Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A kkurat now it

A kkurat now it's hard to struggle up. Right now I and flounder on the bottom. Find myself in a place where things seem a little galveston cruises hopeless, a place where I really just want to coil up and cry my bitter tears and shut the world out for a moment. But I'm not crying. I never cry. I'm damned tired, I counted down the days until I will be traveling home for Christmas, and relax. It does not get much relaxation in terms of food, but break from work, from the apartment, from the everyday. galveston cruises From everything. For now I am tired everything. Tired of food, tired of vomit, tired of eating, tired of everything thing never works out (not eating related stuff), tired of thoughts, tired of lying and turn me into the night before I sleep, tired of be tired of being me at the stage I'm at now. Such dager.Sånne periods. (Yes, I know there are brighter and better days) It is exhausting to be located here.
Right now there are also a few other things that also helps Fokker up. One is the weight. The Eternal's. There are always too high. The weight has gone up slightly in the past, without me fatter how it is possible in 3 days. According to my measuring tape so there is no difference in cm. But why do I see it changing? And where the hell has it gone to if not at the strategic places? Ears? Panna? Toes? How ?? The pants I bought last match also continued (child's sizes.), Although the number on the scale is up. So where the hell are they gone?
Things are not good now, things do not go quite my way, I'm glad it's Christmas soon, because I need a holiday. I try to focus on my thesis, but even that I have exposed. I think about it, I'm just not Type D down somewhat. I'll take some notes to the handler my next class, which is on Friday. I have Type D down one case. At 2 weeks. I can not write down as many, we are supposed galveston cruises to have time to go through it too, but still. I know that I am very tired of everything that has to do with the well now, I do not know anything anymore. I flounder on the bottom and look up at the top. I need things fall into place a bit. I can nothing further, however I do everything galveston cruises I can not stand. Why can not things just work out? A little?
Ingeborg Wed, 15/12/2010, at. 10:21 p.m. said:
It is not easy to see it when lying down for the count, but things are getting better. Pieces fall into place. Of course it's easier galveston cruises for me to say it. Akuraters now I'm not at the bottom, but I've been there. Many times. Things will work out, but it's a struggle.
Sending you lots of hugs and would you be able to get up from the depths, you are in now. Hope you find some you can keep hold of! I do not know where the weight has settled, but the body can fluctuate quite a bit when it is completely physiological. If you should have your period (when the females more WATER in the body), hormones, if you drink little and so much because galveston cruises it takes the body to the extra waiting, etc etc. .. there is so much at play that does not need to have anything to do with you at all. you can not see if a person has her period galveston cruises or not, for example, or more water in the body for some reason, it is your body's galveston cruises way <3
Sending you the world's best hugs and hope that they can help you a bit. Stay strong vennen..dette fail you. Not many days left until Christmas is here and you are in a go`stol to relaxes with lowered shoulders and a smile with your family around you. Never be afraid to yell out on msn if you want to chat. KLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMS <3
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mammantiljessica: Nice save a bit, mega sale on children

I was a while p 3 departments today, on the one I was are invited to join on the same development time as they sang and read an interesting book called hm yes what was called then, think it was called the P Bottom Of the Sea. It was a penguin who traveled all the way down to the bottom niel of the sea and on the way down he mtte several different creatures that live in the ocean, it was all over 1100 meters to the end.
Was fun to see how the children as time went by trttere and trttere hi hi. Ranked sharing time was over, it was however full speed again and lunchtime. They got spaghetti with kjttsaus they also had prayers, lk and gullertter hidden niel in ..
The lady at Philips was really nice from the start of the conversation and she got me to fle that she thought I shelter and gjrs lot, No. I even have one picture of leakage s it is the little point in saying we're lying about it.
Dylan has stopped sleeping on the afternoon, n he sleeps only once a day, ranging from 1 to 2 hours and nothing more, a little tiring in the last hour before evening care but it gt fine and he sleeps soundly through overnight. He has made almost niel a year lucky us.
mammantiljessica: Nice save a bit, mega sale on children's house the other day, I know ..:-)) Neither do I like coffee but takes me a hot chocolate in between and you can use this machine also it s nice No there will be 1 or 2 that will have 1 cup not a liter ... clamp on to you
S good that it grs okay at work, and so delicious that you fr new and better coffee machine ... Well theres some helpful and cater people who work at customer service niel ...; -) hres delicious like coming home to finish dinner also ... And gy shopping in Sweden !! I travel the Sweden Friday, but it is not so much "harry-shopping" since I'll take flight ... Something I'll probably f acted with me;-) Good morning walk then, and good night. Squeeze.
Stine + two girls = true Yes is super happy with the job, take some time enough to be properly known but is definitely good ... Dinner was yum .. some will see you before you even .. fun to ride then .. Good night to you also close the time comes hug
Nice! It comes with power options I see. The stronger the coffee, the stere it is (in this case), then the controlling niel force of water flow. 7 grams of coffee is the 7 grams of coffee (or 6.9 in some cases), so there is water flow. Now I read that - in theory - will the test is carried out flavorings frst of coffee (s if you use the coffee maker's customary greater niel in the coffee before you drink it). But the theory is then :)
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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Scientists aboard miniubteneMir I and Mir II will take different prver and plant a capsule with the

About Dagbladet.no
RDERETTEN: Russia believe their mainland extends into nordpolomrdet and thus is under Russian rderett. An expedition to find evidence that makes the claim valid. Photo: REUTERS / REUTERS / RUSSIAN TV
Scientists aboard miniubteneMir I and Mir II will take different prver and plant a capsule with the Russian flag at 4200 meters. Russians compares the risky and heroic task of setting a flag on mnen.
The melting polar ice has led to more countries require rderetten over Arctic resources. Russia requirement rderett over a portion of the Arctic, which probably contains oil, gas and minerals, has been motgtt of several other nations, including the United States:
- This is dangerous and heroic. artic It is extremely important artic for Russia to demonstrate the potential of the Arctic. It's like putting the flag on mnen, says spokesman Sergei Balyasnikov artic the Arctic and Antarctic Institute artic to RIA Novosti news agency.
In 2001, Russia artic argued before a UN commission that havomrdet artic the north is an extension of their own continent. The Russian demand for rderett the area, called Lemonosov-back, was rejected and Russia prompted put forward stronger evidence.
Canada, Denmark and the United States are countries that also require rderetten to the North Pole. Kapplpet between nations has intensified in line with the polar ice melts. It has made it possible for open new shipping routes among other things.
Current legislation dictates that each country artic has an economic zone of 200 nautical mil mlt from the mainland. This can be extended if a country can prove that the land areas extends farther below sea level. North Pole is surrounded avflere landskonomiskesone, including Norway, while the Arctic is still not under any land rderett.
Have found a third chamber burial find in Greece is becoming larger and more mysterious. Here bombs US-led Bombers IS-mli border town Kobani Just off the Turkish border. artic German security guards toys Abu Ghraib Shocking images show private security guards who mistreat asylum seekers on the German reception centers. Pope puts sex indicted Bishop under house arrest Archbishop Josef Wesolowski artic thought he was protected by diplomatic immunity. N, Pope Francis put him under house arrest - and asked the man to justice. Tele2 has problems with cellular flaw is located, and debugging pgr, said the mobile company. Demonstrations and chaos in Hong Kong N alerts protest movement artic escalation and more civil disobedience. KGB archives: How backed artic KGB Norwegian NATO opponents KGB should have funded brochures, driven newspaper campaigns and backed demonstration against NATO. VPNet robbery of bingo in Oslo A person ifrt finland hood robbed Furuset Bingo in Oslo Sunday evening. - Str you and piss on the police station? Guess this will sting p scrotum artic ... Full discord between Israel and Palestine at the UN The summit Abbas called the Gaza war a genocide, while Netanyahu calls Abbas for a lgner.
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Den Nationale Scene: Herbert Fritsch costa pacifica (Director

