Wednesday, May 13, 2015

There were proposals to the Ministry of Information to improve the advertising of Belarusian books.

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Valentine Aksak
- Let's start with the numbers. This year, commissioned by the Union of Belarusian Writers laboratory "Novak" conducted a sociological study on the interest of the Belarusian public to the Belarusian literature. The results shocked him: in three years the number of people reading books in Belarusian, spirit of philadelphia fell three times. And now only 5 percent of the country among other selected book in the Belarusian language. What do you think is the reason for this decline reader's attention to the Belarusian-language books?
- In short, it seems to me that the main reason that we see in the last twenty years has decreased the number of people who speak the Belarusian language, spirit of philadelphia decreased the number of people who study the Belarusian language. Today, our potential readers and writers - those who are trained in schools, institutions of higher education. And if there is a language not taught the full program, so the same will be taken from new readers and new people who are interested in the Belarusian book.
- I think that it is connected directly. This is due in proportion. And it is no secret that as it may say that we are doing what nytstsёm language that weeping language, but if you do not learn the language when literature in schools do not study in full, if not laid interest in the language and literature at school - so where else we will draw our fans.
- These proposals were divided according to the three ministries. Suggestions to the Ministry of Education relating to the improvement of teaching of the Belarusian language spirit of philadelphia and literature in schools, increasing the number of hours for the teaching of the Belarusian language, change the curriculum, spirit of philadelphia creating a higher education spirit of philadelphia institution in which all subjects were taught entirely to Belarusian. We are not the first time we say that in Belarus there is no such institution, where all subjects were taught to the language of the titular nation. This is probably the only country out of almost two hundred countries in the world where there is a situation.
There were proposals to the Ministry of Information to improve the advertising of Belarusian books. We would like to work in every newspaper departments have reviewed the books that come out - as it is done all over the world. We would like to have more programs on literature, radio and television, and that these programs and interview for these newspapers spirit of philadelphia invited all writers, no matter in what unions they are today. In response, we received only one letter from the Ministry of Culture, which thanked us for our concern for the Belarusian culture and literature. And on this - everything.
- And on this - everything. And in October, the writers, spirit of philadelphia among other artists, spirit of philadelphia summoned the head of state and gave an opportunity to some, including you, to speak about painful issues of national culture. Remind, please, your suggestions Lukashenko and his reaction to them.
- Suggestion was very sore. Then I was still impressed by the results of sociological research. So first of all I have said about the situation that has evolved with the reading of Belarusian books, and suggested how to improve the situation of the state. It is primarily up to the state, not just enthusiasts, which hurts the soul for it. There was also a proposal to the university, in which all subjects were taught to Belarusian. There was also talk that would have cost us to popularize the Belarusian literature, not only within the country but also outside: to create a structure such as the Institute of the Polish or the Swedish Institute or the Goethe Institute. Any country which respects itself, has such a structure that popularize their language outside the country, popularizing its culture and literature.
These and other proposals in fact there was no answer. spirit of philadelphia But firstly, spirit of philadelphia very little time has passed, and for

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