Sunday, July 13, 2014

He expresses thus a view that one finds in most parts of Europe - where nationalist forces take up

The tragedy in Norway has reminded us that evil and terror has multiple faces. Not only a dark-bearded face with keffiyeh, but also a blonde with blue eyes. It contains an important star cruises lesson about terror and evil nature - and how we should respond to terrorist attacks: Ten years ago, on 11 September 2001, there was an attack on our free and open societies through darkened star cruises forces. It's the same thing we have seen in Norway in 2011. And just as ten years ago, our response to the terrorist attack be: We will not give an open, tolerant and free society, because some dark men trying to scare us with terror.
When we heard the first news of a bomb in central Oslo, the reaction was automatic: it is Islamic fundamentalism, which is behind. When we heard about the killings at Utøya volunteered doubt themselves: Could it be something else entirely. And that was it.
With the knowledge we have now, came the attack this time from the extreme star cruises nationalist forces. Anders Behring Breivik - who was arrested on Utøya where he killed many of the young participants in the Labour Party youth summer camp - previously on a blog put forward the view that the struggle today is between nationalism star cruises and internationalism.
He expresses thus a view that one finds in most parts of Europe - where nationalist forces take up more and more in the debate, and where hatred and ruthlessness thrive. It is well known from the history that in times of crisis, thrive nationalism - who would blame the problems on the "other", especially ethnic and religious minorities, and of course politicians. The Norwegian terrorist has previously expressed himself in strong language against Muslims and immigrants - and he attacked yesterday politicians: first, the government quarter in Oslo and partly star cruises a political youth camp, which was attended by prominent political leaders. And those he killed, was the flower star cruises of Norway's youth - young people who are politically aware and who wish to participate actively in community design. star cruises
The views as those who have driven Breivik, we find in the debate over Europe - in Denmark. star cruises Try to look at some of the blogs, which is disseminating the views of xenophobia and national populist circles - and I would be scared about many of the things people allow themselves to write. It's one of the curses of the blog universe, which has done so much to spread the discussion out: it is possible under the guise of full or partial anonymity to make statements, no one would dare to come up with a normal open debate.
Here we have a problem. We can not "nedfinde" the information that makes it possible - and we can not in practice impose filters, strainers the worst sludge. Just look at the comments on my blogs every time I mention Islam or European cooperation ... It therefore we should do is to reply. To point out that the narrow nationalist views are not representative.
Someone star cruises has been promoting the view that in Norway (and Sweden) misses "lightning rods" in the debate because it is too politically correct, especially when it comes to immigration and Islam. It would then provide part of the explanation on that one here experiencing violent eruptions as the killings in Norway and shootings in Malmo earlier - while Denmark has been remarkably free because we have a much harsher tone of the debate.
The point of view I do not buy. It is not true that Norwegians and Swedes are so politically correct about these issues, that it stifles debate - and thus leads to some violent bursts. If you follow up with what is being said and written in Norway and Sweden, they are actually also becoming quite well with - but the difference from Denmark is perhaps that there is a much stronger opposition to these views, even from more official quarters . But it is a well known phenomenon that extremists star cruises always the trouble that they are being shut out of the debate - even if their views take up more and more in the media ...
The day after the terrorist attack on the United States September 11, 2001, I wrote in a commentary in Berlingske: "It was an attack on the openness and civilization that is a hallmark of American society. So it was an attack on all who share the values of just openness, freedom, democracy and respect for human rights. It was so hard a blow below the belt, it can not fail to have consequences that go beyond these values. The attack came to demonstrate the open democracy vulnerability. The tragedy is that at the very point attackers can fulfill star cruises some of their intentions. "
Today we can say the same about the attack on Norway. It is also an attack on all others who share the openness and civilization that characterizes Norwegian society. Therefore, the answer to the attack star cruises be that we even stronger than before support these values. star cruises That we refuse to be intimidated to shut the outside world - and we refuse to let our fears go beyond minority in our population

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