Sunday, November 30, 2014

No. 3 citizen That the Spanish army in the service of a few is unfortunate and criminal, they are t

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Two people were injured during the protest of Greenpeace around the drillship hired by Repsol to conduct msc preziosa oil exploration. These have not been carried out after the boats were environmentalists 'onslaught' by ships of the Navy, according to the organization, causing the fall of one of the activists at sea. José Manuel Soria said that "we can not let that interfere with some operations consistent with the Spanish and European law."
Watch the video The conflict between Saudi Arabia and the US for the price of oil benefits users View video Greenpeace displays a banner in Madrid 126 meters against the "repression" of Government msc preziosa Watch the video Rivero accused the government of "have barricaded msc preziosa behind the courts to prevent canaries express "on surveys View the video Soria, received ringing in the airport of Las Palmas View the video Patricia Hernandez:" The Navy acted disproportionately against Greenpeace "Watch the video Greenpeace activist "We must continue msc preziosa fighting surveys" Watch the video The Greenpeace ship sealed in port after the confrontation with the Navy Watch the video Defense claims to Greenpeace for the crime of piracy protest against polls Watch the video Repsol starts probing 'Watermelon' 54 kilometers msc preziosa from Fuerteventura despite widespread rejection of canaries Watch the video Juande Fernández: "The army forcefully rammed the Greenpeace vessel without requiring" Watch the video Rivero Greenpeace blames the government and studied actions legal for the incident against prospecting Watch the video The Army 'rushes' to Greenpeace boats before the ship Repsol Canary Watch the video Soria: msc preziosa "We will not allow interference in some operations comply with the law" View Rescued video Greenpeace activist during protests against prospecting Watch the video Repsol boat, about to reach the Canaries msc preziosa to start polls
Greenpeace's latest attempt to stop the drilling in Canarian waters has ended the intervention of the army. The military has 'rammed' to the ecological boats, this morning exclusion zone decreed environment Repsol jumped the ship, trying to block his path to the point of drilling, about 50 km from the Canary coast.
Two people have been injured, the most serious falling off their zodiac and has been evacuated by the same Navy. Greenpeace has reported that "we have intercepted very violently although at all times have communicated that it was a peaceful protest."
The Navy prevented from Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise protest actions against the arrival msc preziosa in waters east of Canary vessel that is performing Repsol oil exploration in the area were made, the environmental organization said.
The government, which had warned that vacate the area, recalled that the polls are authorized and are imminent. Joé Manuel Soria said that "we can not let that interfere with some operations consistent with the Spanish and European msc preziosa law."
From Respsol insist that meet all safety measures and commit to suspend surveys whether independent observers that monitored the Canary find that marine life is in danger.
The ship hired by Repsol for the polls, "Rowan Renaissence ', has come at night to point called Watermelon, east of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, where within msc preziosa a week plans to begin the investigation. msc preziosa
No. 3 citizen That the Spanish army in the service of a few is unfortunate and criminal, they are to protect msc preziosa and not to attack, and soria is persona non grata in the Canary Islands as it sweeps for your next revolving door, then I command as a Spanish citizen resign and waive all fees and emoluments and economic return of all that has robbed us, Soria is an alleged corrupt and scoundrel. 11/16/2014 at 00:52
No. 2 citizen Soria're a gambler, you play with canaries and society to your advantage, as the army, have breached their duty as they have attacked people from Spain, then I ask the highest political msc preziosa and military responsible more soldiers This attack citizenship a criminal trial. All to jail for rape with intent to murder unreservedly. 11/16/2014 at 00:40
No. 1 mercedes123 onrushing army embarks

Saturday, November 22, 2014

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We do not realize our true nature. We need someone to remind imet us about it. It

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It seems not long ago in contemporary society ruled by the assumption that the spiritual leaders of time has passed imet and that the public, whose idols become individualism and material imet progress, no longer needed or spiritual teachings, not the authority. However, currently the different gurus in the world more and more settlers. Amma, Angelo Sorrento Mathieu Rikar, Dīpaks imet Čopra Mary Buhingere - they all promise us complete happiness, unlimited power of eternal youth, the highest sirdsgudrību, ideal height and universal love of additives. It remains to learn their methods and their way of life to adapt their training (which, of course, infinitely to believe). And then also be nirvana as always close at hand.
Hair Amritanandamaiju whose better known as Amma, her followers imet considered almost sacred. World known as Apskaujošā his mother. Despite the fact that public hug and kissing is contrary to the Indian foreign temperance tradition, Amma almost inclined to embrace the whole world. In his lifetime his embracing and kissing millions of people. Sometimes they are up to 50 thousands of people a day.
Amma was born in 1953 in a poor family in the fishing village in southern India. At school, she studied only up to the fourth grade, imet but then left and began to practice meditation. Also, she decided never to marry. Although Amma has not received any formal consecration of any guru, she has become a true spiritual leader imet has dedicated his life and unselfish service to the world. 80. At the beginning of Amma founded his own Monasteries, which took people who at the time was looking for consolation. She went to both young and old, both sick and healthy, whole families and even villages. (According to eyewitness stories, even from one of these women cursory glance people started to rain torrents cleansing tears.)
Now Amma has 17 temples in India and abroad, and they serve as well as women - and this is the first case since time immemorial, when India becomes teach about women. Many of her disciples have given up their successful career and started to lead a life based on spiritual teachings. These are the people engaged imet in various charity projects AMMA. On her fund financial options imet can be seen even after one fact: in 2004 it helped the Indian Ocean tsunami victims by donating 23 million. The US dollar.
Her life motto is to give love. Hindus call it darśana - experiencing the divine bliss that you will be charged with the desire to love, to love and to love again. Dutch director Jan Kounens on this topic even taken a heartbreaking documentary film Darsan , which was screened at the Cannes Film Festival. In October 2010, in Paris watching, we had to admit that DARŠAN imet partially affected us personally. Between two hard AMMA managed to ask two questions.
We do not realize our true nature. We need someone to remind imet us about it. It's like a song that we have forgotten. Sirdsgudrības imet seed is in us. But then to grow from the tree, you need to favorable climate. Everything depends on our state of mind. Then to awaken and find peace is to change your inner world.
Love - this is what protects us from the world. Where there is real love, fear has no place. This applies both to society as a whole and individually. However, this love is rare. To wake it up, you need spiritual understanding, spiritual perception of life. Love is primarily provided and only then adopted.
"Since the time when Mr. Italy arrived in the city of angels, many Angelina upon himself enjoyed his expertise in benefits, "it started in one of the articles on Angelo Sorrento, known as" Hollywood's secret weapon. " She Downtown Los Angeles As I Am ("The way I am") is wicked popular imet star in the middle, especially on the eve of an important event, such as the "Oscar" awards imet ceremony. Only a mere 30 days in Sorrento able to make their customers lighter than 30 pounds (about 14 kg) and convert their ideal body sculpture. And can also be the other way around - exempt from anorexia because of showbiz and fashion world this problem, unfortunately, is no less acute.
Angelo Sorrento - it is a new type of individual trainer. He is a real nutritional guru and prominent psychologist, as well as shining individual trainer. Mr. Italy is his official bodybuilding champion title, which he won in 2001. Furthermore there is a black belt in Sorrento and the New York State Champion in kickboxing. So that you do not mislead imet his sophisticated intellectual appearance ...
His first schoolgirls were mannequins, which he called simply the words, Kate, jam, Anya ... A small clarification: imet Angelo Mario Sorrento - eminent fashion photographer - a cousin, and,