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Funny and dangerous ocean floor
On the sea goes for, and conditions in the depths is no better than up here on land. Using Tarefelen, making all quite stiff when they hear the sound of it, nasty crab Curl usurped power in Taremareby. King Halibut, the beautiful princess Flounder Ms. Fine and her helpers have had to flee the kingdom. Now fear the princess that crab Curl'll try to force her to marry him. No, when she would rather die! So is not it better than that two malicious, but a little gullible ulcer catching flounder Ms Nice and leads her to the castle. Crab Curl will immediately initiate the wedding preparations, but Flounder Miss manage to get hauled out time. Then put her faithful, the resourcefulness Flounder Fanten out on a perilous journey to swordfish, to borrow his sharpest sword so that all strings on Tarefelen can be cut and Crab Curl made powerless. It will be an exciting journey, many dangers lurk along the way. But fortunately there are good helpers, not least the sense Rekefrøknene in sea urchin house and their fast-talking maid, fintrønderske Gunda of the best sjømusslag. Everything ends the good, the way it should. And along the way can Krabatene creating both exciting and hilarious episodes. They have spiced up the original text a bit and picked up some freedoms, but the play is essentially as we know it from Barnetimen costa pacifica radio. And a little extra speed and mood resistant performance well. Andrew Holt, Gard Frostad Knudstad, Linda vicarage and "artistic" Irene Ahnell gives busy life to a solid selection deepwater fish and other species, as both will have voice and body. The latter ensures Linda vicarage for. Her dolls and her set design is a big plus for the show. Particularly impressive work fælingen Crab Curl, but also the others have got bodies we easily recognize. After a somewhat slow start almost flying the approximately fifty minutes show runs. This should be a good family deals in the autumn holiday. REVIEWED BY JAN H. LANDRO
Director: Thomas Cailley, France, age 11, 1 hour 38 minutes Captain Jack and the pursuit of Lama Rama
The man is beautiful from the waist up Soledad
Music: costa pacifica Julian Berntzen. Lyrics: Gunnar costa pacifica Staalesen. costa pacifica Song Lyrics: Gunnar Staalesen and Johan Osuldsen. Director: Johan Osuldsen. Choreography: Johan Osuldsen and Belinda Braza. Set design and costumes: Tine Schwab. Hellemyrsfolket
Music: Julian Berntzen. Lyrics: Gunnar Staalesen. Song Lyrics: Gunnar Staalesen and Johan Osuldsen. Director: Johan Osuldsen. Choreography: Johan Osuldsen and Belinda Braza. Set design and costumes: Tine Schwab. Murmel Murmel
Den Nationale Scene: Herbert Fritsch costa pacifica (Director & scenography), Victoria Behr (costumes), Ingo Günther (music), Torsten König (light), Sabrina Zwach (dramaturgy). Starring: Florian Santander, Matthias Bus, Werner Eng, Ingo Günther, Jonas Hien, Simon Jensen, Wolfram costa pacifica Koch, Annika Meier, Anne Ratte- Polle, Bastian Reiber, Stefan Staudinger and Axel Wandtke. The Road to Mecca
Editor: Gard Steiro Reporting Manager: Jan Stian Vold Duty: nyhetsweb@bt.no SMS / MMS: 2211 Tips Bergens Tidende: 2211@bt.no Address: Krinkelkroken 1, PO Box 7240, 5020 Bergen Billing Information: Bergens Tidende AS, PO Box 1558, 7435 Trondheim email: invoice.1558@kollektor.no (PDF, TIFF) number: 890413102 VAT Missing newspaper?

Saturday, September 27, 2014

But China Food is Good! : P Totally agree!

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Fact plane as the Board was of the Boeing 777-200. The plane went missing on the radar clock 19.40, Saturday March 8 (Norwegian time). Most passengers were from China. Investigators believe disney cruise deals that two of the passengers traveled on false passports, and are therefore afraid disney cruise deals that someone board the plane intentionally.
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But China Food is Good! : P Totally agree!
I'm not sure what could have happened. It must be in the ocean, at the bottom of the ocean? Shown sea is very deep then it might be. Actually I have no idea what could have happened. The plane may have flown the a very different place than it should. Maybe on a small island where no one else is? And the people are still there. There are probably a logical explanation. More logical than this I do not know about.
This is similar to another aircraft accident I've read about! There was a plane that had an injury, there was a crack that made it was so much pressure inside the plane the entire flight was rivd apart and disappeared from radars. they found all the parts at the bottom of the sea ..
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I'll take my investigation with my friend who is a detective with me! I think a crashed plane intentionally. They had probably planned it and jumped out into the ocean. Who was such pilot (pilots)? Trying now to resolve the matter. Give me a good luck!
Hello! It is I who is the friend of one detective! I think that there must be a very logical explanation hve happened. I have actually booked trip to England with detective 1 and another friend of ours. There we will try and find out more, we should actually also might try and contact the police in Norway and in China for more information! Wish us luck 'and by the way someone might like them and learn Chinese because I think that the police disney cruise deals in China speak Chinese:-)!
I think, that the plane has gone down hill and experienced a pressure which made the people on board have fainted, the plane has engaged automatically disney cruise deals by the autopilot and gone their own direction and murmur into India ocean. Pray for MH370!

Friday, September 26, 2014

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Thursday, September 25, 2014

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The new lineup combines schedule royal stability with strategic changes that position the network fo

