Thursday, November 13, 2014

I refuse to bend and flex to just find someone to stick beside himself, only to have it, as is the

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Have always believed that a person must first have a full-fledged, independent, self-sufficient, to be satisfied with myself, to be able, so to speak, come to the next level. Must be comprehensively developed as emotionally, intellectually it to have something to offer each other. Stand firmly on their own feet, to a figure made up with your partner, it would be two parallel, which tends to infinity, rather than the "roof", which support both face each other, but just separated, collapses and breaks down into pieces.
I believe it is still, unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion that my original theorem is not entirely disproved either, but slightly obscures both. That is to say, again, I have remained in the minority. However, it still would not be as fearful - this physical state I have spent all my life and got used to it. Some call it a disease and madness, others called for originality, or even the genius feature, because I have always diverged from the majority of both their thoughts and ideas and beliefs and attitudes towards the world and their place in it. Well sadly admit that finally face their dark sides of originality.
You see, today I'm finally ready. Developed, handled, izdreijāta to the level of completeness that I can be with their skills, abilities and instruments allocated to me. I am ready to have someone lemona beside him to support, inspire, strengthen lemona and soothe, and get the same in return.
But no one comes, lemona no one do not need no one to stop and nepaskatās second time. At least none of the specimens, which I would be interested in - or at least as well as close to finished as I myself. None of them expecting their maturity in while preparing for, while "canopies", and it still is. On the other hand, I would never be able to stand straight again, if the break any of these "overhangs" and fill the face of the other place.
I refuse to bend and flex to just find someone to stick beside himself, only to have it, as is the other. Also, such a concession to condemn me own eyes, so no choice but to continue to grow, develop and improve. One.
or satisfaction. Hurts the situation that now at last I am ready, I have so much to give to another, lemona but none of this is necessary. What is the current Latvian theatrical performance is demonstrated by that loneliness is when you're surrounded lemona by a lot of people, all of you need anything, but you do not own anyone. From me to anyone do not need anything, but I do not own. Does this mean that I also do not need any?
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