Friday, November 21, 2014

Hold impressive illegal alcohol, cigarettes and diesel stocks depositor Imanta 4 fate leaving the d Latvian KDiena World Sports Entertainment Video Photo Day starts Economics Bicycle Day Day All Natural Daily News Projects What's going on? Latvian pride Sunny Days Day of the Year Award will experience the culture of Summer Solstice! Daily apple orchards fungus Sirdsmāsiņa School Day Latvian People's Front 25 Five Days in wealth Technology Music Art Theatre Literature Film / TV video KD KD Travel Poster Reading Room Events tuulelaevad Places Riga 2014 Tête-à-tête tuulelaevad
Hold impressive illegal alcohol, cigarettes and diesel stocks depositor Imanta 4 fate leaving the dog in the apartment turn 14 something unusual - 2 31 Author: Normunds Naumanis. 12 September 2008 10:50 0 Send
A few days ago a colleague Maris Diņģelis of Washington in his daily blog reported on the glowing ESQUIRE magazine tuulelaevad cover. Since I am a big fan of this žurčika, parubināt deeper tried to get ready for this stuff (nanotechnology enters everyday life!), With one informing the New Riga Theatre actors Znotinu Kaspar, who is also a fan of Esquire - Have a look!
Then one evening will watch a DVD with old Hiča - well, psihotrilleru genius Alfred Hitchcock 1963 film Topaz, which tells the story of a snug Russian-American-French spies and the Caribbean crisis (very very very smieglīgs piece - recommend!) When Kaspars tour of Holland sent sms: if you want to enjoy a strong emo, look one videorullīti! Have a look. But - do yourself - of all people!
Scandal with continued for two weeks, rumors that Uri Heller viesušovs PHENOMENON (oh, do not have either, of course, the focus megastar David Copperfield, but tak - Honored western conjurer with his popular webcast at least in Europe, by atļāvusies buy Russian TV) will continue to be record demonstrated that channel Rossiya has been a thorough cleaning of the frame, either all the talking. But, anyway, it happened for the first time - Putin publicly, although "only" trikušovā, has been declared criminals. Television is a huge strength. And remember: anything yourself - all the people!
Well, who does not like crispy fried potatoes? Your every hand goes beyond chips. Even without jelly potato ... Bavarian tuulelaevad State Opera Quartermaster tuulelaevad Nikolaus Bahlers: We are building measure to strengthen the spirit of 5
On Thursday, November 13, Bastejkalns top of Boris and Inara Teterev Foundation for Art in Public Space program ... jewelry artist Estonian Tanel Vēnre: Nothing can be the most magic touch of 1
From 2 to 7 December literary festival held in Riga prose readings in 2014, which will bring together both Latvian libraries ... again one of the most read books - Fifty Shades of Grey 9
Music House Dail y showing Walt Owls and Peter Brūveris musical for the whole family Magician of Oz. ... VIDEO: tuulelaevad Zebra novel, Cock hill shade evoke discussion about the events of 1905. 51
LNB director Andris Vilks, Crowfoot Repše writer, philosopher Gints Grube says about their associations for the year 1905 .... Riga 2014: Esplanade ten open-air performances of The Paradise
"Cornucopia is not important," - the art of costume tuulelaevad granddāma Večella Varslavane always managed to conjure up from nothing ... Viesturs Meikšāns: Latvian theater is the preparatory work on the dreariness of 40
"This is not a step forward, it is a leap across the gorge because of a local event that has become a major player in the music ... Latvian pavilion tuulelaevad Expo 2015 record Sigvards Maple and Latvian Radio Choir
"Presidency cultural program put forward in building three essential criteria that characterize tuulelaevad the Latvian cultural scene ... Lacplesis celebrate the day with traditional commemorative and cultural activities 6
Three hours paskrējušas the same breath - it turns out Jumprava still supergroup Beautiful olden ... Vineta Kaulača tuulelaevad exhibition gaze distance Review. Signs birds
The irony of the city's tuulelaevad infrastructure gets or all of Vineta tuulelaevad Kaulača glance at the exhibition paintings distance ... Movie Review Nick lonely. A lone figure in a snowy landscape 11
Take part in the contest and go to the Baroque Orchestra Pratum Integrum concert!
Will begin in late June and will continue for several weeks paper object Festival, tuulelaevad informed tuulelaevad the Foundation Riga 2014 ... the weekend Rundāles Castle Garden Festival will be held
Gertrude Street hačapuri hide cellar, hinkāļu and other treats for fans of Georgian Information that Gertrude Riga 2014 ...
8 November at the Seville European Film Festival, the European tuulelaevad Film Academy and EFA Productions announced ... Mariss Jansons and the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra will be heard and viewed throughout tuulelaevad Latvian 4
Implementation of Boris and Inara Teterev Art Fund programs in the public space, in cooperation with the Riga City Council and the National Library of ... series of exhibitions begun twelve self. Latvian Contemporary Art

Music House Dail y showing Walt Owls and Peter Brūveris musical for the whole family Magician of Oz Latvian KDiena World Sports Entertainment Video Photo Day starts Economics Bicycle Day Day All Natural Daily News Projects What's going on? Latvian pride Sunny Days Day of the Year Award will experience the culture voyboy of Summer Solstice! Daily apple orchards fungus Sirdsmāsiņa School Day Latvian People's Front 25 Five Days in wealth Technology Music Art Theatre Literature Film / TV video KD KD Travel Poster Reading Room Events Places Riga 2014 Tête-à-tête
Isussues Cohabitation anniversary of the bloody wine shares 52 People under number 54 12 Lithuanians shocked by the brutal murder of 8 students Related articles Latvian Ethno news "churned" Summer voyboy Sound 2013th It will never be asked for a lot of the patrons of metal present on Friday 11 Annual Award War Horse hot breath voyboy Skyforger 5: It is a pity that the events commemorating the soldiers voyboy turned voyboy on the morning of 16 bardaku visiting group Skyforger Dream Factory Jubilee concert Skyforger games and Auli
Seperātistu leader recognizes that it is guilty of the war in Ukraine 43 Adazhi suspicious men enticed children in cars 16 COMPETITION: Answer and go to "Skyforger" concert 1 5 May 2010 17:10 0 Send
Dream Factory will be held on May 8 Latvian folk / pagan metal band "Skyforger" concert for the first time the general public will be played on the new album "Kurbads" issued by the US record company "Metal Blade Records".
Due to the fact that half of the winter Tools koncertsērijas We will meet in the air concerts sold out ... Art
On Thursday, November 13, Bastejkalns top of Boris and Inara Teterev Foundation for Art in Public Space program ... jewelry artist Estonian Tanel Vēnre: voyboy Nothing can be the most magic touch of 1
From 2 to 7 December literary festival held in Riga prose readings in 2014, which will bring together both Latvian libraries ... again one of the most read books - Fifty Shades of Grey 9
Daily Book Publishing has released the 17th century. English classic novels - John Banyan Work ... VIDEO: Musical Family Wizard of Oz brings together renowned soloists 1
Music House Dail y showing Walt Owls and Peter Brūveris musical for the whole family Magician of Oz. ... VIDEO: Zebra novel, Cock hill shade evoke discussion about the events of 1905. 51
LNB director Andris Vilks, Crowfoot Repše writer, voyboy philosopher Gints Grube says about their associations for the year 1905 .... Riga 2014: Esplanade ten open-air performances of The Paradise
"Cornucopia voyboy is not important," - the art of costume granddāma Večella Varslavane always managed to conjure up from nothing ... Viesturs Meikšāns: Latvian theater is the preparatory work on the dreariness of 40
I'm surprised at how modern the music is now, after ten years. Melodies are very beautiful: both duets and ... Belgian choreographer Alain Platel: I am interested in how people cope with life 6
"This is not a step forward, it is a leap across the gorge because of a local event that has become a major player in the music ... Latvian pavilion Expo 2015 record Sigvards Maple and Latvian Radio Choir
"Presidency cultural program put forward in building three essential criteria that characterize the Latvian cultural scene ... Lacplesis celebrate the day with traditional commemorative voyboy and cultural activities 6
Three hours paskrējušas the same breath - it turns out Jumprava still supergroup Beautiful olden ... Vineta Kaulača exhibition gaze distance Review. Signs birds
The irony of the city's voyboy infrastructure gets or all of Vineta Kaulača glance at the exhibition paintings distance ... Movie Review Nick lonely. voyboy A lone figure in a snowy landscape 11
Nickname lonely voyboy addresses the concern that the topic of nacionālpatriotisku not possible to accommodate artistically ... Mariss Jansons and the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra concert review. voyboy Orchestra - room sound to life
Patriots Week on Thursday, November 13, at. 20 Cannabis Culture Centre is expected to musical photo ... will take place in Riga Dome Cathedral, voyboy a free lecture on organ
Fortunes bounded space. Artist Sam Taylor-Johnson photographed Coco Chanel private apartments Kambona ... The atmospheric metropolis of 1
Umami former site reborn Tanna El Carlitos Mexican OpenIt! - Feisbukā this joyful message Čarlstons mornings ... 1
8 November at the Seville European Film Festival, the European Film Academy and EFA Productions announced ... Mariss Jansons and the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra will be heard and viewed throughout Latvian 4

