Friday, July 25, 2014

Winner Trebišov B proceeds to the promotion round to 4.liga Zemplínsky, nwl Good Luck qualification

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Lastovce A - edge C 10:8 (Kušnír M.3, 5, Mutala K. 2,5 / 2, Rugolský I never Tomas M. 2/2, 5, Tóth s.0 / 2 - Juroš D.4, 5 / 0, Pustai A.3, 5/1, Polakova A 0/4, 5, Petrick M 0/2, 5, Pustaiová E.0 / 2)
SEČ.POLIANKA A - B 8:10 Borsa (Gut Simon and Vavrek P.po 2.5 / 2 popadak M.2 / 2.5 Kocan and P. 1/3, 5 - Gánoczy Ga 3 Sopko funded organization, 5/1, Gánoczy J.3 / 1.5 Hajdu and E. 0/4, 5)
The final table of 25 and 26 round 1 Trebišov B 26 25 0 1371: 87,101 Pribeník A 2 26 23 1 2 368 107 96 3 Wed Bodrogom n A 1 26 22 3324 136 93 4 Zatín A 26 19 2 5 310 158 85 5 Borsa B 26 13 5 8263 222 70 6 Somotor A 26 14 1 11 266 205 69 7 Hraň B 26 12 2 12 220 230 64 8 26 10 B Pribeník 3 13 197 252 59 9 Sečovská Polianka A 26 10 2 14 240 218 58 10 Vojčice D 26 9 2 15 214 254 55 11 Vojčice C 26 6 4 16 216 252 48 12 edge C 26 2 2 22 93: 373 34 13 Čeľovce A 26 2 1 23 75 403 33 14 Lastovce A 26 1 1 24 90 378 30
Winner Trebišov B proceeds to the promotion round to 4.liga Zemplínsky, nwl Good Luck qualifications.
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