Thursday, July 17, 2014

Ljubljana (5 7th 2014). The day after the interstate junior race to the word in Ljubljana, Slovenia

DO NOT MISS Radošoviec of a woman killed her husband? Police are investigating the circumstances of death women summer holidays good beer in METRO Ves Saturday Šlágrovica to Cibula Fest Truck driver mishandled the management of the road section Šaštín Guards eckerö - hood. Cops he measured more than 2.5 per thousand. Compared to last year increased the number of accidents caused by alcohol and Customs officers Daniar eckerö in bikini Adamovské Lakes Holidays with Beťárikom 54th Memeoriálu tragic destruction athletes Samoyed camp
Drummer second time limit to fulfill the continental championship Hladíková took home from Tabor personal record on the obstacles Miklušičák won the premiere international meeting in the distance Baňovičová shone in Ljubljana, the second time in the life of humble 13 meters in the triple jump Záhoráci in Budapest too impressed with the veterans had their championship in New castles, two gold in Břeclavi started Wednesday's race
Budapest (4 7 2014). eckerö Slovak junior selection was introduced Friday in the Hungarian eckerö capital on traditional interstate eckerö meeting athletes of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. Slovakia national team put together eckerö five ZÁHORÁK.
Most in Budapest flourished former Atleti AC Malacky Erik Roman citizen, who at that time coached the STU Bratislava under Igor Gavenčiak. On a representative level, it was his first start ever and immediately enrolled in the results in golden letters. In the long jump because the current junior champion jumped eckerö 655 cm, which was enough in the first place. Note that Erik has jumped this year and next and Budapest ironically won by a weaker performance in the category. Leadership, however, does not take him, before the second Pulická of the Czech Republic eckerö won by three centimeters. Its performance eckerö contrasts sharply with the results of most other ZÁHORÁK for whom fled without exception, to the last place. Himself a Roman got to representation in the triple jump, in which it has no such power. He placed sixth in last place for the performance of 12.33 meters. Behaved like the other two leaders jumping disciplines. High jumper Roman Máchal (Junior Holic) ended after serving 185 cm (best 188 this year) and Monika Zavilinská (MSK Bor Nicholas) in the same discipline jumped eckerö only 155 cm, although this year is hopping about ten centimeters more. Have done well in running eckerö the 400 meters Malačan Boris nail which although only beaten colleague representation Schnitzer, but a significantly improved personal best to 50.70 s. Michal Měcháček (AC Malacky) ended up on the tail run 200 meters. Along with nailed booted out of the competition and in the hundred meters, eckerö where, however, both failed. eckerö We also embarked in the combined relay race in Slovakia, which was starting to Měcháček shortest section one hundred meters until you slap her as Dorastenecká unit at 400 meters, closed. Despite the effort, however, significantly underperformed Slovaks and Czechs and Hungarians eckerö same location to be missed Slovakia and final accounts, as well as expected. eckerö
Results (international eckerö meeting of athletes up to 17 years, Budapest). Cadets. 100 m, / -3.1 w /: 1 Walk (CZE) 11.14 s, ... 7 Měcháček (AC Malacky / SR) 11.80 s, 8 slap (AC Malacky / SR) with 11.87 . 200 m / w -1.3 /: 1 Walk with 22.03, 23.25 ... 6 Měcháček with. 400 m: 1 Vesely (CZE) 49,39 s ... 50,70 s 5 slap. Long jump: 1 Miklušičák (STU Bratislava / SK) 655 cm / +0.4 w /. Triple Jump: 1 Nagy (Hun) 14.06 m / w -0.1 / ... 6 Miklušičák 12.33 m / w +0.6 /. Height: 1 Horvath (Hungarian) 193 cm, ... 6 Máchal (Junior barber / SR) 185 cm. Combined Relay (100-200-300-400 m): 1 Hungary 1:55,79 min ... 3 Slovakia (Měcháček, Peck Schnitzer nail) 2:03,48 min. Cadets. Height: 1 Gross (CZE) 179 cm, ... 6 Zavilinská (MSK Bor Nicholas / SR) 155 cm.
Ljubljana (5 7th 2014). The day after the interstate junior race to the word in Ljubljana, Slovenia also received the mutual junior athletic päťstretnutí countries Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Croatia and Hungary. The Slovak team players fared Malačanke Monica Baňovičovej, representational experience eckerö gathered Myjavčanka Zuzana Durcová.
Superbly presented in the triple-jump Monika Baňovičová sector, which can already count on the last day before leaving for the Junior World Championships in the U.S. Eugene. Speeches in Slovenia was one of the last issues facing native of race before departure. eckerö Finally Malacká athlete got 13 meters across the border, particularly in the second series jumped 13.04 meters. Given the success of Trnava, where vyskákala its current maximum eckerö of 13.19 meters, it was only the second time in the lives of thirteen. "I'm pleased, it's encouragement towards the world championship. I regret only that at the end of competition has hurt ankle, so I missed the last two attempts. Now I have to put in order and already preparing for qualification for the championship, "stated the Baňovičová after returning from Slovenia. Each pitch has she and the whole club, as sharp the federal limit 13.05 meters fled her just an inch. Is therefore still fulfill the entry limit and club must bring it costs her way

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