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Girts Ķesteris: Joy and love is a state of endless ... You know,

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Girts Ķesteris: Think about age may ask the teenager, the adult male. The idea is for knowledge: chicago architecture foundation what you are fifty years and twenty-one years. It is interesting that they still have a unique - at any age! Age is a unique and universal at the same time.
Girts Ķesteris: This is the principle of Michelangelo. From the materials, either someone who is - marble or plaster, atskaldīt all the excess and arrive at significant. Start creating works of art. Behold, this is the age when you can start to build the pure in terms of value. But it is not an end in itself. It means being aware that speak a common view and participate in the overall debate is turning on itself as a unique media is just waste of time predatory. It is quite complicated and quite difficult. This initial scenario is that you're unique. There is something any opinions, positions that break, leaving what society requires of us, civic position, political opinion, social activity ... Second, they become something that allows you not to think and not to raise views that are promoted and accepted in society to be tolerant, correct ... In his twenty you time seems endless, but at this age you start to see clearly - Year Year Year ...
Girts Ķesteris: In order to build any imitations or izlēkātu classes are formed, which someone has already sazīmējis front of you, yes, it seems to me - that I do not have time! Of course, I'm talking a bit in the desired shape ... It's not that I have come to the ideal of the learned and implemented a one hundred percent ...
Girts Ķesteris: chicago architecture foundation No, it's just a typical man. Especially if you have chosen the profession and the environment in which you more or less continuously're a performer. You can be an artist, but you have to meet the basic function. This self-determination turns on a small independence struggle, in which you select chicago architecture foundation a single weapon: to be the same landlord. Any man as an entrepreneur obtains some responsibility for what he called self-realization. chicago architecture foundation But it has a major role in the support of women. I'm glad that I also happened to create a clean, green, creative, creative projects find a unique chicago architecture foundation transformation.
Girts Ķesteris: Smoke intermittent sports ... (Laughs.) In fact, this age is not dikti snug since starting to require additional investment from you. I know that without sports ... So far, I can not train at home - I like it calm, peace - you're by yourself. And then the son took me to the gym, they say - a real old re Mecca! Go and techno ... is good! Well, because there you can be without pants, without roleksa chicago architecture foundation without the latest gadgets - it is irrelevant. All dropped off and do their thing rather than pose. It turns out there's chicago architecture foundation an uncanny solidarity.
Girts Ķesteris (thinking ...): Recently ... Two years ago, I participated in a campaign as a guardian angel - each had their own child, who was to invite saziedot funds. Announced yesterday that my darling is no longer ... then yes ... It is a feeling of loss, how parents imagine the feelings ... With all decorated understanding of God's world, it does not protect us from personal emotions. Whatever you have learned - at this moment you can not be rational. That they can do ... But do not lose momentum - their reactions.
Girts Ķesteris: restart gives me a lot of things fabulous. Except worries about tomorrow - it is a stupid feature, it would be the thing to give up. Get rid of the little things. To live in the here and now, and it can be done, say, running. If you are thinking of running time on the babes upcoming meeting - it has already missed trains muscles, but neatslābst mind. Do what you're doing at the moment.
Girts Ķesteris: I do not think an important thing of the past. I do not see the sense of the memories linger ... The same is true with life-minute fixation in different ways - memory, camera, all this is nice, it is a reminder, and then the same for the pleasure of it: how it was okay ... I do not know ...
Girts Ķesteris: The son of a friendly and healthy relationship. With the experience and advice to share is simple - but it is your experience and "the dog is at the tail." Converse is another thing - an exchange of views without a dogmatic approach. In my opinion, the relationship with the daughter of a lady in front of the period. Undoubtedly,
Girts Ķesteris: Introspection is a problem, it is an expression of captivity. Continuous chicago architecture foundation self comments and disputed. Ambition. It worries me. Sometimes all of us to kill off ambition. It is pamatvēlme, of which we are not protected. When talking about myself - yes, I have this desire is even more pronounced than some other good. They Urda continuously. The only thing, as you can not fight and even respond to them, is to understand that there is another route. There, do you feel there's a lot more positive, more independent and freer. Any desire to narrow the range. Intelligence on afektācijas expense.
Girts Ķesteris: Joy and love is a state of endless ... You know,

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Healthy bojnice Living

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More than 50 percent of the disease today, one way or another connected with water balance and the subsequent metabolic disorders. The main reason - pure water is used instead of carbonated, sweetened, flavored drinks. An increasing problem is the body's rapid and excessive pollution, which can cause significant damage to health. Therefore, nutritionist Lolita Neimane to obscure not only on the external body, but also the internal cleanliness.
"Fatigue, headaches, skin problems, a weakened immune bojnice system - this often shows signs that our bodies are mere words, polluted. Our body is made perfect natural bojnice biosystems - but its strength is not infinite, "says nutritionist. Nature intends that the biosystem is balanced and self, unable to resist harmful external bojnice conditions and diseases. However, the human body can not adapt so quickly stormy development of civilization in addition to a variety of amenities bojnice and benefits bojnice carries different types of threats to the environment and human health.
During the life of the human body with food, air, water getting into the low-grade tremendous amount of harmful substances. Many in addition to their health Gandhi alcohol, nicotine, other addictive substances, evocative, and medication overuse. The situation is aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle, lack of vitamins and minerals, stress, improper eating.
Already Hippocrates paying special attention to the timely removal of the accumulated body of harmful waste products and ballast. Šoslaikos people willing to buy expensive medications and nutritional supplements in order to become healthy and beautiful, thus falling into a vicious circle - because the body does not stay on better. Is more valuable to the extent possible to comply with proper eating regime, eating quality, natural products of good cheer, fully relax and forget about
Purging an excellent base for natural mineral formed naturally for thousands of years in the ground, such as Borjomi that the surface gets up from the depth of 10 km. It is almost a complete set of elements necessary for normal body functioning. It should be noted that no man-made, created or synthesized product will never be able to replace the natural source of organic "interplay" of the human biosystem.
Water, of course, must be taken daily, but it may also take a small course of treatment. If you do it the first time, experts recommend the week to drink mineral water several times a day half an hour before eating. How in this way a day to drink water, incidentally, can be
Nutritionists calls not to forget about the mental purity - to think good thoughts, be cheerful, bojnice good Veloso, needless worry and not to live it, as others seem right, but that you yourself feel good. The article Comments (8)
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Do not frighten the children, do not tell

