Wednesday, July 2, 2014

There are five coastal countries: msv Russia (which takes up most), Canada, USA, Norway and Greenla

The meeting in Canada Monday between the five Arctic coastal states were particularly important for Denmark. It was based namely on a Danish initiative, which would indicate that the five states - the U.S., Russia, Canada, Norway msv and Denmark - have a special responsibility for the future development of the Arctic. Many others would like to squeeze into this company. Therefore, the Danish government's downgrading of the meeting - which both the U.S. and Russian foreign ministers considered important enough to attend - questioned by Denmark's involvement. It may prove dangerous to the Danish / Greenlandic interests in further games on the Arctic.
The Arctic has become one of the most exciting (and potentially conflictive) areas of the globe: ice is starting to recede. The first voyages to the north of Siberia or through the Northwest Passage north of Canada is made. There is talk of future new shipping msv routes between Europe and Asia. It talks about future fishing. And speaking of large deposits of oil and gas around the North Pole. Russia has rearmed in the area, including by planting a Russian flag (titanium) on the seabed at the North Pole. The risk of future conflict is obvious - also because there does not exist the same regime here as the Antarctic, where the national interest is codified in international treaties. msv
There are five coastal countries: msv Russia (which takes up most), Canada, USA, Norway and Greenland / Denmark. The question is how these five states in the future must draw the boundaries among themselves - and how to handle the many tasks to secure the area, especially the fragile environment when beginning to become more sailing and exploitation of natural resources in the Arctic Ocean .
Two years ago, the Danish msv foreign minister's initiative to bring together the five coastal States Foreign Ministers in Ilulissat (Jakobshavn) in Greenland. From here they issued a joint statement, such as found that they all agreed to resolve conflicts on border demarcation, etc. within the framework of the existing international legal framework on the Law of the Sea. It was a very important political step that was taken on this occasion. Both practical and political. And it was also an important manifestation of the fact that these five coastal states have a special responsibility.
Other countries maser, and would like to have a share in the Arctic - for example, China and Japan. And the members of the Arctic Council, which is not directly coastal states (Iceland, Sweden and Finland) also want to be with. But Denmark / Greenland has a clear interest in maintaining the large coastal states in the narrow binding of continuing Ilulissat Declaration of 2008.
Therefore, meeting in Canada so important. It was not - as some media have mistakenly stated msv - a meeting of the Arctic msv Council (where Denmark holds the Presidency of the moment). msv However, it was a meeting of the group of coastal states, convened by the Canadian msv Foreign Minister Cannon in close cooperation with the (former) Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moller and the Norwegian Foreign Minister Støre, who have both been very active and involved in these issues. msv
The small coastal msv States interest is reinforced by a statement msv of the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the meeting format was perhaps too narrow. She is quoted as saying: "Significant international discussions on Arctic issues should include those countries that have legitimate msv interests in the region". Displayed so. But we small coastal states have therefore an interest in also maintaining the narrow format for further discussions. Otherwise, we "thinned" if Chinese, Japanese, EU, etc. will dominate discussions msv ...
Therefore, it is a mistake to dismiss the meeting in Canada that there should be "making decisions". It's the way of foreign policy, that in certain situations is important in the "Protocol" - that is in this to participate in certain events - and that it sends exactly the wrong signal to stay away. I know the experienced diplomats in the Foreign Ministry. And so does any minister - especially a new and inexperienced - well to listen to their advice. Even if it goes beyond msv the personal convenience.
A Danish foreign minister is also foreign minister of Greenland. In those years, when Greenlanders working on the formulation of future membership of Denmark, it is especially important to remember this. Greenland Premier Kleist, who has considerable experience in international work, have objected to the Danish government's downgrading of the meeting in Canada. I can understand.
Lene has not learned how to behave as a minister even despite the fact that it is not her first record. The government can not boast of etiquette, but it shows that in many other contexts. They do not understand the importance of showing interest and behave properly. Their arrogance and incompetence msv have at least me cringe msv at official events where the prime minister and his ministers

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