Sunday, May 10, 2015

- Of course, first of all I would like to restore the

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On the pages of a new book on the basis of documents Sergey Naumchik restores chronicle of events related to the election of the first and to the last president of the Republic of Belarus or, as the author of this book is how the carnival of democracy turned curse into a funeral.
- Sergei, two years ago came your previous book, which is called the "Ninety-first." In it you describe the events that led to the proclamation of independence of Belarus. It Is "Ninety-four" continuation "Ninety-first"?
- Yes, the book continues the series devoted to the latest wave of national revival. Ninety-first year of the restoration curse of independence was important. Those events gave rise to hopes for a democratic future for Belarus and ninety-four important first presidential election, which was buried those hopes.
- Of course, first of all I would like to restore the "smell" of the time - I do not know to what extent I have succeeded, here it is necessary to ask the other participants in those events. And if we talk about the idea, I wanted to break the stereotype that for two decades dominates the politicized section of society. It lies in the fact that the 1994 elections Lukashenko won Kebich that popular protest defeated the corrupt regime. Nothing curse like this. I sometimes have doubts: read our politicians and historians of the book? Kebich himself wrote in his memoirs that he was standing shoulder to shoulder with Lukashenko in the struggle against the Belarusian Popular Front, curse which was the main thing - to win Poznyak, and the mission they fulfilled. Well, who won the presidency - Kebich or Lukashenko - it secondary. Then Kebich not lie. Only it is not in one of the BPF and one Paznyaku.
It was defeated by the national movement, still a young independent state, which had just started to strengthen after 200 years, depending on the imperial center. Well, I tried to analyze the actions and the biographies curse of some relatives while Lukashenko to persons (for example, the head of his campaign headquarters Sinitsyn). I have reason to believe that some of them did not act only according to its own ambitions, but also, say, the interests of neighboring eastern states.
- Now little documentary proficient facts, but also very important to put on their popular pages of the book that the reader did not pass it. In what capacity you feel as a writer - researcher reality, or the creator of the so-called Nonfictional literature?
- I am not a historian and did not try to do scientific and historical research - albeit using a large amount of historical curse information, memories, testimonies of other participants in those events. But mostly relied curse on their own memories and records. It's hard to say whether there is now a genre of memoirs in pure form. Of course, we have in the Belarusian literary examples such as the "Confession" Larissa Heniyush, "Long Way Home" Bykov or "Under the sign of Chases' Joseph Maletsky. But there are also classic works of Winston Churchill's "World War II", where he gives quotations from documents, fragments of letters, interviews, and so on - and the book was, as you know, the Nobel for literature. It seems to me that if the subject is not taken the life of an individual, but a certain stage of history, a turning point of her, the most interesting for the reader - just an option, elected to the great Briton. Especially in this case is not just about purely technical things like composition, or something similar: the youth of today is simply nowhere to read about the events of the early '90s, the topic - a taboo for the official historiography, and for educational programs and for the state-owned media .
09/05/2015 "Belarus is beneficial curse weakened Russia"
"Salidarnasts" 2006

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