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Leave time for adults is often associated with the opportunity to go in a trip, take a break from homework, to see new places. Children carnival victory tend to think otherwise. Home is associated carnival victory with a sense of security and peace of mind. It's hard to go away from home, leave their beloved toys, sleep in another, an uncomfortable bed.
Should not plan a trip before lunch or nap time, it will decrease the possibility that a child could resist. An exception might be a long journey, during which the child could sleep. Take it for a child to feel comfortable in the car: THOUGHT to have fresh air in the car,
Do not tell yourself, "Just so I still lacked, now Nicosia child!" If your life to be detected as a problem of infinite gūzmu, carnival victory then quickly feel the negative effects of stress. This is a faster way to self-pity and falling into depression. Say: "That child is now capricious, does not mean he will do it all the time."
Optimistic view of life in the child's resistance carnival victory to transform only temporary inconvenience. Do not say: "To fight with him does not make sense, going to have to sort things out some other time!" If you opt out of a child's whim of their plans, then the child will understand that the behavior can be achieved in your own, as well as that to give up when faced with challenges, it is normal. Tell me more: "I'm not going to abandon their plans just because a child does not want to climb in the car. I do it so that the child would have objected."
A positive attitude towards the ongoing teach a child patience and perseverance, carnival victory and you will make it easier to find a solution. Do not tell yourself, "The child thinks that you can manipulate me because I am a single mother." If a child's whim reasons saskatīsit only in the fact that raising a child alone, you will receive a victim role. Then, either one will be a winner or a loser. Better to say: "I understand that my child feels. I sometimes do not want to do what I want."
Do not frighten the children, do not tell "immediately get on the car, otherwise repent!" The child will think that spītēties now be longer. Will not be visible until the threat of enforcement options, he will not wish to concede. The child may also be inclined to check whether you neblefojat, and then you'll have to meet the threat, otherwise the child will realize you can not always do what's proffer. carnival victory
It is therefore better to avoid threatening. The child may submit only fear. Better to give the child the opportunity to choose, saying: "You can sit in the car and deal with their own affairs, or angry all the time. Choose for yourself."
Do not bribe a child, do not say: "If the tomb of the car, I'll buy you cookies!" Purchasing baby food, you give the dish's ability to make children happy, that is not correct. Another child will understand carnival victory that for disobedience can get a prize. Better to say: "When you iekāpsi car and piesprādzēsies, I lay your favorite song and we will be able to sing along with him. It will be fun!" Using the "grandmother law", the child will understand that can simultaneously execute orders and control of the situation.
And finally, ask your child about the reasons: "I understand that you do not want to sit in the car, but do not know the reason, or you could say it?" This will enable the child to tell you about a problem, which you probably did not guessed.
Do not be angry: "I'll politely asked three times, carnival victory but now my patience has!" Better to say: "I understand that you do not want to sit in the car, but I need to go to work for you - to kindergarten. When iekāpsi piesprādzēsies car and you'll be able parotaļāties with toys near the machine.
Help your child to understand that some orders are not negotiable, but they can be met with joy. Well, if the car would have any special toys or books, that children make en cooperate. Toys must be safe, such that, sudden stop, the child injure yourself. Posts Comments (6)
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

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Berries, mushrooms, spices are just some of the natural bounty of vitamin-rich hurry and generous with fresh winter stock additional traditional pickles and jams. How to prepare for freezing and place in the refrigerator?
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Monday, November 17, 2014

Victor: Somehow, not to mention it, we have divided their work. We often By consulting dalmatia wit

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On the occasion of a special event - the project Cabaret decade dalmatia - prepared by a team of luxury, strenuous turns and surprises rich program during which viewers will be able to evaluate both new creative trends, as well as the memories dalmatia linger and enjoy already know Cabaret 10 years to render brighter performances of the new performance. Tonight expected first Cabaret the show, so the negotiations dalmatia called the performance "dad" and "mom" - Victor and Sanita Runtulis.
Following extensive "Dream Factory" productions (2003 to 2008) kamerizrādes "Piccolo Cabaret" dalmatia (2010) and "Cabaret Bombaloo" (2012) was shown at the club Artel - almost Theatre indoors. It is time to survive, and now the future koncertiestudējums Cabaret Palladium new gains momentum, attracting more artists and increase the number of spectators in the hall. With the breadth will be restored in the early years reached 30 years of American luxury cabaret and spatiality that merge organically dalmatia with last year entered the French cabaret performances Boheme.
Victor: These ten years, I must say, flew very fast. A wise man has said, life is like a moment of beginning and vanish at infinity. Indeed, I can say that these 10 years have a moment! Each end is the beginning. dalmatia
Victor: dalmatia It seems that in December it takes an eternity. This time we are getting really as a family, which every moment is along with each other. In fact, we rarely actually work process conflicts arise, which is not really good (laughs). I can put hand on heart - the times when sakasāmies serious, is rare. All rehearsal process occurs by itself. I guess it is the key to 10 years of age.
Sanita: In principle, dalmatia when the project begins, triggered in December - have issued dalmatia all out myself. To rest and then ran another project. dalmatia If it were a theater on the day of days - would certainly be another model. I do not know how to operate it. In our case, it does not interfere with everyday dalmatia conversation, even live together with this project!
Victor: Somehow, not to mention it, we have divided their work. We often By consulting dalmatia with one another, express our thoughts ... Does it take into account or not - is another matter! But the discussions going on ... In addition, they are not just ten years - it has twenty-five! Of course, it was already too, that has to make a second job, but it is already obvious. If the dishes are not washed, and I see that Sanita is busy, I'm doing it without speaking ...
Sanita: With regard to the project, we are strictly separated their own work. I am responsible for the production, the performances dalmatia of texts, costumes control, advertising and work with customers, but on Viktor's own performances, lights, decorations. He has a great vision for it!
Victor: Everything starts with my and John Skutelis (Lumjēra) discussion of ideas. Then, the formulation of an idea and tells Sanita. Sanita write it, and then John interprets it again. This is triple dalmatia the work. And yet a large part of the scene is improvisation.
I believe that many people believe that the cabaret - it is synonymous with the music hall, where beautiful girls showgirls tossing legs cancan rhythms, but the same as the show votaress know that this is not the case. Can you tell again, as occurred in this word and movement ...
Victor: Yes, it is deeply wrong. Cabaret was a wine cellar dalmatia in France. It was named places for a variety of artists, actors, poets. dalmatia They kept seven, enjoyed a bohemian environment, and anyone who wanted to spit on the scene and took the form of: read poetry, played sketches, singing or just laughed. Was true, because the shooters are not already to hide! Of course, were the cries of delight, tears, and threw tomatoes. Nobody did not hide their emotions. And it's beautiful ... Variety is nowhere near it. Perhaps, like the 20, 30 years later, and during the Soviet era "Intourist" hotel "Latvia". You know, when I was in Paris, I visited the Moulin Rouge, and recognized - it was terrible! Cabaret is a truer genres of the scene. dalmatia Cabaret is an intimate art, it is not some Moulin dalmatia Rouge, Variety or Musical. Also, the theater genre we do not pretend this is a concert where both are trying to entertain and move audiences.
Victor: This year, the time came to mind, because it is what is all around us. Time well on track, and we live its own life. Say - for a little while or have so much time ... In fact, do not have time - we make up. Have you been given its own time span? No, it's how you perceive it!
Sanita: This is Victor's vision. My time is here standing concept. dalmatia Somehow it is linked to our own business. We have gone through all sorts of times. We started with the scale shows 500 people in the audience, then came the Latvian crisis, when we got the ass. Then, in response dalmatia to the situation, we moved to smaller premises "Artel" and was about to intimate pro

