Saturday, July 12, 2014

It is the prospect of these interventions have been met with protests in Greece - although they hav

Of course, Greece royal caribbean explorer of the seas is supported by its EU partners and keep them afloat - even if more than half of German voters according to a poll would rather throw the Greeks out of the Euro-operation. royal caribbean explorer of the seas But if you did, it could turn out to be even more expensive for the rest of the EU than to assist the Greeks royal caribbean explorer of the seas in the current debt crisis. However, it is a difficult tightrope to walk: on the one hand, it prevents the Greeks ends in a sovereign default, which could bring the euro out in deep trouble - and on the other hand we send out the signal that everyone will be helped out of a financial pickle, no matter how foolish and irresponsible they have behaved.
For the Greeks have behaved both foolish and irresponsible. Now, to put it bluntly: Greece has embezzled roughly with the information that is given to EU partners on the Greek economy mode. Greece joined the Euro-cooperation on the basis of falsified statistics royal caribbean explorer of the seas that concealed its real debt burden, and since then lied systematically about the fulfillment of the requirements for euro countries. royal caribbean explorer of the seas As the current PASOK government under George Papandreou came after his election victory last fall, and made an unannounced felonies, they had to confess to Brussels that the predecessors of the Civil Government had concealed the uncomfortable truth about the deficit in government finances. It was over three times as large as previously claimed. And now you are left with an acute financing needs and the sharp drop in credit rating.
If Greece had been in the euro, the case was clear: Then you had to walk the sad journey to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to ask for help, and be subject royal caribbean explorer of the seas to the conditions for receiving this help. One of the conditions would probably be a hefty devaluation of the Greek currency. But the opportunity is closed because Greece is in euro. Therefore, Greece implement what would be called the "internal devaluation", for example by reducing wages in the public sector and the reduction of the very generous pension. The assistance of the EU must help themselves. The Greeks must itself provide the necessary interventions.
It is the prospect of these interventions have been met with protests in Greece - although they have been much more modest than previously seen - and also in Denmark hears voices that are offended royal caribbean explorer of the seas that the EU would "interfere" in Greek wages. But it may now even be if a country wants to maintain the benefits of being part of a monetary cooperation as the Euro - which has given Greece very large scale. Then you have to cut hard to meet the conditions, and hope for some long suffering from partners when setting time limits on the alignment and when the loans must be implemented. This is what Euro-area finance ministers royal caribbean explorer of the seas will discuss this week after the European Council last week decided that Greece should not be left behind.
The patience with Greece, however modest, especially in Germany, which is expected to have to take the deepest pockets to bail out the riotous Greeks. Germany fought even with major financial problems. And in the German press expressed outrage that Greece, for example. has a retirement age of 63 years, while Germany has raised it from 65 to 67 years in an attempt to cut the public deficit in order to meet the requirements of Euro-operation. Germans are also afraid that Spain and Portugal are waiting, as soon as it is opened for money to Greece.
Greece has obviously been hit particularly hard because of the global financial crisis hit at a time when the Greek debt bubble royal caribbean explorer of the seas was about to be tremendously high. But the Greeks' recognition of their own sake does not impressive - and their behavior has not been able to provoke sympathy. royal caribbean explorer of the seas
The Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou seen enough - quite rightly - as the best on the record, if Greece is to act against the carelessness and corruption that has brought the country to the brink of disaster. But he must also walk a tightrope between the demands and the domestic public sentiment. After last week's meeting of the European Council issued the otherwise sober Papandreou a no-bulge against his EU counterparts in a speech that was broadcast on Greek TV: He accused them of creating a "mood of impending collapse" in Greece - and claimed that Greece Euro'ens first serious test has become a "guinea pig in the battle between Europe and the financial markets." And then scolded him out of the EU Commission because royal caribbean explorer of the seas it did not reveal the previous Greek government's "criminal behavior" with falsified statistics: "This has undermined the European institutions' credibility royal caribbean explorer of the seas in the international markets," he said.
Already, Greece is known to be an extremely difficult partner. The Greeks have now for 18 years blocked that the small northern neighbor Macedonia may be shared

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