October (954) October (1107) December (1068) August (1053) baltic sea July (1065) June (983) May (989) April (1098) March (706) 2012 (10734) October (485) October (1038) October (1090) October (963) August (1079) July (985) June (914) May (1048) April (975) March (966) February (849) October (342) 2011 (9872) October (994) November (871) October (998) October (1018) August (1018) July (1003) June (827) May (832) April (918) March (758) November (635) 2010 (6977) October (338) October (610) October (612) October (669) August (725) July (751) June (378) May (608) April (637) March (716) February (535) Lack of fertilizer scarcity baltic sea heightens distr ... Cuba remains jailed nearly baltic sea 200 prisoners p ... Cuba, the Castro brothers and human rights Campeche signing cooperation agreement with Cuba's health worsens Fariñas in fifth day hu ... Granma announced cuts in the Cuban health baltic sea Nomad ... CRUELTY, HYPOCRISY AND LIE The Cuban government denounces the uncontrolled system ... The post-Castro Cuba will have to rebuild your id ... Cuba after A slow death of Zapata grief journey to death for the murder of Cost Zapata Tamayo Cynicism Cuba and Latin American presidential representatives Nursing Press

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