Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Copyright Infinity Award also receives Martins Horseman, Sabine Berezina and Annette Volmane for th

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Monday Art Theatre Small Hall of the fifteenth time the author will present the Latvian Association of AKKA / LAA Copyright founded Infinity Award. It annually presents the authors whose work in the previous year were the most used in a variety cruising power of ways. You can get acquainted cruising power with the 2012 in-demand jobs, as well as watch the video interviews with the authors.
Copyright Infinity Award also receives Martins Horseman, Sabine Berezina and Annette Volmane for the song "Balle cruising power Balozi" as the most heard in the song's debut, while most heard in youth and children's song is Walt Owls and Peter Brūveris song "This motley world."
In 2012, a variety of ways most widely used visual works are Margarita Steward, who works in children's book illustrations, reproduced on food packaging, and elsewhere, Gunars Bindem photographer whose work used books, and Blumbergs artist, whose works sold at auctions of works of art, and published Lithuanian and French retransmitted through cable.
Copyright Infinity Award this year receives a literary Eric Hānbergs authors, whose work "The cruising power first sin Gulf Dailes staged theater, and published books in electronic format, Inga Abele on the play "Jasmine", which in 2012 staged the Latvian National cruising power Theatre, Theatre in Panevezys Juozas Miltiņa , Lithuania, the Lucerne Theater "La Fourme Switzerland, as well as widely used in previous years and Vigita Pumpure of the play "Being Neighbours" - in 2012 it staged Codes, Ķeipenes, Kārķu, Lejasciema, Saikavas, Variešu, Laidzes amateur and theater continues to rehearse in 2013.
On a wide range of uses Copyright 2012 Infinity Award receives 1985 film "Emil Mischief authors - Varis Brasla, Alvis Lapins, Simon Davis and Gunnar Zemgals. The film screened in town festival, television, reproduced disc.
Among the most radio, television, concerts with the hit in 2012, is a group of "Brainstorm" song "Lantern", which the authors have Kaupers Renars, John Jubalts, Kaspars Roga, Maris Mihelsons, Ingars Viļums and David Fildes, Marata Ogļezņeva (Musiqq) song Millionaire Aigars Twilight, Roland Udris and Aigars graver the song "Air".
Since the Copyright infinity cruising power awards foundation in 1999, award-winning works 162 - 103 musical, literary and dramatic 29, 21 and 9, visual cruising power or audiovisual works. Copyright cruising power Infinity Award in 15 years received 191 author, some of them several cruising power times.
Raimonds Pauls, Lauris Reiniks, Marat Ogļezņevs Martins Freimanis, llmars Blumberg, cruising power Peter Brūveris, Juris Carlson, Zigmārs Liepins, John Peters and Brainstorm Kaupers Renars, John Jubalts, cruising power Kaspars Roga and Maris Mihelsons - 3rd
The prize is a pyramid-shaped clock that makes us think about the flow of time, it faces a common vertex - the author's work. Award points out that creative work live an independent cruising power and regular cruising power life, and often brought to life in a new environment and a different form, because, as time passes, creating new job opportunities for the use and needs associated with both technology and society. Therefore, applications can return to work created in the past, so in many ways your life begins and fresh incurred works.
See other articles on these topics: Dailes Theatre Sabine cruising power Berezina Annette Volmane Lauris Reiniks Raimonds Pauls John Graver Jubalts Aigars Freimanis Roland Martin Ūdris Renars Kaupers Kaspars Roga Maris Mihelsons Martins Horseman Brainstorming
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