NBC objavio jesenski raspored | serijala.com
20.00 20.30 21.00 21.30 22.00 22.30 Ponedjeljak The Sing-Off THE PLAYBOY CLUB Utorak The Biggest Loser Parenthood Srijeda UP ALL NIGHT FREE AGENTS Harry's Law Law & Order: SVU Četvrtak Community royal Parks & Recreation The Office WHITNEY PRIME SUSPECT Petak Chuck GRIMM Dateline NBC Nedjelja Sunday Night Football
Mreža je naznačila da će The Voice u polusezoni biti emitiran ponedjeljkom u terminu od 20h-22h, iza čega će se emitirati nova dramska serija Smash . Također, nedjeljom je za zimu predviđena nova sezona Celebrity Apprenticea (20h-22h) te serija The Firm u 22h.
30 Rock će pričekati sa početkom nove sezone zbog trudnoće glavne glumice i scenaristice Tine Fey, a vratit će se sredinom sezone i emitirati svoju šestu sezonu bez ijedne pauze. Mreža je skratila svoj block sitcoma četvrtkom na dva sata, no pokrenula novi, srijedom u 20h. Začuđujuća je odluka da je NBC stavio multi-cam sitcom Whitney iza Officea , a ne Up All Night , single-cam sitcom s Willom Arnettom i Christinom Applegate u glavnim ulogama.
Utorak ostaje netaknut, dok Harry’s Law seli na srijedu, royal a Law & Order: SVU ostaje na svom standardnom mjestu. NBC nije predstavio royal nikakav alternativni raspored za nedjelju ukoliko NFL sezona ne starta na vrijeme royal zbog nesuglasica između igrača i vlasnika klubova.
Chuck seli na petak za svoju posljednju sezonu, a ondje će mu se pridružiti i Grimm , čija je sudbina već sada, nažalost, lako predvidljiva. Osim Grimma , od novih dramskih serija, NBC planira najesen emitirati The Playboy Club i Prime Suspect , dok su Awake i Smash ostavljeni za zimski dio sezone. royal Ista stvar vrijedi i za sitcome Bent, Best Friends Forever i Are You There, Vodka?
NEW YORK CITY — May 15, 2011 — NBC has introduced royal its 2011-12 primetime schedule, showcasing six new dramas and six new comedies from a roster of renowned hit-makers that includes Steven Spielberg, Lorne Michaels, royal Brian Grazer, Tom Werner, John Grisham royal and Peter Berg, among many others.
The season s new dramas are Smash, Prime Suspect, The Playboy royal Club, Awake, Grimm and The Firm ; and the new comedies are Up All Night, Whitney, Are You There, Vodka? It s Me, Chelsea, Free Agents, Best Friends Forever and Bent.
Returning shows include Parenthood, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Harry s Law, Chuck (for its fifth and final season of 13 episodes), Community, Parks and Recreation, The Office, 30 Rock and Dateline NBC. Among next season s returning alternative series are The Voice, The Sing-Off, The Celebrity Apprentice and The Biggest Loser, each in two-hour formats.
The new lineup combines schedule royal stability with strategic changes that position the network for future growth. Key facets of the schedule include a new hour of comedy with the Wednesday debuts of Up All Night (8-8:30 p.m. ET) and Free Agents (8:30-9 p.m. ET) and an update to NBC s critically acclaimed Thursday lineup with the premieres this fall of the new comedy Whitney (9:30-10 p.m. ET) and the first-year drama Prime Suspect (10-11 p.m. ET). In addition, NBC has made a strong commitment to original scripted programming royal on Friday nights with the pairing of Chuck (8-9 p.m. ET) in its climactic season royal with the new drama Grimm (9-10 p.m. ET).
The #1 new series of the current season, The Voice, returns at mid-season on Monday nights (8-10 p.m. ET) and will serve as the lead-in to the new musical drama Smash (10-11 p.m. ET). In the fall on Mondays from 8-10 p.m. ET will be another growing NBC reality success, The Sing-Off, now in a weekly format following its strong December showings of the past two years.
Additional details unveiled in today s announcement include a run of uninterrupted originals for 30 Rock starting at mid-season and a post-football Sunday lineup of Dateline NBC (7-8 p.m. ET), The Celebrity Apprentice (8-10 p.m. ET) and the new drama The Firm (10-11 p.m. ET). Additional new series ready for mid-season include the drama Awake and the comedies Are You There, Vodka? It s Me, Chelsea, Best Friends Forever and Bent.
The announcements were made by Bob Greenblatt, Chairman, NBC Entertainment. Next season begins the rebuilding of the NBC primetime schedule, and our goal is to reinvigorate our audience with a line-up of appointment television that includes our best returning shows and a variety of innovative and attention-getting new series. We’ll be placing a great deal of emphasis on how we launch each one of our programs and on maximizing the network’s strengths throughout the fall and well into mid-season, said Greenblatt. Considering it’s only been three months since new management took over, I’m very pleased with what has resulted from a very strong pilot season. And with a powerful new asset like The Voice already in hand, we go into the 2011-12 season

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

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I followed, even I sent the application a couple holy ship of times to be STARBLOGGERS, but nothing

Homepage! Hidden shop: D Stardoll Academy -Help Guestbook;) Competition :) Reader of the Month! holy ship Presentations Weekly Rewards! : D Official Club blog! :) Facebook page Blog Ask.fm Blog Graphics Weekly Quiz! Rules blog.
Hi girls! :) Our subject today is old StarBlog. All remember him, as arranged with vjeselom Dorom.Stardoll, but Dora is gone, so there is no more of those warm, professional, posts full of fun and our country as a neglected regarding StarBloga and Stardoll staff (Stardoll doll). I have a copy made out of some of StarBloggerica, I made yet on its 8 level:
Hah, I'm holy ship ashamed of the picture. So StarBlog was similar to the Balkans our blogs. Just as the blogger did not chose competitions, but only had to send the link of your StarBloga and Dora.Stardoll to assess whether he / she will become holy ship the new Blogger. And, now this function is likely to work, I do not know ... probably not, because he went to Dora, who would then be able to understand British dollice? holy ship The only solution would be to one of the Balkan dollica (adult / older than 18 years). StarBlog for dollice who reads it a haven of advice and entertainment. Dora.Stardoll really make sense for blogganje, writing, and then StarBloggeri. Becoming StarBloggerica was prestige. Were held various competitions for the most beautiful apartment, for example it. I know two former StarBloggerice, Anci-722 holy ship and dl.eclipse known two Croatian women with style, good apartment and a variety of prizes. Anči četuje with people, while dl.eclipse little more closer, but they are both great for me personally and dear person. Also there were posts from Elle.Stardoll, ELLEgirl, and so on. But that does not bother you a story, we conclude, holy ship StarBlog no longer exists, and whether it will be later, nobody knows. I think it's a little discrimination Balkan states, but because we can not do Barbie Style Club tasks (for example), do not have StarBlog, Croatian is no longer available for sending contact Stardoll's using it, there is little holy ship Stardoll competition for us (and there are so many dollica goodwill for it) ... Questions for you: ~ Did you follow StarBlog? ~ Are you missing Dora.Stardoll? ~ Do you want to Croatia holy ship and / or some of the neighboring countries in the Balkans have her Stardoll doll / dolls? Answer in the comments, I expect lengthy comments! See you at the fourth post in a few days, hi, xoxo,
~ I followed StarBlog, not too much but sometimes :) ~ Well there-over here. She remembered by those mouths that I personally adored before and whenever I was SuperStar I put that mouth, but do not miss me too much. ~ I want. But I think it deserves to Serbia, because the larger the country holy ship but I have nothing against either Croatian. My honest answer;) Reply Delete
I followed, even I sent the application a couple holy ship of times to be STARBLOGGERS, but nothing, normally would have responded to report in a few months .. Too bad no international starblog no longer so active .. Yes, I would like to introduce to Serbia, but can and Croatia, Bosnia, and so on .. Reply Delete
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Monday, September 22, 2014

Guests who came to the long-awaited wedding of Prince best cruise lines Albert with his fiancée, fr

