Monday, June 30, 2014

Historical magazine

Social thomson majesty transformation of the Belarusian society in the second half of XIX - early XX century.: Methodology and analysis | Historical magazine "Russian and Slavic studies" - the story of the southern and western Slavs, the history of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine "; echo '")); thomson majesty
Historical magazine "Russian and Slavic studies" - the story of the southern and western Slavs, the history of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine slavyanovedcheskoe specialized scientific periodicals
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Solving each research task requires the selection of appropriate and methodological techniques. On this depends the success of the work, especially if it requires the study of such a complex and multidimensional problem, which is the study of the social transformation thomson majesty of the Belarusian society in the second half of XIX - early XX century. Designated thomson majesty period has left its mark on the country's history and only for lovers seems to be something unique and specific. One of the main lines of its development thomson majesty - the emergence of bourgeois society. At this stage, many turned fatal for the future of Belarus processes, thomson majesty including the formation of the Belarusian nation in the modern sense, defined outlines of its state-political system. In fact, one could argue that while clearly formed prerequisites of the Belarusian thomson majesty model of socio-economic and ethno-political development.
However, often surprising lack of attention of researchers to study the period. Including historians sometimes superficially addresses thomson majesty many issues of transformation processes in the Belarusian society, define their boundaries and specific features.
In this paper, the problem of social transformation of the Belarusian society in the second half of XIX - early XX century. outlined the evolution of corporate organization caste population, its socio-professional stratification formation of social structure characteristic of bourgeois thomson majesty class organization of society, the expansion of the processes thomson majesty of social and spatial mobility of various social groups. Because of the limited size of the article is missing a full analysis of the methodology thomson majesty and methods of studying the designated problem. This book contains only the characteristic features and results of the study of transformation processes in the Belarusian society through modernization paradigm, as well as methods of multivariate statistical analysis.
The first attempts to develop close to the specific problem issues related to their analysis, the researchers late XIX - early XX century. For modern scholars, these works are sometimes sources of value, since they include mainly empirical material, significant statistical applications on the topic and less analysis of transformation processes. During the 20-80s. The twentieth century. historians outlined the basic contours of social processes in Belarus the second half of XIX - early XX century., determined the direction of their development in the scientific revolution introduced various types of mass sources, characterized and used the information capabilities of statistical data. But in this period mainly concerned their consideration influence of capitalist relations in the countryside and the city of Belarus, the proletariat and the social formation of the peasantry. thomson majesty In fact, outside the interest of researchers have questions thomson majesty full details of other socio-caste groups. Of the most cited researchers are specified period of MV Beach, MF Bolbasa, VP Panyutsich, thomson majesty Sambuk SM, MM Ulashchik et al. [1; 2; 3; 9; 16; 18] In the last decade and a half, the attention of local researchers mainly drawn to the study of the history of the nobility, the bourgeoisie, the bureaucracy, the priesthood, the intelligentsia Belarus. Here, special attention should work AP Zhitkov, ZV Shibeko and others. [5; 20]
Versatility and complexity of social change thomson majesty requires the use of one of the research capacity of sociological makrateory: Pharmacy

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