Sunday, September 7, 2014

This blog is based in informing and awakening Dear people of Iran, especially the youth. Authors ar

This blog is based in informing and awakening Dear people of Iran, especially the youth. Authors are encouraged to endeavor that the person is not taking alcohol, and does not intend to extend it taking alcohol. But by publishing articles based on scientific and beverages prepared with simple home with massive mafia trafficking and production and sale of alcohol to fight. It certainly helped disseminate information and repeated expansion and evolution of the target.
Whenever a scientific rather than something completely eckerö line empty of the dear friends who always love comments and especially young people country and the general health of the country, and in this case always think Promotes the asked assist target the Politics blog Do not have the little matter then.
Humble advice is to know your own worth and youth. Avoid buying bootleg alcohol in any situation Ngzranyd a quorum. Best regards to all the blind, as I've written before, you do not want to fiddle blind see street corner. Perhaps after reading the research paper regarding some friends over alcohol changed ultimate goal, and the author of this article.
Abbas is once again dear doctor. I asked what language is very simple and not complicated scientific knowledge about alcohol and gave them leave. Although I have a lot of problems and difficulties of working time is more valuable to them than any gem with openness and of course the following article I have sent them to the was sentences are breif (This Add links) entire His article entitled Understanding Alcohol is submitted. Please follow the link that I think will be easier eckerö line to understand the material.
Before starting an important point to explain. To write or understand research articles and scientific or vernacular name is not used. The reason for its backwardness in terms of dialect, but a language of international science and technology in particular can not be accurately translated. Otherwise, the story is dumb or ridiculous.
Alcohol Hydrvksl based on its type I, type II, type III or polymer (a molecule) are named. It is named for the number of hydrogen atoms attached to the carbon attached to the hydroxyl group. Alcohol can also be based on the position eckerö line of hydrocarbons with complex eckerö line chemical names are called. eckerö line In this paper the method name (International Union of Pure and applied chemistry IUPAC) comply, eckerö line but sometimes it is easier for everyone to understand the common names have been used. This method is usually the common names that are used are taken from the roots of the parent hydrocarbon and sometimes alcohol is compatible with the natural source material. For example, methanol or methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, and the numbers represent the number of hydroxyl is some flotation before their names. In this case, refer to the name of alcohol.
Carbohydrates are the beginning of human history fermentation (sugar and starch) were used to produce alcohol. eckerö line Fermentation process using yeast to produce alcohol is actually particularly suitable for the production of hydrocarbons eckerö line and the type of alcohol. Example: ethanol, acetone, 1-butanol. In the case of 1-butanol and acetone is produced by the fermentation process and synthesis directly or through a variety of synthetic compounds are oil and gas production.
Frequent consumption of alcohol and its products, medical and food industry as well as in many of the important role they play live. Strong solvent and antiseptic and germicidal cleaners, maintenance or taste to the food, especially the packaging material and used as ingredients of cosmetic and toiletries and even a car radiator used as the coolant and replace the gasoline in the fuel combustion engine leaves.
The only alcoholic beverages is ethyl alcohol, namely ethanol, medical alcohol, pure alcohol is known. Alcohol drinking other fierce and destructive effects on different organs of living beings and cause temporary or permanent organ failure, blindness, heart attack, paralysis and death. Alcohols (especially ethanol) colorless, non-flammable flavored with pungent odor and spicy, and the fermentation of sugar or starch, C 12 H 22 O 11 is prepared in cooperation with the yeast. Ethanol is used in medicine as an antiseptic tincture and the highest consumption for the production of alcohol. Alcohol is rapidly decomposed or combined with other materials, including:
After drinking from the stomach through the mouth and absorbed into the blood and acts as a central nervous system activity to reduce the impairment of judgment, general body control, concentration, slow the movement of muscles, brings about a. Nevertheless Bull diuretic and stimulates the kidneys into the urine output will result in dehydration and extreme thirst.
Alcohol is the perfect companion for athletes, however, shake it off, and therefore in some sports such as archery, fencing, sports eckerö line federations Archer with full supervision and used in a limited eckerö line way, but taking it even one day before the supernatural power sports like football The decrease in acrobatic exercises to balance and match moves away. For those who wish to lose weight are not recommended because one gram of alcohol contains none as 7000 calories. eckerö line Excessive alcohol consumption can cause obesity because it can be converted into fat. Unlike eckerö line high-energy, alcohol, compared with other carbohydrates because they can not act directly on the muscles. The reason is that before the heart muscles and other body Slat used by the liver S

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