Guests who came to the long-awaited wedding of Prince best cruise lines Albert with his fiancée, from South Africa in the inner courtyard of the palace were welcomed with flags and trumpets, while about 4,000 people watched the wedding on the screens in the square in front of the palace.
With the Grimaldi family, the ceremony was attended by many representatives of European best cruise lines royal houses. Best man Prince Albert's cousin Chris Le Vine, a nephew of Princess Grace and the godfather of young Donatella Knecht de Massy. Among the guests best cruise lines were French President Nicolas Sarkozy, opera singers best cruise lines Andrea Bocelli and Renee Fleming, gymnast best cruise lines Nadia Comaneci, actor Sir Roger Moore, fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, best cruise lines other prominent personalities of the world of fashion and sports.
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Sunday, September 21, 2014

All dolled up (11) Corinna

Homepage! Hidden shop: D Stardoll Academy -Help Guestbook;) starfish aachen Competition :) Reader of the Month! Presentations Weekly Rewards! starfish aachen : D Official Club blog! :) Facebook page Blog Ask.fm Blog Graphics Weekly Quiz! Rules blog.
What do we know about dl.eclipse?
Most of the stuff is brand LE, and I like it .. Why?
So I usually when I have stardollara when LE got out, I'm going to see what has perhaps something to buy .. But it looks expensive and prekindzavo .. But she found a way how to combine, and that outfit does not need anything to add or subtract the same !
There! That's it!
AidaZametica April 22, 2014 at 9:13 AM
All dolled up (11) Corinna's Fashion Diary (8) Poll (3) Free Hair (1) free (2) Catwalk starfish aachen (7) Celebrity Blog (1) daily top sheet (4) Design your interior (2) Designing starfish aachen with Viki! (15) Dilemmas (4) DOA! (3) Double T (7) Dress up with Anja (21) Dress up with Minchepink (2) in doubt (1) Ena's Stardoll Video (1) Everything About Weekly Doll! (1) expensive to buy (1) Fashion Dare (8) Gaming with Ines (1) gmail (1) goodbye (2) google (1) hackers (1) Help (8) emergency (2) Home Design By StellaJa (2 ) Hotbuys (65) HTCDP (5) and (1) Ideas :) (4) Ideas for Interiors apartments (3) Games (52) Interior (42) Interview! (8) You look familiar (2) a surprise (1) surprise! (2) excuse (2) Pulling (1) I am Stardoll doll! (2) Campaign (2) Quiz (11) LE (1) Let me show you (2) Magazine (2) Make-up Time (5) Makeup (72) Makeup by (29) Marc Jacobs (1) MegaPack (1 ) Merima Stardoll Blog's Picks (3) MSD (15) MSW (8) Awards (42) contest (14) Jewelry (7) competition (5) new section (4) New Shop (120) News! (156) About the blog :) (57) Notifications (5) Announcements (182) Apparel (72) Decisions (5) ootd (3) OOTW (8) Farewell (4) outfits (24) to (16) Help (41) offer (2) Presentation (15) Proposals (6) remembering (1) Problems on Stardoll (9) Last Week on Stardoll (4) Queen of Fashion (1) Talk (sharing opinions) (13) competition results (4) Birthday Blog (5) Only the best (3) Tips (5) Set Design (2) SD games (5) Series (14) Makeup (8) sorry (1) Speciali (14) Spoilers (140) StarDesign (1) StarDesign Video! (23) Stardoll Emergency! (12) Stardoll Fashion Police (4) Stardoll in Real Life (8) Stardoll YouTuber (1) Stardoll's Dolls (1) Starplaza Fashion With Minchepink (14) Style (2) Stylists (15) coming soon (1) Comics (1) Things are on Stardoll last observed (3) summer (1) Secret Project (3) Competition (128) Talents (11) Talk Time with Lana (3) TBFY (15) top 10 (4) Stores (22) Cheats (14 ) Introduction (3) Valentine's Day (2) What about ... (12)
2014 (1334) August starfish aachen (123) July (164) June (171) May (188) April (204) New Spectacular! Restoring Top Comments! Sweepstakes! 3 Merima Stardoll Blogs Picks! Notice - Stardoll star on the MSB? Solutions quiz! (: Free gift from Whatever After! OOTW # 4 Interview with antogranoro! Problems with comments .. HotBuys- Minipack torba- available in Starplaza! Whatever After spoilers! Have contest on Stardoll-in might be fixed ... New Collection the Millionaire Mansion. Justin Bieber Stardoll makeup! 14 # Dress Up with Anja TBFY # 8 Guest Post! Merima Stardoll Blog's Picks! - Sneak Peek of Demi Lovato Stardoll makeup! 2 Spring Outfits! Competition - My Stardoll Aquarium: 3 Prints (70 members) Celebrity Shopping Blog - skirts! Zayn Malik Stardoll makeup! SketchToy Pobjednica- Vote! HotBuys- Volcano Tights! - Available in Starplaza! Trick: How to send the price of one broadcast dv ... Spoilers! Merima Stardoll Blog Party- successfully done! New Millionaire starfish aachen Mansion! Spoiler! Love is stronger than anything # 6 Guest post: D Merima Stardoll Blog Party! Decisions quiz! (not the one that was in front of this post ... New quiz! Hero member's blog Viki ... Graphics New Millionaire Mansion kolekcija- Tomorrow! starfish aachen Party / Chat-this can only be made SS members? HotBuys- mothers Spoilers! Hotbuys Stage Glasses-Available in Starplaza! awards on the occasion of 70 members + extraction for 80 member ... Giveaway results. Guess and win! - Results! Instagram spoiler! Makeup + Notice Today's eggs! # 1 Everything about Weekly Doll! New collection of Callie's Picks! HotBuys- mothers Spoilers! Shopping - spring-Shirts! Are today's creations on Stardoll-office? Sweetnoshcharm makeup! I need help! Guess and win! -Nagradna Game. Easter pass-last chance! How to design a lip StarDizajn hair! Stylists: PETRA0908frend! OOTW # 3 Small molbica for you! :) Easter Egg Hunt (Day 6) Notify 5 Things to Stardoll starfish aachen should starfish aachen rebuild / repair ... Quiz Winners + MSB catwalk! starfish aachen Egg Hunt (Day 5) Hotbuys Tisci Hat - Available in Starplaza! Minor changes starfish aachen regarding the contest for n

Hvar live and tourists have only selected words for the wealthiest Hvar guest, perhaps because when

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About Jimmy Lee have been last year began to circulate legends on Hvar, and on the pages of our media. About His wealth does not know too many details, but the most accurate ship island story says that his father was a banker, one of the richest ship island Chinese people residing in America. Jimmy, of course, is as an entrepreneur.
Hvar live and tourists have only selected words for the wealthiest Hvar guest, perhaps because when Jimmy walks into a bar, all drinking at his expense. This was the case last year, this year juiciest stories are awaited.
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After Hollywood ship island Ksenija Prohaska conquering Europe (Video: înmagazina)
PHOTO This can only Severina!
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Saturday, September 20, 2014

News Interesting Series Trailers Top Lists Lists movies 2013 Best Movies 2013 Action Movies 2013 An

