Wednesday, October 8, 2014

- When thoughts go back home. I am looking forward intensely to take the kids, not to mention to go

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The North Sea Einar Flaa working at 169 meters deep at the bottom of the North Sea. To survive the pressure, he must be confined in a pressure chamber for three weeks in a row.
Decompression chamber aboard the world's largest diving vessel Skandi Arctic is the workplace, the home, and at the same time a kind of prison for North Sea diver Einar Flaa the next three weeks.
The first two weeks is spent working on the seabed, connecting gas pipeline from Troll 169 meters outside Kollsnes. But because of the enormous pressure change in his body, it takes a whole week with gradual decompression chamber before he is able to withstand the normal air pressure here on land.
The divers are working peniche in teams of three men in the diving bell. Two of them work on the outside. In the video link from the ROV in the water around the divers we can see how they go halfway, halfway swimming around at the bottom.
Every man has his umbilical cord over to the diving bell which besides breathing gas also provides for communication with the surface. Almost as important is the hot water supply to the suit. Heliox gas makes you freeze a lot easier, as the water ensures comfortable spatemperatur inside peniche the suit.
Big brother job consists of welding firm a third pipeline from the gas field in the coupling spigot outside Statoil plant at Kollsnes. Here the gas to a value of 230 million a day landed when the faucet is opened.
A total of 24 divers, two of them Norwegian, rest Britons and a Swede is also the so-called saturation diving vessel. Einar Flaa has just completed its second session on the seabed.
Previously shared twice as many in the same space. Privacy is rather poor. Every corner of the chamber are video monitored for safety reasons, to divers.
Big Brother life is complete with camera peniche even on the toilet. On display in the control room, the picture is white. One of the boys' privileges are to be allowed to hang up a sheet of toilet paper in front of the lens to defecate peniche without transparency.
When the pressure inside the chamber is 16 times as high as on the outside, the normal air heavy syrup to breathe. Moreover, the nitrogen-toxic, so it is replaced with helium that distort the voice. The deeper one should dive, the brighter it gets.
- You get used gradually to understand what is being said, even when the British speak with a thick Scottish accent, tells Flaa. For me to understand what he says, we talk through a scrambler that makes his voice darker.
- The prison I have never tried, so I do not know, answer Sunndalsøringen instantly. But he adds that when you are mentally prepared for the task ahead, it runs fine. He admits that there is a difference in the three weeks.
- When thoughts go back home. I am looking forward intensely to take the kids, not to mention to go deer hunting in the fall mountain. You can say that the contrast of sitting here makes me appreciate life at home more often than otherwise, says Einar Flaa.
The three new diving vessels in the North Sea have made life easier for divers. But still reminds existence of life on a space station, completely physically cut off from life on land. Unlike astronauts can not saturation divers return on short notice.
It assumes that 55 divers died during missions in the North Sea from 1967 to 1990, 17 occurred in the Norwegian sector, and five of the victims were Norwegians. Since then there have been at least four deaths. peniche
This last happened in the UK sector in April. According to the North Sea Divers Alliance has an additional 16 Norwegian divers committed peniche or go glo

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