Tuesday, September 16, 2014

the safety of navigation in the coastal sea of Montenegro; editing paul gauguin and maintenanc

Inspection of safety of navigation in calm seas | Scale Radio
Pursuant to the Regulation on maintaining order in ports is forbidden to swim beyond a certain water area urđenog or constructed swimming distance of 100 meters from the natural beaches, said the scale of radio Ivana Pejovic, PR at the Ministry paul gauguin of Transport and Maritime paul gauguin Affairs.
Those working in public transport should paul gauguin be at a distance of 300 meters manoj, vessels for sport and recreation should be away from the beaches of not less than 200 meters, and the nucleus at a distance of not less than 50 meters and no restrictions are vessels without engines.
the safety of navigation in the coastal sea of Montenegro; editing paul gauguin and maintenance of marine waterways, setting safety facilities on waterways and ensuring their proper funcionisanja; operation of a radio service for the protection of human life and sugurnosti navigation at sea; Identification of the seaworthiness of vessels; carry out technical supervision of construction or prepravlajnjem and examination of vessels during navigation; issuance of documents and the testimony of ships; Organize and conduct paul gauguin search and rescue at sea; protect the sea from pollution from ships and floating structures; enrollment and keeping a register of yachts; and other tasks that are the responsibility of the Board. The zone of responsibility of Maritime Safety is a coastal sea of Montenegro.
UPS has 176 aids to navigation (lighthouses, coastal lights, harbor lights, buoys, and day marks the imminent danger). Also Management has modern telecommunication equipment for radio services and receiving distress calls at sea.
1.Odjeljenje Technical Inspectorate vessels 2.Odjeljenje to protect the sea from pollution from ships 3.Odjeljenje maritime telecommunications 4.Odjeljenje search and rescue at sea 5.Odjeljenje yellow light 6.Odjeljenje registry paul gauguin yachts 7.Služba General paul gauguin Affairs, Finance and technical maintenance 7.1 Bureau for technical maintenance
Maritime fortunes "water carriage" has nothing to do with its registration and licenses paul gauguin
Ask the lady if she inspect safety or security? If bjezbednosti who has the qualifications to do so, and if the security that has the qualifications for it? It is obvious that I continue to not know the difference in the Bay. The question for the concerned. Sea carriages gradients national cabotage for years but based on the paper obtained. ??? .. Under any law ??? Do endanger navigation? We know that he had an accident with fatal consequences and even ploviiii ?? Until when?
Last commented crnogorac: Thank vamdjevojke my dear, I am an athlete and I know what it means when playing the national anthem in your honor! Go ahead and ... Radovan: Bravo Altair, master. How do you know everything. We know you'd like to Jugopetrol dogs that can you blame your mother ...: My God Is possible what kind of people live in this Kotor ??? abe ludnica bilo, so here are our children, are you aware that the story ... Festanjul: Amber you and a hilarious paul gauguin !!! As someone said about whom not to talk like that there !!! forward girls you ... "Leso" ...: Listen, too, so jani, which are delineated below and eat each other, oli not know it would be: Grande to the Pope says? E, ma ...
Last add alert the explosive device in Kotor Directorate paul gauguin false No deal kotorska local government and representatives of the "Jugopetrol" Kotor Students occupied, in the course of the competition for admission of students into the house, "Spasic-Masera" paul gauguin in Kotor Bokelj - YouTube; Zeta - Miner Again announcement bombs in Kotor Directorate paul gauguin permanent faults in the supply network to Mulu Exhibition "Documented maritime tradition of the Bay" Dubreta third Yes we are alive and healthy even one hundred years ... TOP 25 domestic / ex-domestic Rates

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