News Interesting Series Trailers Top Lists Lists movies 2013 Best Movies 2013 Action Movies 2013 Animated Movies 2013 2013 Drama Horror Movies 2013 Comedy Movies 2013 2013 SF Thriller 2013 All lists Movies 2014 Action Adventure Animated Biographical Drama Fantasy Historical Horori Comedy Crime Mystery Musical Family War Romantic SF Sport Thriller Western Films All films List of films in 2014 Best movies 2014 Action Movies 2014 Animated Movies 2014 Adventure Movies 2014 2014 Drama Horror Movies 2014 Crime Movies 2014 Action Movies 2014 Mystery Movies 2014 Family Movies 2014 Romantic Movies 2014 science fiction film 2014 Teen Thriller Movies 2014 2014 All lists Movies 2015 Action Adventure Animation Biography Drama Fantasy Historical Horori Comedy Crime Mystery Musical Family Romantic SF Thriller All movies Lists movies best movies 2014 Best Movies 2013 Best movies 2012 Best Movies 2011 Best movies 2010 Best Movies of 2009 Best Movies 2008 Best movies (2010-2014) best films (2000-2010) The best horror movies (2000-2014) best movies inspired by true events best bh. movies best movies of all time best animated films of all time best erotic-romantic movies list All Recommendations
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Friday, September 19, 2014

10 most luxurious ships prekooeanskih optional Aleksandra Novakovic, a journalist in

10 most luxurious ships prekooeanskih optional Aleksandra Novakovic, a journalist in "Blic"
1 "Allure of the Seas" ship that was built in the shipyard "STX Europe" in the Finnish city of Turku, along with its sister ship "Oasis of the Seas" is the largest cruise ship in the world. "Allure of the Seas" is on its first voyage on October 29 this year and 13 days later he came to her home port of Port Everglejds in Florida, where he was welcomed by several thousand people. Among other things, this vessel is a theater with 1,380 seats, the night club on two floors, halls for skating, the first "floating" coffee "Starbucks", regents the first 3D cinema regents on board and passengers will be able to also enjoy exclusive screenings companies " DreamWorks' ...
2 "Oasis of the Seas" ship was built in Finland under the code name "Project Genesis" and is located in the fleet operated by the famous "Royal Caribbean International". In October 2009 cruise from Turku went on trial trip a big problem arose when the ship should pass under the bridge that connects the Danish islands regents Ziland and Funen and the vessel sailed through the eye of the ears, at only 60 centimeters below the bridge! Otherwise, the construction of the ship was registered in the show "Mighty Ships" which was shown last summer regents on the channel "Discovery". From the passengers concerned crew of up to 2,165 people.
3 "Freedom of the Seas" ship was built in Turku and in the central regents part of the rights Pedestrian promenade 136 meters long. On both sides, there are various shops, and on this cruise regents ship is several swimming pools, a water park, winery, numerous pubs ... A special attraction is the part dedicated to sports lovers and there are passengers regents to use the climbing wall, surfing pool, a golf mini-golf, bowling skating, basketball court ...
4 "Independence regents of the Seas" ship was built in Finland, and it is an interactive regents water park, volleyball courts, basketball and hockey ... There's "Alhambra" theater on three levels with a capacity regents of 1,200 seats, a huge conference hall, cabaret, which is decorated in Egyptian style ... On the lower deck there is ice hall named Studio B, which hosts the show on the ice. All cabins have LCD TVs and will visit at their disposal a dozen swimming pools with hot and cold water.
5 "Norwegian Epic" The ship is named F3 built in a French shipyard Sen Nazer, and on this cruise ship is a large water park, bowling halls ... In early May, at the level of four fire that was extinguished. However, French police conducted an investigation because the circumstances under which the fire broke out were suspicious regents - ventilation system was shut down, and before the fire occurred in that part of the ship was not welding or work that could cause a fire.
6 "Queen Mary 2" A ship like the pride of Britain inherited the famous "Queen Elizabeth 2" was built in Southampton and is the largest and currently the only "liner" who regularly navigates the line between England and America, although it is occasionally used as a cruise ship . On board there are 15 restaurants and bars, five swimming pools, the first planetarium at sea, casino, ballroom, theater ... Three desalination plants provide regents 630,000 gallons per day of clean water. Unlike other mega - vessels, "Queen Mary 2", except for the diesel engine uses additional gas turbines.
7 "Mariner of the Seas" in construction "Aker Finnyards' regents shipyard in Turku lasted only 18 months and usually ship cruising between regents Los Angeles and the Mexican Riviera. In January next year, will embark on a journey to South America regents and then moved to the Mediterranean until the winter to spend in Port Galveston. regents The boat has three powerful diesel engine and at a maximum speed of 24 knots consumes 10,637 liters of fuel per hour. Its crew consists of 1,185 members.
8 "Navigator of the Seas" regents ship was built in Turku and the home port is found on the Bahamas. Since April 2007, the cruise ship flying cruising the eastern Mediterranean and the port of his Čivitavekija in Italy, while in the winter cruising the coast of Florida. Its crew consists of 1,213 members and most cabins have glass balconies that are the trademark of this ship. The boat is part of the fleet of the company "Royal Caribbean International" and belongs to a class cruisers "Voyager".
9 "MSC Fantasia" regents A ship in December 2008 in Naples baptized Sophia Loren, built in Sen discerned, regents and it is valid for the largest passenger vessel that is owned by a European company. In March 2009, while the ship was docked in Spain, a strong wind made real chaos - when the vessel began to take away from the dock, gangway, from which descends from the ship fell into the water and four people had fallen into the sea. All were quickly rescued.
10 "Carnival Dream" The ship was built in the Italian

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Recommendations In Dubrovnik 8.42 percent blocked citizens, at least in Croatia Will the current ch

News Front Page | News | City | County | Panels | Events Days | Sweepstakes | Services | Crime | Economy | Culture Dubrovnik Summer Festival 2010 Dubrovnik Summer Festival 2009 | Sports Wild League European Water Polo Championship elizabeth 1 - Zagreb 2010 | Dubrovnik TV Moskar elizabeth 1 TV Sport TV Times TV | Reportage | Columns Utijavanje cold | Registered in Zagreb | Moskar Fashion | Girls | Nightlife | Entertainment | Fly in 'ram | Englishman in Dubrovnik | Kenova | The Dubrovnik Times
Saturday, March 13th at the Gruz harbor elizabeth 1 to sail the Spanish passenger cruiser GEMINI (19,100 GT and 940 passengers), which will in Dubrovnik formally begin another tourist season visits passenger cruise ship. Although the whole winter our city on the American agency Grand Circle regularly visited by smaller ships ATHENA and ARTEMIS (each 1200 GT and 52 passengers), though this is only one right now, mass start of another, hopefully a successful season.
News from the tourist market are positive announcements of sales of this increasingly popular tourist sight arrangement, which unlike other conventional forms of rest only in the world to have an upward sales trend. So it is hoped that this season visits of cruise ships to be another one of those record that will be in our city good memories.
The new season brings a lot of new ships for the first time to visit Dubrovnik. Thus, already in next Saturday in Gruz port to sail the latest addition to the fleet of the Italian shipping company MSC, MSC MUSICA megakrstaš (93000 elizabeth 1 GT and 3113 passengers) who will continue the tradition of this shipping to its new building in the first season sailing elizabeth 1 regularly visited Dubrovnik. MSC MUSICA by the end of the year (last December 26) every Saturday to sail into the port of Gruz and announcements should be ship to our city most times to visit, and with it should arrive in total and the highest number of passengers.
In July comes and his twin Nieuw Amsterdam in August CELEBRITY EQUINOX (122,000 GT and 2,850 passengers) and in September his twin CELEBRITY ECLIPSE. Threads season will mark a new building and sailing QUEEN ELIZABETH (90000 GT and 2,000 passengers), the newest luxury acquisitions legendary British Cunard, that on his first cruise here should sail mid-November. Of course, these are just the most attractive megakrstaši which will for the first time this season elizabeth 1 to visit our city.
According to all indications, this year's season to visit passenger cruise ships in Dubrovnik should be another record. Shippers are all done to the ships and passengers on them in our town as much. The only question is whether we are and how we prepared for them. What we did the previous winter? Are we open all the boutiques, coffee bars and restaurants, refine them and refresh the new attractive elizabeth 1 offer? Are you experiencing this our city tourist life? The answer will soon get these days after the first major tourist visits, and during this time we can only hope that they will eventually be all right. Because, elizabeth 1 however, hope dies - last.
Recommendations In Dubrovnik 8.42 percent blocked citizens, at least in Croatia Will the current cheapen the record rains? It will not! The new issue of Dubrovnik Herald Archaeological Journal of the cave Eneolithic period 'Libertas' this weekend in Solitude celebrate 15th birthday rains have reduced elizabeth 1 crop Posip to barely 20 percent cop and charging penalties citizen of Kosovo, Macedonia elizabeth 1 and Albania illegally crossed the border
Has the Department for Entrepreneurship exaggerated by subtracting fifty taxi license? Yes, people have to make a living is not the drivers can not be law and order us bring competition and consumers will be better I do not know Your poll
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Tortures, Zdravko oli than tiznaš as maritime shipping. Let the people do their job and to whom the

