Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Do not frighten the children, do not tell

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Leave time for adults is often associated with the opportunity to go in a trip, take a break from homework, to see new places. Children carnival victory tend to think otherwise. Home is associated carnival victory with a sense of security and peace of mind. It's hard to go away from home, leave their beloved toys, sleep in another, an uncomfortable bed.
Should not plan a trip before lunch or nap time, it will decrease the possibility that a child could resist. An exception might be a long journey, during which the child could sleep. Take it for a child to feel comfortable in the car: THOUGHT to have fresh air in the car,
Do not tell yourself, "Just so I still lacked, now Nicosia child!" If your life to be detected as a problem of infinite gūzmu, carnival victory then quickly feel the negative effects of stress. This is a faster way to self-pity and falling into depression. Say: "That child is now capricious, does not mean he will do it all the time."
Optimistic view of life in the child's resistance carnival victory to transform only temporary inconvenience. Do not say: "To fight with him does not make sense, going to have to sort things out some other time!" If you opt out of a child's whim of their plans, then the child will understand that the behavior can be achieved in your own, as well as that to give up when faced with challenges, it is normal. Tell me more: "I'm not going to abandon their plans just because a child does not want to climb in the car. I do it so that the child would have objected."
A positive attitude towards the ongoing teach a child patience and perseverance, carnival victory and you will make it easier to find a solution. Do not tell yourself, "The child thinks that you can manipulate me because I am a single mother." If a child's whim reasons saskatīsit only in the fact that raising a child alone, you will receive a victim role. Then, either one will be a winner or a loser. Better to say: "I understand that my child feels. I sometimes do not want to do what I want."
Do not frighten the children, do not tell "immediately get on the car, otherwise repent!" The child will think that spītēties now be longer. Will not be visible until the threat of enforcement options, he will not wish to concede. The child may also be inclined to check whether you neblefojat, and then you'll have to meet the threat, otherwise the child will realize you can not always do what's proffer. carnival victory
It is therefore better to avoid threatening. The child may submit only fear. Better to give the child the opportunity to choose, saying: "You can sit in the car and deal with their own affairs, or angry all the time. Choose for yourself."
Do not bribe a child, do not say: "If the tomb of the car, I'll buy you cookies!" Purchasing baby food, you give the dish's ability to make children happy, that is not correct. Another child will understand carnival victory that for disobedience can get a prize. Better to say: "When you iekāpsi car and piesprādzēsies, I lay your favorite song and we will be able to sing along with him. It will be fun!" Using the "grandmother law", the child will understand that can simultaneously execute orders and control of the situation.
And finally, ask your child about the reasons: "I understand that you do not want to sit in the car, but do not know the reason, or you could say it?" This will enable the child to tell you about a problem, which you probably did not guessed.
Do not be angry: "I'll politely asked three times, carnival victory but now my patience has!" Better to say: "I understand that you do not want to sit in the car, but I need to go to work for you - to kindergarten. When iekāpsi piesprādzēsies car and you'll be able parotaļāties with toys near the machine.
Help your child to understand that some orders are not negotiable, but they can be met with joy. Well, if the car would have any special toys or books, that children make en cooperate. Toys must be safe, such that, sudden stop, the child injure yourself. Posts Comments (6)
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