Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Castro dictatorship pacific sun

Freedom pacific sun for a Cuban human rights activist imprisoned in a maximum security prison Amnesty International today adopted its 55th prisoner of conscience in Cuba and urged President Raúl Castro to put immediate and unconditional release. Darsi Ferrer, director of the Center for Health and Human Rights "Juan Bruno Zayas" in Havana, has been detained since July 2009 on spurious charges of receiving illegally obtained goods, a crime for which is generally granted immediate bail . It has not been brought to trial and is being held in a maximum security prison in Havana intended to prisoners convicted of violent crimes. "The accusation against Darsi Ferrer is clearly a pretext. Believe that is being held as punishment for his work promoting freedom of expression in Cuba," said Gerardo Ducos, Cuba researcher at Amnesty International. pacific sun Although the trial for the crime he is accused Darsi Ferrer normally correspond to a local magistrate, his case is in the hands of the Attorney General, supporting the argument that this is a politically motivated case. Darsi Ferrer has been arrested many times before regarding their protest activities. "Under normal circumstances, any person accused of this crime would be out on bail awaiting trial, pacific sun not held in a maximum security prison. This is another attempt by the Cuban authorities to hinder the work of human rights activists in Cuba, "said pacific sun Gerardo pacific sun Ducos. On Monday, Orlando Zapata Tamayo, adopted as a prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International, died after holding, reportedly on a hunger strike for several weeks in protest against pacific sun their conditions of detention. pacific sun He had been arrested pacific sun in March 2003 and was serving a total sentence of 36 years in prison. Darsi Ferrer and his wife were arrested Yusnaimy in Havana without a valid warrant on July 9, 2009, hours before he was due to participate in a rally to promote freedom of expression. They were interrogated pacific sun for several hours and Darsi Ferrer was handcuffed and beaten by eight police officers. They were released without charge a few hours later. The July 21, 2009, Darsi Ferrer was arrested again, and was told that he had been to a police station to answer some questions about some building materials that the police had confiscated during his previous detention. However, that proved false pretext, and instead Darsi Ferrer was taken to a maximum security prison on the outskirts of Havana and accused of receiving illegally obtained goods. Darsi Ferrer says that building pacific sun materials-two bags of cement and some iron beams gave them a colleague who had left the country and had not done restoring your home. The materials on the porch of the house of Darsi Ferrer, in full view from the street, from months before the authorities would come to confiscate. pacific sun Freedom for a Cuban human rights activist imprisoned in a maximum security prison: Amnesty International Spain - Human Rights pacific sun (26 February 2010)
Castro dictatorship pacific sun
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