Kotor marked by mega cruise ships | Scale Radio
In Kotor harbor this morning arrived two mega cruise ships, the American edition of "Regal Princess" and fourth-class cruiser "Solstice Celebity Silhouette" which has been in use since 2012.
The latest mega cruise ship, the American company Princess Cruises "-" Regal Princess "had a maiden voyage alyeska resort from Trieste to Kotor, which is a special recognition to our country and the town of Kotor, sailed on the 19th of May and brought about 3,600 tourists.
Number of guests is not a problem either as to the shore must switch boats because their length does not allow to bind to the port jetty and management Luka Kotor AD did not care to build pylons and enable safe landing ships of this size.
Instead alyeska resort of allowing them to be a priority, they built a set of office building with their own needs, and today we have the ships at anchor and traffic congestion due to the undeveloped underground passage for thousands of tourists waiting to cross a single street to enter the old UNESCO town.
Launched in July, the German shipyard Majer VERFT (Meyer Werft) in Papenburg, and like the rest of the fleet Celebrity on the side of a recognizable symbol X.
05/06/2014 - 20:39
Sometimes I like to see from the balcony alyeska resort of these beauties, while now the first thing I think of is how to get to crowded and the elderly who are mostly jobs on their journey ... ..katastrofa latter, the Vespa or you little motorbike became sys needs, not luxuz and bathtubs all parked on the waterfront, let me come out of these municipalities to say that it improperly, or that of waste disposal to writing me a ticket ... er, at the bottom of what he does ... .pa and the famous Portobello come for a few souvenirs ....
They come to the world of beautiful boats, full of city furestih, a middle aged clientele happy and al zadovoljna.Nema remark even as the ship is not directly tied to the shore, only our Skala each text complete critique of the port menadzment.Valjda are more realized that they did not let yours miljenici.Pa Good luck to you next season ...
large and experienced sailors and men of the sea in Kotor port has water doings. this is why we as je.Onda their journalists to peak and scale and some journalists from other media they epp.Zašto radio dials on earth bother "development" and how they can be upsetting buildings on Luzi and talijasnkome park to bother them really crowd at Port Authority in transition? No matter how such journalists from Scales and do not like this town and they all matter? Ask the experts from the maritime economy alyeska resort of Luke at all to explain alyeska resort thin as a few radio Kotor.Milina them to hear.
Tortures, Zdravko oli than tiznaš as maritime shipping. Let the people do their job and to whom they employ Father and who is wrong in themselves, nor for drugoga.Ajde oli. So what if the director's son work and that of other works from the opposition have hired their svuđe the municipality etc..
By these experts from the airport! Better to naprevila gangway for passengers to cross the highway, some of these monuments in the park and at the Luz. And in fact they had to make a bigger facility than the old one that could get stuck all eligible staff and "experts alyeska resort put the" What You Need to Hire the friendly-related. And how all the dogs in the PG so they could and administration building lukepreselit Sunday of the Ibar or Konik. Cao everyone!
Do you know my house, which is beyond the word "pylon"? When you learn, you will ondarake and find out what it is: a lifetime to raise a monument for himself at the expense of makanije alyeska resort ... OLite people? You Adio, Adio, Jerba We have a press and Pien van Medizin for release of water from the bilges?
Some water every honor them. I know how to read is not Skala worked alyeska resort against cruisers alyeska resort rather alyeska resort than against incompetent management who is not a niche did receive them and to us tourists and citizens allow normal communication
Too crowded in the small Kotor, detours will never be. Such a large ships can only ruin the view and the bottom of the bay, and one day we experience the fate that all drowned in the sea. A port management let it continue for their own interests, not for Kotor. Build underpass, where and how. Kotor lies on the water. alyeska resort Perhaps the best that tourists entering alyeska resort the submarine
Exactly. One of Dubrovnik realized at the time that if you can accommodate 7-8 ships that does not mean that much of the sea and the doc, and they restrict their number. Everybody thinks it is great that they come as much as leaving Paure and impact on ecosystem anything. Until 10 years ago there were about 10 fishing camaraderie and now only 1-2 because the fish is gone and the current, it can not be any boat poc.
Nobody campaigned that will not come, but that Luka Kotor nothing was done to the acceptance of such ships, and that they fulfill the requirements for a berth !!!! What is true, nothing has been done all these years! alyeska resort Shame!
Last commented Festanjul: alyeska resort Beauty, wonderful you young, beautiful colors, well done Well done, everyone, and both girls and coaches! Peter, when he drew a story about taste and bad taste, short order, because I think it's a problem all over our beautiful former .... Plagenti: I see that b

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I am not hidroinžinjer, designer Riva (HR) said that should not be bagerisati bottom to pilona.Dana

