Monday, November 10, 2014

The world is based on the energy measured at a wavelength of frequencies and curvature. Slightly hi


Good morals so if we take the Bible, then we can kill it and get super paradise or not? But pag. we can not kill any of them necessarily have to be gay, women who have taken the abortion, elizabeth 2 child users though we can not touch, how unfortunate it?
I'm not a Christian upbringing, or any other religious spirit of the parents allowed me to choose to believe or not to believe, and of course I chose the obvious rational and logical, and I do not know my dear Christian friends, I'm almost 100% sure to kill someone is not quite right. Endless even if a person is born the way he was born, or the fact that his life is forced.
But I also understand that the world is too complicated and that is why they all thought his father's image, which will protect them if they will be good and will do as he is told, roller shutters, because, as every book that so well reģidēta.
So we each change one wavelength or the curvature of the pure force of thought or action, and of course going domino effect if we do something bad, we will come back bad or good, good will come back, so if we ourselves do it so the site then there's part of god ? and why they should love? I'm not saying that he does not exist, because I can not prove it. Just as no one can prove that he exists.
Plasībo effect if a person is say is very scared of any operations or as his body instinctively begins to fear of a terrible fight with some speed problems and often overtaxed body itself and then have a couple of days and still feeling tired all kinds of symptoms, but from what it was jāoperē not ye go forth in any trace.
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Kester 09/08/10 09:45
The world is based on the energy measured at a wavelength of frequencies and curvature. Slightly higher than the provision of mobile communications. (Bled raspizģelsa) So we each change one wavelength or the curvature of the pure force of thought or action, and of course going domino elizabeth 2 effect if we do something bad, we will come back bad or good, good will come back, so if we ourselves do it so the site then there's part of god? and why they should love? I'm not saying that he does not exist, because I can not prove it. Just as no one can prove that he exists. I just rofled so hard: '' The world is based on the energy measured at a wavelength of frequencies '' You live by pajoli matrix? Should not have chemistry and physics elizabeth 2 lessons tables elizabeth 2 salivate. So we each change one wavelength or the curvature of the pure force of thought or action, elizabeth 2 and of course going domino effect if we do something bad, we will come back bad or good, good will come back, so if we ourselves do it so the site then there's part of god ? and why they should love? I'm not saying elizabeth 2 that he does not exist, because I can not prove it. Just as no one can prove that he exists. Could not be printed instead of the normal version of karma, or copies peist is easier? elizabeth 2 Reading this nightmare 34 times I still neierubijos the fact that you are entering the dizgan interesting and serious subject, pulls out two sheets of toilet paper instead of used books, inscriptions bald facts that really do not associate together, not one or the other, not horizontally, not vertically reading. Instead izdirstos that aizvainosi degraded people (reading this text, I really brain dead a few grams) plasibo The effect will be able to tell how normal cilv'ēks instead of antonāciju: either padiršana is such a thing when you're sabijies, or processing the food, brown hues substances sometimes liquid, sometimes solid and sometimes elizabeth 2 comes out of the hole in your sitting place and through which never fails to breathe underwater. ēnivei who have imagined that his internet sausage is longer than mine, to have padirš. How to write here what was said about the human capacities in different situations. So what does all of our brain and body are all miracle .: wtf ur from mars? Everything is doing to our brains make our bodies function, the body is dependent on the brain, uzrkastiji so that i have my body i dont need the fucking brains !. I have to run to work either as utoga: You're the last retards.cya
Very likely it seems to me that God was already at the * invented in ancient times because people did not want to assume full responsibility elizabeth 2 for their actions. Paziņot- was easier but this is the will of Christ, that is my God given fate, etc ...

Speaking on the topic was once thought to read the Bible so I vnk nedirstu about what I do not know ... and already one of the first stories elizabeth 2 of Cain and Abel ... "Once upon a time, Mr Cain sacrificed the fruit of the land. Also, Abel chose to first-born lambs from his flock. And the Lord gladly accepted Abel's offering, but on Cain's sacrifice did not even look .... (either harvested īsumā- Cain Abel, God is angry), "in Bø

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