Sunday, September 28, 2014

Scientists aboard miniubteneMir I and Mir II will take different prver and plant a capsule with the

RDERETTEN: Russia believe their mainland extends into nordpolomrdet and thus is under Russian rderett. An expedition to find evidence that makes the claim valid. Photo: REUTERS / REUTERS / RUSSIAN TV
Scientists aboard miniubteneMir I and Mir II will take different prver and plant a capsule with the Russian flag at 4200 meters. Russians compares the risky and heroic task of setting a flag on mnen.
The melting polar ice has led to more countries require rderetten over Arctic resources. Russia requirement rderett over a portion of the Arctic, which probably contains oil, gas and minerals, has been motgtt of several other nations, including the United States:
- This is dangerous and heroic. artic It is extremely important artic for Russia to demonstrate the potential of the Arctic. It's like putting the flag on mnen, says spokesman Sergei Balyasnikov artic the Arctic and Antarctic Institute artic to RIA Novosti news agency.
In 2001, Russia artic argued before a UN commission that havomrdet artic the north is an extension of their own continent. The Russian demand for rderett the area, called Lemonosov-back, was rejected and Russia prompted put forward stronger evidence.
Canada, Denmark and the United States are countries that also require rderetten to the North Pole. Kapplpet between nations has intensified in line with the polar ice melts. It has made it possible for open new shipping routes among other things.
Current legislation dictates that each country artic has an economic zone of 200 nautical mil mlt from the mainland. This can be extended if a country can prove that the land areas extends farther below sea level. North Pole is surrounded avflere landskonomiskesone, including Norway, while the Arctic is still not under any land rderett.
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