Mega cruise ship "Celebrity Solstice" the calm Bay | Scale Radio
The third is a cruise company "Celebrity" in class "Solstice" (after the first ship of the class, Celebrity Solstice), and in that class there is also a cruise ship "Celebrity Equinox" and this year is expected disney cruise line to launching cruise ship "Celebrity Silhouette" of the same class. disney cruise line
I have several trips cruiser disney cruise line and can tell you that what tourists get when they come to Kotor not getting anywhere. One of the special disney cruise line advantages of this is that they ship docked right in front of the majestic disney cruise line Old Town, so you do not have anywhere to walk around, but just to cross the road in the center. In almost all the ports that I OBIS tourists have to go by bus (Istanbul, Piraeus), other smaller ships (Venice), car (Santorini) to center. These trips cost 50 Euro per person. Tourists therefore in Kotor enough savings to see a lot more. I am absolutely sure that they remain lump in your throat when you enter the bay and see so many high mountains disney cruise line and the sea. Such beauty is really nowhere. A transport tender is really not a problem to anyone, and will be charged much more or less about 9 euros.
For those of you who do not know this boat belongs Company Royal Caribbean's leading kompaniji.Brod in the port of Kotor led maritime agency Boka Adriatic after several years of negotiation with Royal a ship in this port will reach 11 times. Beside him in the same company will come Splendour of the sea, Azamara Journey, Azamara Quest. Ships do not come already for years contracted arrivals but the job is not seen much sadder even those who have the highest income in the city.
that ... the agency Boka Adriatic Ltd. fight a battle with the windmills sometimes to meet the requirements of the world renowned companies ... brought these floating cities, as well as a host of other exclusive cruise into our bay and Kotor ... and, of particular importance, disney cruise line managed disney cruise line to escort them satisfied and coax them to return ... Bravo for your comment shows that you are a man of education, well acquainted with the problems that are in the shadow of attractive and media, accompanied events of this type
Even if these illiterate "experts" from the port of Kotor is a little effort and dug aquatorij, so that these beauties linked to the waterfront .... and the boardwalk is long, it could be two big ship will anchor ... ..
My good chief, I am in the world navigajem 20g, so I saw something and naučio.Ako you ever been to Rotterdam, Bremen, Hamburg .. you could've seen steel profiles which are charged as piles and placed the entire length of the connection, and then the river or coast without problems dig and deepen. This can be in Kotor make a very simple, just need to know the right thing učinjet !!!
ps new boardwalk was built on šipvima and it's not a problem, because to the junction of the old waterfront (dam) and new waterfront that the piles had stocky these steel sections throughout the length (this is a routine matter in the north and all river moorings). This would be our way out of the problem of undermining, and thus can be accessed dredging the bottom to the desired depth, even at the site of Ms is now a place for the yacht!
I am not hidroinžinjer, designer Riva (HR) said that should not be bagerisati bottom to pilona.Danas surely all can build even refutation of new pylons, but how isplatljvo? Of course not, the solution is a pontoon extension, disney cruise line which the experts suggest
Bosko Do the most important thing you called this giant Reflection, Silhouette, or Solstice ?? It is sad that the ship can not dock along the waterfront, man! In the draft of 35 feet (8.5m). (!) Country Montenegro has no money to pay for a month of work by an dredgers (shovel), which would deepen the seabed, and that such megacruisers can safely be connected to the shore of Kotor unique waterfront. But because there is money for some kind of Ministry disney cruise line of Defence, General, Admiral and other parasitic disney cruise line camarilla! In Afghanistan, especially. By coming Solstice's anchored, Kotor, an ancient city lost much of its tourism image than it has received. Transport passengers from the anchorage to the shore is very unpopular and frustrating for tourists. Because a good portion of them did not come from the ship. If only paint, "Memory disney cruise line of long memory" with Ceda hermit at the gate of the city:
Not me that King essential, but when already written to write the text exactly how it should be! And Kotor harbor is not the only child to tender passengers drive to the coast, and believe me that passengers do not pose any problem. But always there are those that remain on the board. Well let's say last year and Eclipse (sistership of the ship) to split it could not have links but also islo tenders to shore. And of course it is all normal for it to be to enable these ships and that the relationship because it really embarrassing to not be with those little gauze ....
As already krjuzeri come in Kotor, and the sizes are larger and larger, would not trebnalo something to be done to build a pontoon waterfront, to these travelers could go out there and walk Kotor? P

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

the safety of navigation in the coastal sea of Montenegro; editing paul gauguin and maintenanc

Inspection of safety of navigation in calm seas | Scale Radio
Pursuant to the Regulation on maintaining order in ports is forbidden to swim beyond a certain water area urđenog or constructed swimming distance of 100 meters from the natural beaches, said the scale of radio Ivana Pejovic, PR at the Ministry paul gauguin of Transport and Maritime paul gauguin Affairs.
Those working in public transport should paul gauguin be at a distance of 300 meters manoj, vessels for sport and recreation should be away from the beaches of not less than 200 meters, and the nucleus at a distance of not less than 50 meters and no restrictions are vessels without engines.
the safety of navigation in the coastal sea of Montenegro; editing paul gauguin and maintenance of marine waterways, setting safety facilities on waterways and ensuring their proper funcionisanja; operation of a radio service for the protection of human life and sugurnosti navigation at sea; Identification of the seaworthiness of vessels; carry out technical supervision of construction or prepravlajnjem and examination of vessels during navigation; issuance of documents and the testimony of ships; Organize and conduct paul gauguin search and rescue at sea; protect the sea from pollution from ships and floating structures; enrollment and keeping a register of yachts; and other tasks that are the responsibility of the Board. The zone of responsibility of Maritime Safety is a coastal sea of Montenegro.
UPS has 176 aids to navigation (lighthouses, coastal lights, harbor lights, buoys, and day marks the imminent danger). Also Management has modern telecommunication equipment for radio services and receiving distress calls at sea.
1.Odjeljenje Technical Inspectorate vessels 2.Odjeljenje to protect the sea from pollution from ships 3.Odjeljenje maritime telecommunications 4.Odjeljenje search and rescue at sea 5.Odjeljenje yellow light 6.Odjeljenje registry paul gauguin yachts 7.Služba General paul gauguin Affairs, Finance and technical maintenance 7.1 Bureau for technical maintenance
Maritime fortunes "water carriage" has nothing to do with its registration and licenses paul gauguin
Ask the lady if she inspect safety or security? If bjezbednosti who has the qualifications to do so, and if the security that has the qualifications for it? It is obvious that I continue to not know the difference in the Bay. The question for the concerned. Sea carriages gradients national cabotage for years but based on the paper obtained. ??? .. Under any law ??? Do endanger navigation? We know that he had an accident with fatal consequences and even ploviiii ?? Until when?
Last commented crnogorac: Thank vamdjevojke my dear, I am an athlete and I know what it means when playing the national anthem in your honor! Go ahead and ... Radovan: Bravo Altair, master. How do you know everything. We know you'd like to Jugopetrol dogs that can you blame your mother ...: My God Is possible what kind of people live in this Kotor ??? abe ludnica bilo, so here are our children, are you aware that the story ... Festanjul: Amber you and a hilarious paul gauguin !!! As someone said about whom not to talk like that there !!! forward girls you ... "Leso" ...: Listen, too, so jani, which are delineated below and eat each other, oli not know it would be: Grande to the Pope says? E, ma ...
Last add alert the explosive device in Kotor Directorate paul gauguin false No deal kotorska local government and representatives of the "Jugopetrol" Kotor Students occupied, in the course of the competition for admission of students into the house, "Spasic-Masera" paul gauguin in Kotor Bokelj - YouTube; Zeta - Miner Again announcement bombs in Kotor Directorate paul gauguin permanent faults in the supply network to Mulu Exhibition "Documented maritime tradition of the Bay" Dubreta third Yes we are alive and healthy even one hundred years ... TOP 25 domestic / ex-domestic Rates

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Monday, September 15, 2014

Building a ship in a dry dock began 23.siječnja.2009. nile cruises in the Meyer Werft, nile cruises