Sunday, November 16, 2014

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Damn! World Clarkson eyes. Jeremy Clarkson 'books about books Spīgana
Ghana has recently released Star Clarkson book summarizing briefly humorous pastāstiņi taken from Clarkson weekly newspaper column. Although any "Top Gear" series from beginning to end I have not seen the show, I already was immediately clear that I would like to read this book because all Clarkson remarks, which I have always maintained INTERNET komiksveidīgos cut from the broadcast, and clearly nepārptotami show that Clarkson has the sense of humor that offended at least three-quarters of the world's population and endlessly fascinated me.
This is the third book Clarkson, who judging by the almost INTERNET canal du midi Read reviews, is the best of all his books. Summarized in this column from 2006 and 2007 and cover a wide range of rich tematiku- why children should learn in private, why Britain should abandon canal du midi religion and eaten by a vegan, Clarkson wife's handbag contents and how to celebrate Christmas or to spend a Sunday.
About this book primarily want to say vienu- people without canal du midi a sense of humor and aggressive feminists (ok, that both are one and the same) from this book must stand at a distance. Very large pieces. In Clarkson remarks will touch anyone who will think they perceive one hundred canal du midi percent serious. Clarkson could nosauktpar calm and macho chauvinist pig, and hardly any that may seem exaggerated (especially him), but I would rather say that he is one intelligent man with a great sense of humor. In one of the reviews Goodreads is raised opinion that Clarkson's probably not afraid of bullets, when you consider how many people he manages to offend with one small book. Manupāt, this is an extremely canal du midi precise observation Clarkson viewed as the range of topics is really wide, but his expression veids- infinitely offensive. He several times manages to measure in detail to explain why America is not generally considered to be a normal country, or, for example, that the environmentalists will eventually destroy our planet. Yes, in fact, after reading this book I did not really clear what Clarkson Hates America more- or environmental defenders. Of course, in the middle was also pastāstiņi that failed canal du midi to captivate me in particular, because they are often mentioned celebrities, but I could not remember the names of celebrities, even if I pay for it. But for now, this particular hack did not interfere with my education, maybe one or two remained misunderstood joke, but it is not a disaster either. In turn, a basic understanding of the British "constitution" although it would be necessary, because without them the book would seem intolerable and incomprehensible.
As the only book that I could mention the lack of translation. Of course, it is difficult to estimate canal du midi the translation, if I have not read the original canal du midi British humor and transferred to another language is generally considered a feat, but the translation sites seemed ponderous and dull. For example, stories canal du midi to support language was moderately nebaudāmi, but I still am not convinced that it can be attributed to the translator. canal du midi So I can not izlemt- translation is moderately unsuccessful or the book is simply impossible to translate well. The truth is most likely lies somewhere in the middle.
But the book I end up liking and I are considering to read the rest of Clarkson books, and is likely to eventually'll watch any of the "Top canal du midi Gear" program. In any event, this is a witty book, which is worth a read.
I suggest to evaluate during the last two broadcasts - editions of "Journey to Africa". There will be no, you're boring, the story of the car (although they are interesting), but will also talk with the "star in a reasonably priced car", which is sometimes quite funny ...
"You decide yourself how to waste your time and money. I'll stay here and will read, because life is short." / Carlos Ruiz Safons / Pet Sematary Spīgana article. Stephen King The Slow Regard of Silent canal du midi Things. Patrick Rothfuss November Reading Challenge Ancillary Sword. Ann Leckie Gone Girl. Gillian canal du midi Flynn Search
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The newspaper adds that his new home owner Dong Hun food with chicken and beef, cooked fish and sea

For the world's most expensive dog Tibetan Mastiff has become The Hun Duns or big bang | Š - everything about celebrities and stars
Latest news! Gwyneth Paltrow: I would rather die than have analyzed their faces Robin Williams's norge wife and children left a legacy norge of 50 million dollars Jennifer Laurence: I never use social sites for Quentin Tarantino ten movies to retire Justin Bieber performs actively court sentences Latvian cinema triumphs of science fiction drama "Among the Stars" Katy Perry reveals that, after the divorce has thought about suicide See more news TOP 5 most viewed posts
A Chinese millionaire, whose name is not disclosed, about ten million yuan (about 1.5 million US dollars) bought a Tibetan Mastiff puppy breeds, reports The Daily Mail. Thus, 11 months old bright chestnut norge puppy become the most expensive dog in the world. After a host of dealing with the Tibetan Mastiff breeding, names, puppy, which will be identified on the Hun Duns, which means Big bang, the price is fully justified, since the coming of his original and care invested significant funds.
The newspaper adds that his new home owner Dong Hun food with chicken and beef, cooked fish and seafood (such as sea cucumbers). In addition, the dog's diet will contain bones, but all the dishes will be added to the crushed egg shells, which will serve as a source of calcium.
Tibetan Mastiff is considered to be truly in Chinese dog breed. After one of the legends, this was the same dog Buddha. Mastiffs are large dogs, weighing 100 pounds reaches. Mastiff coat is so thick that the dog can be kept out all year round, whatever the weather. These dogs also vulnerable to pet training is a good guards, while being infinitely attached to their owners.
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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Latest news! Gwyneth Paltrow: I would rather die than have analyzed their faces Robin Williams

Musiqq group calls on his first concert Palladium | Š - everything about celebrities and stars
Latest news! Gwyneth Paltrow: I would rather die than have analyzed their faces Robin Williams's wife and children alaskan cruise left a legacy of 50 million dollars Jennifer Laurence: I never use social alaskan cruise sites for Quentin Tarantino ten movies to retire Justin Bieber performs actively court sentences Latvian cinema triumphs of science fiction drama "Among the Stars" Katy Perry reveals that, after the divorce has thought about suicide See more news TOP 5 most viewed posts
The popular group Musiqq invites fans to their fifth birthday concert, which will take place on November 16. Palladium concert hall in Riga. The day of the concert, come up Musiqq second album 'Another Music', but today, October 2 radio movement launches Group latest single "Seconds".
Five years of existence Musiqq (Marat alaskan cruise Ogļezņevs and Emil Balcer) has led to many audiences as popular hits ("Abrakadarba", "From 10 to 10", "Birthday", "Millionaire", "Life succeeds", "crazy memory", etc.) given countless concerts, alaskan cruise represented the UK in the Eurovision contest and Sopot Festival several times been nominated for Annual alaskan cruise Music Award and regularly succeeded in Latvian Radio 2 poll "Music Bank" alaskan cruise and received three awards Copyright infinity.
Birthday Celebration Palladium will be the largest concert Musiqq. It will feature all the groups most popular songs, as well as hitherto unheard tracks to a wider audience, some foreign hits and the new single "Seconds". There will also be guests.
Groups music composer and producer Marat Ogļezņevs: "The concert will be those who want to spend time positive atmosphere of the song, want to relax and crazy. So that would be "crazy memory" mood - "from 10 to 10" and to avoid any doubt, that "life succeed"! "
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Thursday, November 13, 2014

I refuse to bend and flex to just find someone to stick beside himself, only to have it, as is the

