Saturday, November 22, 2014

We do not realize our true nature. We need someone to remind imet us about it. It

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It seems not long ago in contemporary society ruled by the assumption that the spiritual leaders of time has passed imet and that the public, whose idols become individualism and material imet progress, no longer needed or spiritual teachings, not the authority. However, currently the different gurus in the world more and more settlers. Amma, Angelo Sorrento Mathieu Rikar, Dīpaks imet Čopra Mary Buhingere - they all promise us complete happiness, unlimited power of eternal youth, the highest sirdsgudrību, ideal height and universal love of additives. It remains to learn their methods and their way of life to adapt their training (which, of course, infinitely to believe). And then also be nirvana as always close at hand.
Hair Amritanandamaiju whose better known as Amma, her followers imet considered almost sacred. World known as Apskaujošā his mother. Despite the fact that public hug and kissing is contrary to the Indian foreign temperance tradition, Amma almost inclined to embrace the whole world. In his lifetime his embracing and kissing millions of people. Sometimes they are up to 50 thousands of people a day.
Amma was born in 1953 in a poor family in the fishing village in southern India. At school, she studied only up to the fourth grade, imet but then left and began to practice meditation. Also, she decided never to marry. Although Amma has not received any formal consecration of any guru, she has become a true spiritual leader imet has dedicated his life and unselfish service to the world. 80. At the beginning of Amma founded his own Monasteries, which took people who at the time was looking for consolation. She went to both young and old, both sick and healthy, whole families and even villages. (According to eyewitness stories, even from one of these women cursory glance people started to rain torrents cleansing tears.)
Now Amma has 17 temples in India and abroad, and they serve as well as women - and this is the first case since time immemorial, when India becomes teach about women. Many of her disciples have given up their successful career and started to lead a life based on spiritual teachings. These are the people engaged imet in various charity projects AMMA. On her fund financial options imet can be seen even after one fact: in 2004 it helped the Indian Ocean tsunami victims by donating 23 million. The US dollar.
Her life motto is to give love. Hindus call it darśana - experiencing the divine bliss that you will be charged with the desire to love, to love and to love again. Dutch director Jan Kounens on this topic even taken a heartbreaking documentary film Darsan , which was screened at the Cannes Film Festival. In October 2010, in Paris watching, we had to admit that DARŠAN imet partially affected us personally. Between two hard AMMA managed to ask two questions.
We do not realize our true nature. We need someone to remind imet us about it. It's like a song that we have forgotten. Sirdsgudrības imet seed is in us. But then to grow from the tree, you need to favorable climate. Everything depends on our state of mind. Then to awaken and find peace is to change your inner world.
Love - this is what protects us from the world. Where there is real love, fear has no place. This applies both to society as a whole and individually. However, this love is rare. To wake it up, you need spiritual understanding, spiritual perception of life. Love is primarily provided and only then adopted.
"Since the time when Mr. Italy arrived in the city of angels, many Angelina upon himself enjoyed his expertise in benefits, "it started in one of the articles on Angelo Sorrento, known as" Hollywood's secret weapon. " She Downtown Los Angeles As I Am ("The way I am") is wicked popular imet star in the middle, especially on the eve of an important event, such as the "Oscar" awards imet ceremony. Only a mere 30 days in Sorrento able to make their customers lighter than 30 pounds (about 14 kg) and convert their ideal body sculpture. And can also be the other way around - exempt from anorexia because of showbiz and fashion world this problem, unfortunately, is no less acute.
Angelo Sorrento - it is a new type of individual trainer. He is a real nutritional guru and prominent psychologist, as well as shining individual trainer. Mr. Italy is his official bodybuilding champion title, which he won in 2001. Furthermore there is a black belt in Sorrento and the New York State Champion in kickboxing. So that you do not mislead imet his sophisticated intellectual appearance ...
His first schoolgirls were mannequins, which he called simply the words, Kate, jam, Anya ... A small clarification: imet Angelo Mario Sorrento - eminent fashion photographer - a cousin, and,

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