The largest cruise ship in Dubrovnik 2010 Celebrity Eclipse
Cruise ship Celebrity Eclipse in Dubrovnik 27.09.2010 in a magnificent Dubrovnik Gruz harbor agreed to a mega cruise ship Celebrity Eclipse. Eclipse is also, with its 315 meters in length the largest cruise ship ever to visit Dubrovnik and Croatia's Dalmatian Coast. Luxury cruise ship will only twice this year to sail into the port of Dubrovnik.
Building a ship in a dry dock began 23.siječnja.2009. nile cruises in the Meyer Werft, nile cruises the shipyard in Germany. 28.veljače.2010. was officially completed and 24.travnja.2010 official he was "baptized" Emma Pontin and officially went into service. The total price of construction is around 750 million nile cruises USD. Celebrity Eclipse is the third cruise ship operated by Celebrity-in-class "Solstice" (after the first ship of the class, Celebrity Solstice), and in that class there is also a cruise ship Celebrity Equinox, which is also repeatedly visited Dubrovnik this year and next year is expected to launching nile cruises cruise Celebrity Silhouette same class. Eclipse sails under the flag Malte.Izgradnja cruise nile cruises ship Celebrity Eclipse
The total weight of cruisers is 122,000 GRT, can accommodate 2,850 passengers and about 1,271 crew members. The ship is 314.80 meters long, 36.80 meters wide and has a draft 8.30 meters. There are 17 spacious nile cruises deck and the highest deck is covered with real grass where you can find the original golf courses. Also on board is a spacious promenade in the center nile cruises of the ship and the central park and theater, shopping center, numerous restaurants, bars, duty-free shops, souvenir shops, beauty centers, spa, wellness, and various other attractions in charge of entertaining the passengers. On board there are numerous luxurious cabins and suites equipped with excellent equipment nile cruises and rich, and the bridge is superbly equipped with modern and professional equipment which allows the vessel great versatility. The ship driven by four Wärtsilä diesel engine W16V46 azipod total power 67,200 kW and 3 Sidebar "bow thruster" Wärtsilä CT300 engine total power 9000 KW allowing it to a top speed of 24 čvrorova and great versatility in space.
The Port Authority of Dubrovnik, its largest cruise ship has prepared a festive welcome, greeted the crew and passengers and wished a pleasant ride. Cruiser will this year in Dubrovnik sail once more and October nile cruises 13th 2010. Cruiser is its inagunarnim in Dubrovnik, caused admiration and won the title of largest nile cruises cruise ship ever to visit the Croatian coast. In the evening cruise ship sailed to Italy and went on a cruise.
Posted in Attractions nile cruises | Tags: Celebrity Cruises, Celebrity Eclipse, Celebrity Eclipse in Dubrovnik, Croatia, cruises, cruise ship in Dubrovnik, Croatia cruisers, the largest cruise ship in the Croatian, the biggest nile cruises cruise ship in Dubrovnik, Croatia's largest cruisers
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Sunday, September 14, 2014

That Was Just Your Life and End Of The Line will make it clear at the outset that the sound and the

Metallica's new album begins in heart rate with effect modeled. This can only mean one thing: the world's most popular metal band is born again. 17 years Metallica has not written a decent volga river album overall, and the band's albums have been crystallizations of mediocrity. Metallica at the rebirth does not mean ground-breaking musical experiments, but the old vippaskonstien use.
Death Magnetic, producer Rick Rubin invited the lords return to the 1980s, and to draw inspiration then prevalent volga river about the feelings. Metallimaestrot volga river took this advice on board and made a disc that relies heavily thrash-era, but also utilizes a cleverly Black album, dark-speaking pregnant, and includes plenty of fresh energy.
That Was Just Your Life and End Of The Line will make it clear at the outset that the sound and the attitude of the new album kohdillaan. The latter is almost a perfect combination between 1986 and 1996 Metallica - without the 90's powerlessness. Broken, Beat and Scarred, All Nightmare volga river Long, and My Apocalypse speak to the sinister riffs and time precision of thrash-ilotetteluilla. Trample the latter reaches the approximate Slayerimäiseen volga river the carpet, so the thrusting propeller heads can confidently buy Death Magnetic album their shelf. The Day That Never Comes disc represents the most modern side. Although the composition relates to the strong songs Fade To Black and One. Initially, mediocre sound like a "ballad" comes into its own in connection with the disc, sounding very sävykkäältä.
Tapering the name plate of the second drop a jaw on the floor - The Unforgiven 3. A classic song Unforgivenin key works then became once and for all the world of music The Godfather trilogy. Two fine composition after Unforgivenin The third part is disappointing. Cinematic intro bode well, but the song is thwarted by James Hetfield while opening his mouth. Singing Melody is not much, and James for incoming mixed irritant in ujellukseksi. Original managed drama is missing. In the lower caste are also heavier metallijyrät Cyanide and The Judas Kiss. I have to say, however, that, for example, Re-Loadilla these songs would have sounded like a brainwave. volga river Death Magnetic they do not bring anything volga river new.
Metallica each of the 80's album you can find one instrumental track. The tradition has been moved to the new millennium, and the musical dialogue with the new album represents Suicide volga river and Redemption. Of its kind, the song is a very successful piece of work. The song is at its best in the mid to be heard the rumbling plaintive melody can watch on lead guitar.
Musically by weak after years of Metallica's Death Magnetic proved to be able to continue to compose excellent material, if only the patience to stay lestissään. The band's contribution to the development of heavy metal music is so huge that the old days it is better to just focus on writing good songs. Revolutions she shall now younger bands.
+ A fascinating metal plate with ambition and röykeyttä. + New bassist Robert Trujillo to prove at least now the man for the + References to the old songs are tastefully implemented - Unforgiven 3 is disappointing
Newest stories Review: Cat Power meets the very large boots Rating: Madonna MDNA is just a fashionable hit record Rating: Jukka Son of transparency does not eat the music stemming from joy Rating: Paris Hilton made a full-bodied and most serious album Rating: Pepe Deluxe does not know what is too much Rating: Lana Del Rey Born To Die yawn Rating: Taio Cruz, and by far the world's worst lyrics Rating: Three Days Grace challenges the listener to forget volga river the new album Rating: Petri Nygård All the hits are fucking naughty and hilarious
The reviewer is a rare very successful assessment. There is nothing on the disc is an instant classic, but a very good album over all. "Hit Single" alone does not sound like anything, but in between the songs really comes into its own. OUJEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!
brought the unforgiven 3 was really good in my opinion, it'll immediately became my favorite biis .. the whole album is good. scared to death if you do not low-magnetic'd be at the same level as st.anger .. luckily there was not .. I would give a grade of 10.9
The content is great, but the sound quality of the full mud. The album is mixed in such a way that all the different instruments and vocals volga river are afraid of steady porridge. Compressed to the extreme and beyond, when the little matter can not hear the sound are distorted. Listen, it does not crack your device, but from the disc.
"Metallica metal for ever \ ,, / you a hell of a disco Eskot who say Metallica täydeks lousy and then kehutte The administrator has disabled h * m * pop from heaven" volga river
Metallica has always been their own thing, volga river gentlemen, not a lot have not listened to what they want to hear except, perhaps, on this album which has proven