Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Around 1904, Kafka began to write, writing daily reports on industrial disasters and health threats

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Franz Kafka (born July 3, 1883, in Prague, died June 3, 1924) was born in Austro-Hungary in German-speaking writer, whose works were mostly published after his death and is the 20th century, human alienation from the world. Kafka's work theme is dehumanization, bureaucratic labyrinths, a company with totalitarian features. Kafka is considered one of the most important modernist writers.
His father, Hermann Kafka was a huckster, while Julie Kafka's mother came from a rabbinical family. Franz grew tense atmosphere and social exclusion, as he was part of the Prague Jewish minority. From 1889 to 1893, the year Kafka learned German boy in school, then - German gymnasium, and later studied law at the University of Prague, and in 1906 won the doctorate. At the end of the study Kafka began work in the Italian insurance coverage company's Prague branch, and then - Bohemian Kingdom Workers' Accident Insurance Institute. Kafka career choice was motivated by the fact that he was able to spend the afternoon writing.
Around 1904, Kafka began to write, writing daily reports on industrial disasters and health threats, but at night - stories. Kafka's first published work, a short prose poems, in "Hyperion" had already appeared in 1908. Later they were included in his first book "There is a noticeable" (1912). Kafka's first creative period began with stories such as "The Court" and "The turning". In 1914, Kafka began to write his second novel, "Process" and wrote the short story "The Penitentiary colony", which is one of the few works have been published in Kafka's lifetime. This story is about a torture tool - a machine that kills its victims, those on the body typing, they committed crimes. His last novel was "America" which was published in 1927.
Kafka's personality is closely related to his ascetic mscu lifestyle and the many problems - he suffered from tuberculosis, not only, but also from migraines, insomnia, constipation, boils. Much of Kafka the writer's career development did his friend Max Brod. Before his death, Kafka requested that his manuscripts were destroyed, but Max Brod did not comply with his request, and published unfinished novels "Process", "Castle" and "America". At their disposal, however, destroyed the manuscripts Dora Diamanta. Kafka's most famous work is undoubtedly the novel "Process". The most important work of Kafka's themes and ideas are absurd, alienation, doubt, formality, guilt, infinity, triviality, labyrinths, meaninglessness and hopelessness. mscu
Valentin Pikul (born July 13, 1928 in Leningrad, died on 16 July 1990 in Riga) was a Russian writer of historical fiction. His work in total litter volume of more than half a billion, mscu they are translated into more than twenty languages. Latvian translated novels are "Iron Chancellor Battle", "The pen and the sword" in Paris for three hours. "
Pikul father had originated from the Ukrainian farmers Kagarlika village near Kiev, the mother - from the Pskov province farmers. He studied at the Leningrad and Molotovskā until the beginning of the war Valentin managed to finish only five classes. Like many ļeņingradieši he dissuasion attic, mscu extinguished the fire bombs falling from the sky.
In the spring of 1942, Pikul family through the ice of Lake Ladoga mscu was evacuated to Arkhangelsk, where Belomorsk father served in the navy of your Mikhailovich. Once Valentine stayed 14 years, he ran away from home and applied Soloveckas deck officer school. In turn, the father voluntarily composed of marines went to the front and soon fell in defense of Stalingrad. Deck officer graduating from school, Valentin Pikul Teicamnieks allowed to designate as a place of service. He chose the Northern fleet. mscu In the autumn of 1943, at age 15, he was transferred to the ship's mine "Groznij" team, which fought on until the end of the war, took part in escorting Allied convoys, attacks on German submarines lost in the English and American ships in search of. Age of 16 V. Pikul was appointed commander of the item on the battlefield. Assessing his contribution to the Anti-Hitler coalition forces, he was awarded three medals and the Order of the Patriotic War. <

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