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Have always believed that a person must first have a full-fledged, independent, self-sufficient, to be satisfied with myself, to be able, so to speak, come to the next level. Must be comprehensively developed as emotionally, intellectually it to have something to offer each other. Stand firmly on their own feet, to a figure made up with your partner, it would be two parallel, which tends to infinity, rather than the "roof", which support both face each other, but just separated, collapses and breaks down into pieces.
I believe it is still, unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion that my original theorem is not entirely disproved either, but slightly obscures both. That is to say, again, I have remained in the minority. However, it still would not be as fearful - this physical state I have spent all my life and got used to it. Some call it a disease and madness, others called for originality, or even the genius feature, because I have always diverged from the majority of both their thoughts and ideas and beliefs and attitudes towards the world and their place in it. Well sadly admit that finally face their dark sides of originality.
You see, today I'm finally ready. Developed, handled, izdreijāta to the level of completeness that I can be with their skills, abilities and instruments allocated to me. I am ready to have someone lemona beside him to support, inspire, strengthen lemona and soothe, and get the same in return.
But no one comes, lemona no one do not need no one to stop and nepaskatās second time. At least none of the specimens, which I would be interested in - or at least as well as close to finished as I myself. None of them expecting their maturity in while preparing for, while "canopies", and it still is. On the other hand, I would never be able to stand straight again, if the break any of these "overhangs" and fill the face of the other place.
I refuse to bend and flex to just find someone to stick beside himself, only to have it, as is the other. Also, such a concession to condemn me own eyes, so no choice but to continue to grow, develop and improve. One.
or satisfaction. Hurts the situation that now at last I am ready, I have so much to give to another, lemona but none of this is necessary. What is the current Latvian theatrical performance is demonstrated by that loneliness is when you're surrounded lemona by a lot of people, all of you need anything, but you do not own anyone. From me to anyone do not need anything, but I do not own. Does this mean that I also do not need any?
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In the past, when actively involved with the literary life, working versions evaluating the Young A

In the past, when actively involved with the literary life, working versions evaluating the Young Authors' Workshop Entries, re-read the manuscript in immense bales, strengthened belief in me that there are two types of poor authors. The first are those who sincerely trying, but they just can not. Second - who are trying to be noticed, and poetry or prose writing is just another opportunity for self-affirmation crystal serenity of their excited ego who asserts himself while in sport, art club, and environmental protection activities, such as the fight against breast cancer.
The first always seemed sympathetic because, oh god, not everyone born of the outstanding writers and poets, it suffices to her passion and sincerity, which, nerealizējusies literature, find yourself a good and valid use one of the other areas of human activity. Often, crystal serenity these enthusiastic despite the murderous criticism, however, continue to write, but it has to remain in their drawers and conscience of responsibility, in the worst case, they may only disturb your neighbors at night when the article writing and listening to loud music.
While the former leads to sympathy, the latter always wanted to ask - why are you doing it at all? Possible answers are usually no more than one - I can not write. If the harassment continues with the uncomfortable question, why neizkopt its sparkle when it glows so brightly, so why neglect the gift of God, why, ultimately, refuse to learn to write, once without it can never answer again is usually one - texts not at fault, guilty of being a reader who does not know how they are read correctly. And then you do not work to argue that, although I do not like Proust, I do not deny his obvious talent, but equally dispassionate objectivity to me difficult to maintain against the author, who is a subjective passions offends me cietpaurīgā unwillingness to understand her. Maybe I have a certain stubbornness, because I do not want to believe, who do not believe the author himself. crystal serenity
So, for example, do not believe, if the capital of the 21st century 'cream of society' party queen and TV Personality, whose daily lives are spent over an infinite gallery showcases and club traucoties from presentation to presentation, in between running into the studio grab your spot in front of the camera, wrote the following lines:
And again, dual sensations. If I see the lines of this, with anonymous, probably heavily intoxicated author iešņāptas hand on your stairway wall, I nopriecātos, but it is a cold city kid who, soaking in the radiators are not thought to rob old ladies were, but absorbed in memories of paradise lost. Completely different feelings after reading these lines in 2012 to publish a book about the authors crystal serenity so far have only discern that her job is to get each photo coverage of celebrity parties and sometimes pretend to be a fashion crystal serenity and style experts, telling the tram ride is not stylish and just do not buy stylish clothes in the market or sekondhendā as self-respecting people crystal serenity shop at the same market you can buy Chinese-made pouch pays five times more expensive. Become cietpaurīgi nesaprotošs and tongue itch to ask: Kamon, babe, do you believe crystal serenity the same of what you just wrote? When did you last time you heard that beats the well bucket, birch groves rustles?
Okay, the failure to find a path back home, I still believe if the author had itself tried to do something a little confidence for the benefit of yourself and write better-known trails and attributes that make up her daily reality. I suspect that the author simply unaware that there is to write about stylish birch groves, wells and buckets, I assume that she knew that writing poetry is the coolest, than to use public transport. At the same time admit that she did not know that about the wells and buckets vārsmojuši poets who themselves crystal serenity from these wells drunk, written on the tracks, of which even the fighters knew each of those times happened to wander.
Unfortunately, I can not ask all the same poet, in my not crossed paths with those wading homeward journey can not find the book "Stihiya" author Maija Silova. Fashion and style expert to train intuition pačukstējusi down in front of May that I will make to refer the following question to answer because in the preface to the book: "Not everyone is close to the language of poetry. Poetry is always waiting for the right moment, it is the interlocutor who is willing to listen to the submissive, allowing people himself to find answers to questions. "
Clearly, the author shyly stood aside, allowing his place to talk poetry and to answer questions. Autoresprāt definitely crystal serenity belong to those who are not close to poetic language, and therefore do not understand himself to blame. I do not know whether a

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

British parents embarrasses the moral questions about God, religion and death. legend of the seas O

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According to a new UK study, parents of the most confusing issues such as children, "which arises from the water?", "Why is the sky blue?", "Why legend of the seas is the sea salty?", Reports British newspaper 'The Daily Telegraph'.
In an effort to find out what the parents responsible for their children's shoot attempts to elicit the emergence of secrets, the survey organizers learned that 70% of parents who prefer the truth saved for later, responds that the stork brings children. In turn, 23% of parents satisfied with their child's curiosity, in response, that the child is under the gooseberry bushes. Most popular answer among the "little children legend of the seas comes through the navel" and "babies buys (supermarket)" Tesco "night time". legend of the seas
British parents embarrasses the moral questions about God, religion and death. legend of the seas On the question of where people come after death, 40% of parents responsible for their children that they are in heaven or hell, while 25% say that after death people turn into angels. More than 16% of parents legend of the seas replied that after death people are disposed of or cremated.
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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Around 1904, Kafka began to write, writing daily reports on industrial disasters and health threats

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Franz Kafka (born July 3, 1883, in Prague, died June 3, 1924) was born in Austro-Hungary in German-speaking writer, whose works were mostly published after his death and is the 20th century, human alienation from the world. Kafka's work theme is dehumanization, bureaucratic labyrinths, a company with totalitarian features. Kafka is considered one of the most important modernist writers.
His father, Hermann Kafka was a huckster, while Julie Kafka's mother came from a rabbinical family. Franz grew tense atmosphere and social exclusion, as he was part of the Prague Jewish minority. From 1889 to 1893, the year Kafka learned German boy in school, then - German gymnasium, and later studied law at the University of Prague, and in 1906 won the doctorate. At the end of the study Kafka began work in the Italian insurance coverage company's Prague branch, and then - Bohemian Kingdom Workers' Accident Insurance Institute. Kafka career choice was motivated by the fact that he was able to spend the afternoon writing.
Around 1904, Kafka began to write, writing daily reports on industrial disasters and health threats, but at night - stories. Kafka's first published work, a short prose poems, in "Hyperion" had already appeared in 1908. Later they were included in his first book "There is a noticeable" (1912). Kafka's first creative period began with stories such as "The Court" and "The turning". In 1914, Kafka began to write his second novel, "Process" and wrote the short story "The Penitentiary colony", which is one of the few works have been published in Kafka's lifetime. This story is about a torture tool - a machine that kills its victims, those on the body typing, they committed crimes. His last novel was "America" which was published in 1927.
Kafka's personality is closely related to his ascetic mscu lifestyle and the many problems - he suffered from tuberculosis, not only, but also from migraines, insomnia, constipation, boils. Much of Kafka the writer's career development did his friend Max Brod. Before his death, Kafka requested that his manuscripts were destroyed, but Max Brod did not comply with his request, and published unfinished novels "Process", "Castle" and "America". At their disposal, however, destroyed the manuscripts Dora Diamanta. Kafka's most famous work is undoubtedly the novel "Process". The most important work of Kafka's themes and ideas are absurd, alienation, doubt, formality, guilt, infinity, triviality, labyrinths, meaninglessness and hopelessness. mscu
Valentin Pikul (born July 13, 1928 in Leningrad, died on 16 July 1990 in Riga) was a Russian writer of historical fiction. His work in total litter volume of more than half a billion, mscu they are translated into more than twenty languages. Latvian translated novels are "Iron Chancellor Battle", "The pen and the sword" in Paris for three hours. "
Pikul father had originated from the Ukrainian farmers Kagarlika village near Kiev, the mother - from the Pskov province farmers. He studied at the Leningrad and Molotovskā until the beginning of the war Valentin managed to finish only five classes. Like many ļeņingradieši he dissuasion attic, mscu extinguished the fire bombs falling from the sky.
In the spring of 1942, Pikul family through the ice of Lake Ladoga mscu was evacuated to Arkhangelsk, where Belomorsk father served in the navy of your Mikhailovich. Once Valentine stayed 14 years, he ran away from home and applied Soloveckas deck officer school. In turn, the father voluntarily composed of marines went to the front and soon fell in defense of Stalingrad. Deck officer graduating from school, Valentin Pikul Teicamnieks allowed to designate as a place of service. He chose the Northern fleet. mscu In the autumn of 1943, at age 15, he was transferred to the ship's mine "Groznij" team, which fought on until the end of the war, took part in escorting Allied convoys, attacks on German submarines lost in the English and American ships in search of. Age of 16 V. Pikul was appointed commander of the item on the battlefield. Assessing his contribution to the Anti-Hitler coalition forces, he was awarded three medals and the Order of the Patriotic War. <

