Sunday, September 28, 2014

Den Nationale Scene: Herbert Fritsch costa pacifica (Director

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Funny and dangerous ocean floor
On the sea goes for, and conditions in the depths is no better than up here on land. Using Tarefelen, making all quite stiff when they hear the sound of it, nasty crab Curl usurped power in Taremareby. King Halibut, the beautiful princess Flounder Ms. Fine and her helpers have had to flee the kingdom. Now fear the princess that crab Curl'll try to force her to marry him. No, when she would rather die! So is not it better than that two malicious, but a little gullible ulcer catching flounder Ms Nice and leads her to the castle. Crab Curl will immediately initiate the wedding preparations, but Flounder Miss manage to get hauled out time. Then put her faithful, the resourcefulness Flounder Fanten out on a perilous journey to swordfish, to borrow his sharpest sword so that all strings on Tarefelen can be cut and Crab Curl made powerless. It will be an exciting journey, many dangers lurk along the way. But fortunately there are good helpers, not least the sense Rekefrøknene in sea urchin house and their fast-talking maid, fintrønderske Gunda of the best sjømusslag. Everything ends the good, the way it should. And along the way can Krabatene creating both exciting and hilarious episodes. They have spiced up the original text a bit and picked up some freedoms, but the play is essentially as we know it from Barnetimen costa pacifica radio. And a little extra speed and mood resistant performance well. Andrew Holt, Gard Frostad Knudstad, Linda vicarage and "artistic" Irene Ahnell gives busy life to a solid selection deepwater fish and other species, as both will have voice and body. The latter ensures Linda vicarage for. Her dolls and her set design is a big plus for the show. Particularly impressive work fælingen Crab Curl, but also the others have got bodies we easily recognize. After a somewhat slow start almost flying the approximately fifty minutes show runs. This should be a good family deals in the autumn holiday. REVIEWED BY JAN H. LANDRO
Director: Thomas Cailley, France, age 11, 1 hour 38 minutes Captain Jack and the pursuit of Lama Rama
The man is beautiful from the waist up Soledad
Music: costa pacifica Julian Berntzen. Lyrics: Gunnar costa pacifica Staalesen. costa pacifica Song Lyrics: Gunnar Staalesen and Johan Osuldsen. Director: Johan Osuldsen. Choreography: Johan Osuldsen and Belinda Braza. Set design and costumes: Tine Schwab. Hellemyrsfolket
Music: Julian Berntzen. Lyrics: Gunnar Staalesen. Song Lyrics: Gunnar Staalesen and Johan Osuldsen. Director: Johan Osuldsen. Choreography: Johan Osuldsen and Belinda Braza. Set design and costumes: Tine Schwab. Murmel Murmel
Den Nationale Scene: Herbert Fritsch costa pacifica (Director & scenography), Victoria Behr (costumes), Ingo Günther (music), Torsten König (light), Sabrina Zwach (dramaturgy). Starring: Florian Santander, Matthias Bus, Werner Eng, Ingo Günther, Jonas Hien, Simon Jensen, Wolfram costa pacifica Koch, Annika Meier, Anne Ratte- Polle, Bastian Reiber, Stefan Staudinger and Axel Wandtke. The Road to Mecca
Editor: Gard Steiro Reporting Manager: Jan Stian Vold Duty: SMS / MMS: 2211 Tips Bergens Tidende: Address: Krinkelkroken 1, PO Box 7240, 5020 Bergen Billing Information: Bergens Tidende AS, PO Box 1558, 7435 Trondheim email: (PDF, TIFF) number: 890413102 VAT Missing newspaper?

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