Monday, October 6, 2014

... And then disappeared into the sea Then a break from diving stories. Here

Jess, as was the island of Koh Tao you will have the pleasure to hear about. We went here because the island is very famous for its numerous and cheap dive schools and great dive sites. After some tips and advice passenger from acquaintances and various internet reviews final choice passenger of "Big Blue diving resort". We were picked up at the pier and driven to the resort. Where we came forward quickly on "Open passenger water course" and started teaching the same evening. Big blue recommended us to take SSI instead of PADI and we therefore made it. We were put in a group with a couple from Germany passenger and got Dave, a fun lump of England, as an instructor. The next day was spent in the pool where we rehearsed us on various tricks and skills on two meters. We practiced among other to get on and off the mask and all other equipment. Helle who initially was not that interested in diving was not very excited passenger for this day but it turned quickly the next day. In the evening we had to do homework passenger and study for exams. 13 March we had eczema in the morning. This consisted we shine both, and was therefore ready for everything the sea has to offer up to 18 meters deep. After a quick lunch bar out on the boat with 50 other rivers and instructors. Here we went down to 10 meters passenger for 50 min and then coral and lots of colorful passenger fish. Helle had a minor injury on the leg of moped-pang-start on Koh Samui, which she was very aware of when she came downstairs and discovered a bunch of "cleaner fish" as Jarven away at the scab. And cool it was. Dive no.2 this day was made at White Rock and here we should practice the tricks we had learned in the pool the day before. . On March 14, we had two dives again to get the "open water" certificate. We went out to Chumpaon pinnacle where we should just enjoy ourselves looking at the strange things that live in the ocean. We had with us a cameraman that day, Chris who filmed us both on land and at sea. The highlight of this entire dive was the whale shark who decided to impress us with its 4 meter long body - not just once, but TWO! It got batfish, scorpion fish and barracudas seem like child's play (or Haimat! Haha) relative. We were very lucky to experience this, as it is a rare sight. One of the instructors at Big Blue has made over 2000 and have not yet seen one. So we may well say that this Helles karma has been reversed. Imagine that something so big suddenly hovering over their heads, they are devastated. We forgot to breathe! The pictures are from google, but the film from the dive we will try to get out eventually. Before we went into the sea, we had to perform a ritual. This should certainly enough help that you get to see the whale shark. passenger We thought Dave was joking with us, but all the other instructors could confirm that this was true. We had in fact gnu us on nipples ... it obviously worked! After such an ending to the "open water" course was set for a party. All the GUPP met to lagers and watch movies. We had originally decided to travel on the day after, but after one (or two) (red.Helle - OR THREE !!) pinacolada we decided to stay a few days to as "advanced adventurere course". Dave, our instructor will take much of the credit for that, we decided to continue his sound effects and miming to marine wildlife has led us to barge into laughter both in water and on land. In addition, he was an expert at making us feel safe under water.
Final OK! Boast Poster outside the Big Blue where they document passenger when the last time a whale shark was observed. It was really opinion we should start advance the course of the day there (with a night dive), but due to a lot of customers at Big Blue was postponed to the next day. And a bit relieved passenger we were when we heard this for headaches and various other ailments after yesterday's festivities hung heavy over us throughout the afternoon. passenger So we let either on the beach and enjoyed the sunset. Sunset therapy for hangover Northerners Free WiFi is also positive on such days
... And then disappeared into the sea Then a break from diving stories. Here's a horror story. There once was a girl named Fanny. She lived in a damp and smelly hotel room at Big Blue Diver Center. For a change she and her friend Helle received their single bed and relax now worry about pushing and fighting over space in the otherwise very narrow double beds. They had rigged passenger up every mosquito ensure their tents and got ready for celebration and fun. Before they were to go out thought Fanny
"Now I'll be lurking, I have actually heard that someone might get stolen possessions when they are not present in his room." She therefore decided passenger to hide all their gold coins under the mattress. As she moved on the bed she burst into full panic, screaming to scream as it echoed in the mountains. Helle jumped up and shouted, "What's going on in our humble abode ??" Fanny could not but say "COME here is insane !! I almost pee in the box it's so scary. I just want to cry, it's the worst I have something

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