Copyright Infinity Award also receives Martins Horseman, Sabine Berezina and Annette Volmane for th

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Monday Art Theatre Small Hall of the fifteenth time the author will present the Latvian Association of AKKA / LAA Copyright founded Infinity Award. It annually presents the authors whose work in the previous year were the most used in a variety cruising power of ways. You can get acquainted cruising power with the 2012 in-demand jobs, as well as watch the video interviews with the authors.
Copyright Infinity Award also receives Martins Horseman, Sabine Berezina and Annette Volmane for the song "Balle cruising power Balozi" as the most heard in the song's debut, while most heard in youth and children's song is Walt Owls and Peter Brūveris song "This motley world."
In 2012, a variety of ways most widely used visual works are Margarita Steward, who works in children's book illustrations, reproduced on food packaging, and elsewhere, Gunars Bindem photographer whose work used books, and Blumbergs artist, whose works sold at auctions of works of art, and published Lithuanian and French retransmitted through cable.
Copyright Infinity Award this year receives a literary Eric Hānbergs authors, whose work "The cruising power first sin Gulf Dailes staged theater, and published books in electronic format, Inga Abele on the play "Jasmine", which in 2012 staged the Latvian National cruising power Theatre, Theatre in Panevezys Juozas Miltiņa , Lithuania, the Lucerne Theater "La Fourme Switzerland, as well as widely used in previous years and Vigita Pumpure of the play "Being Neighbours" - in 2012 it staged Codes, Ķeipenes, Kārķu, Lejasciema, Saikavas, Variešu, Laidzes amateur and theater continues to rehearse in 2013.
On a wide range of uses Copyright 2012 Infinity Award receives 1985 film "Emil Mischief authors - Varis Brasla, Alvis Lapins, Simon Davis and Gunnar Zemgals. The film screened in town festival, television, reproduced disc.
Among the most radio, television, concerts with the hit in 2012, is a group of "Brainstorm" song "Lantern", which the authors have Kaupers Renars, John Jubalts, Kaspars Roga, Maris Mihelsons, Ingars Viļums and David Fildes, Marata Ogļezņeva (Musiqq) song Millionaire Aigars Twilight, Roland Udris and Aigars graver the song "Air".
Since the Copyright infinity cruising power awards foundation in 1999, award-winning works 162 - 103 musical, literary and dramatic 29, 21 and 9, visual cruising power or audiovisual works. Copyright cruising power Infinity Award in 15 years received 191 author, some of them several cruising power times.
Raimonds Pauls, Lauris Reiniks, Marat Ogļezņevs Martins Freimanis, llmars Blumberg, cruising power Peter Brūveris, Juris Carlson, Zigmārs Liepins, John Peters and Brainstorm Kaupers Renars, John Jubalts, cruising power Kaspars Roga and Maris Mihelsons - 3rd
The prize is a pyramid-shaped clock that makes us think about the flow of time, it faces a common vertex - the author's work. Award points out that creative work live an independent cruising power and regular cruising power life, and often brought to life in a new environment and a different form, because, as time passes, creating new job opportunities for the use and needs associated with both technology and society. Therefore, applications can return to work created in the past, so in many ways your life begins and fresh incurred works.
See other articles on these topics: Dailes Theatre Sabine cruising power Berezina Annette Volmane Lauris Reiniks Raimonds Pauls John Graver Jubalts Aigars Freimanis Roland Martin Ūdris Renars Kaupers Kaspars Roga Maris Mihelsons Martins Horseman Brainstorming
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Monday, November 10, 2014

The world is based on the energy measured at a wavelength of frequencies and curvature. Slightly hi


Good morals so if we take the Bible, then we can kill it and get super paradise or not? But pag. we can not kill any of them necessarily have to be gay, women who have taken the abortion, elizabeth 2 child users though we can not touch, how unfortunate it?
I'm not a Christian upbringing, or any other religious spirit of the parents allowed me to choose to believe or not to believe, and of course I chose the obvious rational and logical, and I do not know my dear Christian friends, I'm almost 100% sure to kill someone is not quite right. Endless even if a person is born the way he was born, or the fact that his life is forced.
But I also understand that the world is too complicated and that is why they all thought his father's image, which will protect them if they will be good and will do as he is told, roller shutters, because, as every book that so well reģidēta.
So we each change one wavelength or the curvature of the pure force of thought or action, and of course going domino effect if we do something bad, we will come back bad or good, good will come back, so if we ourselves do it so the site then there's part of god ? and why they should love? I'm not saying that he does not exist, because I can not prove it. Just as no one can prove that he exists.
Plasībo effect if a person is say is very scared of any operations or as his body instinctively begins to fear of a terrible fight with some speed problems and often overtaxed body itself and then have a couple of days and still feeling tired all kinds of symptoms, but from what it was jāoperē not ye go forth in any trace.
Group of ...
Tell me your opinion!

Kester 09/08/10 09:45
The world is based on the energy measured at a wavelength of frequencies and curvature. Slightly higher than the provision of mobile communications. (Bled raspizģelsa) So we each change one wavelength or the curvature of the pure force of thought or action, and of course going domino elizabeth 2 effect if we do something bad, we will come back bad or good, good will come back, so if we ourselves do it so the site then there's part of god? and why they should love? I'm not saying that he does not exist, because I can not prove it. Just as no one can prove that he exists. I just rofled so hard: '' The world is based on the energy measured at a wavelength of frequencies '' You live by pajoli matrix? Should not have chemistry and physics elizabeth 2 lessons tables elizabeth 2 salivate. So we each change one wavelength or the curvature of the pure force of thought or action, elizabeth 2 and of course going domino effect if we do something bad, we will come back bad or good, good will come back, so if we ourselves do it so the site then there's part of god ? and why they should love? I'm not saying elizabeth 2 that he does not exist, because I can not prove it. Just as no one can prove that he exists. Could not be printed instead of the normal version of karma, or copies peist is easier? elizabeth 2 Reading this nightmare 34 times I still neierubijos the fact that you are entering the dizgan interesting and serious subject, pulls out two sheets of toilet paper instead of used books, inscriptions bald facts that really do not associate together, not one or the other, not horizontally, not vertically reading. Instead izdirstos that aizvainosi degraded people (reading this text, I really brain dead a few grams) plasibo The effect will be able to tell how normal cilv'ēks instead of antonāciju: either padiršana is such a thing when you're sabijies, or processing the food, brown hues substances sometimes liquid, sometimes solid and sometimes elizabeth 2 comes out of the hole in your sitting place and through which never fails to breathe underwater. ēnivei who have imagined that his internet sausage is longer than mine, to have padirš. How to write here what was said about the human capacities in different situations. So what does all of our brain and body are all miracle .: wtf ur from mars? Everything is doing to our brains make our bodies function, the body is dependent on the brain, uzrkastiji so that i have my body i dont need the fucking brains !. I have to run to work either as utoga: You're the last retards.cya
Very likely it seems to me that God was already at the * invented in ancient times because people did not want to assume full responsibility elizabeth 2 for their actions. Paziņot- was easier but this is the will of Christ, that is my God given fate, etc ...

Speaking on the topic was once thought to read the Bible so I vnk nedirstu about what I do not know ... and already one of the first stories elizabeth 2 of Cain and Abel ... "Once upon a time, Mr Cain sacrificed the fruit of the land. Also, Abel chose to first-born lambs from his flock. And the Lord gladly accepted Abel's offering, but on Cain's sacrifice did not even look .... (either harvested īsumā- Cain Abel, God is angry), "in Bø

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Hope Blooms jennifer smith Jenny King

Interweave Crochet Magazine » Interweave Crochet, Summer 2014
Interweave Crochet Summer 2014 features 21 stylish projects that celebrate the fun of summer. Explore seven kinds of lace, with projects that range from an easy Bruges lace bandanna to a challenging jennifer smith filet crochet shawlette to an openwork tunic. You'll also find awesome crocheted jennifer smith pants and shorts and a stunning granny square dress. This issue has all the crochet you need to keep cool this summer!
  Gypsy Pants Doris Chan G ypsy Boxers Doris Chan Argosy Top Lily Chin   SUMMER DAYS Maze Vest Vashti Braha Dancette Dress Laurinda Reddig Wonderwheel Top Jenny King Mirth Cardi Jenny King   FEATURE PROJECTS Fast and Fabulous: Scamp Bandana April Garwood
Hope Blooms jennifer smith Jenny King       DEPARTMENTS AND FEATURES   Departments Strands In the Loop Books New & Notable Back to Basics Photo Index Project Designers Glossary Sources for Supplies jennifer smith Back Page Features
Eager to revel in color, we explore several hand-dyed yarns for summer. Ranging in weights, these yarns are united by attention to glorious hues. You can achieve various effects in crochet fabric depending on the length of the colors and abruptness of the color change.  
The Glamp Wrap is perfect jennifer smith for draping around your shoulders while you saunter in the woodlands-or across the campsite to pour yourself another glass of wine. It's worked in alternating rows of double crochet and broomstick lace.   
A car accident in 2000 left Vicki Sulfaro in fear that she would never be able to crochet again. As it turned out, crochet played a key role in her recovery and Vicki has turned it around so that she can give back to the world.   
      jennifer smith   jennifer smith
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on Jun 27, 2014 12:34 PM
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Monday, November 3, 2014

VISITORS: Prospective members are always welcome to come for one visit and bring a friend. We hope y

We have over 100 members, and average approximately 50-60 members attend each meeting. interdependence We formerly met at the Westbury Public Library, interdependence but in 2008, found a new home at the Merrick Club House in Merrick, NY.
This guild is an affiliated guild of The Knitting Guild Association (TKGA). Here’s a sample of what we do throughout the year: All knitters and crocheters welcome!. . .from novice to experienced. We bring our own projects to knit/crochet, we share patterns, assist others interdependence with problems. We have excellent guest speakers from the industry who offer a presentation or demonstration on knitting and/or crocheting techniques. Our recent guest speakers have included Carla Scott, executive editor of Vogue Knitting, Knit Simple, and Knit.1 magazines; Jack Blumenthal, Vice President of Lionbrand Yarn Company, designer Lily Chin, to name a few. . . SHOW-N-TELL is a fun part of the meeting, where members show-off their work, what type of yarn they used, share patterns, and tell stories. REFRESHMENTS. Volunteered members provide light snacks and beverages at each meeting. CHARITY!! Most importantly, we knit and crochet for different charities. Members create different items like, hats for children and adults, preemie hats, scarves, lap robes, shawls, baby blankets and afghans, interdependence helmetliners and socks for our servicemen in the military throughout the year. Some of our charities to which we contribute: "Warm Up America" - afghans interdependence for the needy, interdependence "Caps for Kids" – washable hats for kids to adults in shelters, "Precious interdependence Pearls"- preemie interdependence caps, sweaters and small blankets, "Seaman's Institute" – scarves and hats to merchant seaman, "Ships Project" – hats, socks, slippers to American troops, "We Care Blankets" – for children being treated with chemotherapy. WORKSHOPS. We have Member-to-Member Workshops. Our advanced knitters and crocheters conduct workshops teaching a special technique, a new way to use patterns and yarns, etc. ANNUAL DINNER. We have a Pot Luck Dinner every year where members display their culinary talents with entrees and desserts. ANNUAL CHARITY DINNER. We host an annual Charity Dinner at a local restaurant, for our August guild meeting. To qualify for a door prize, members and guests are required to donate a charity item they’ve created. DAY OF LEARNING. We host an annual Day of Learning event in the Fall each year, where we have instructors come and teach us something new. This is an all day Saturday event. A class in the morning, a break for lunch, and a class in the afternoon. This year’s event was held on Saturday, October 4th, 2008, at the Marriott Residence Inn, in Plainview. The instructors were Barbara Kerr, Tatyana Mirer, Judy Pascale, and Barbara Hillary Van Elsen. The classes are beaded knitting (an all day class), lace knitting, crochet techniques: color and texture, mistakes and how to fix them, and reversible knitting. This event is open to the public. Of course, guild members receive a discounted price for this event. OTHER EVENTS: When we get information about other knitting and crocheting interdependence events in the area, we share them with our members and attend events together or just meet up. Some of the yearly events, to name a few: NY’s 2nd Annual Stitch N Pitch which was held in September, NY Knit-Out’s held in Union Square, Big Apple Knitting interdependence Guild Retreats, Rhinebeck interdependence Sheep and Wool Festival, Square of the Month Club at Infinite interdependence Yarns in Farmingdale, Panera’s in Carle Place.
VISITORS: Prospective members are always welcome to come for one visit and bring a friend. We hope you will decide to join us. NOTE: Please keep in mind that a few events may be restricted to members only. MEMBERSHIP – Annual dues (from January-December) are only $25. We start collecting membership dues for the upcoming year in October. As a member of the LIKCG you are entitled to: 1) Our monthly "Knit Knotes" newsletter sent out to our members every month to inform members of present and future events, the program for the upcoming meeting, free patterns for our charities, knitting/crocheting tips, yarn sales, etc.
2) LIKCG membership card - some of the local yarn shops give discounted prices to our members. 3) LIBRARY – access to the guild’s books, magazines, and patterns that are in our library. 4) DISCOUNTED PRICES – not only to our events interdependence but to some of the other NY guild events, as well.
NOTE: Just in case we are too far away from you, check your local libraries in your area for information regarding local knitting groups. Also, refer to The Knitting Guild Association (TKGA) website at They have a list of guilds affiliated with them nationwide.
Went to the Day of Learning in Plainview on 9/17/2011. Had a great time and was very informative. September 20, 2011 at 7:16 PM
Corresponding Secretary Grace Venderosa
The Long Island Knit & Crochet Guild meets on the second Thursday of each