Sunday, December 21, 2014

8. Article 99. The values of culture are an inalienable property of the Venezuelan people and a fu

THANKS FOR VISITING MY BLOG. Heartfelt thanks Mil, is made with great love and humility for you and for all those who devote much of his life and his time "Teaching By and For Life". Starting today, I will share my knowledge and experience as a Professor, providing educational materials cussing such as: Project Learning, cussing Strategies, Dynamics, Assessment Tools, Image, Competencies and Indicators Grade and Proposed Activities and more.! I entertain children with disabilities interference for the developer learning individually, I mean psychologists, speech therapists, neurologist, This is the opportunity for your child to progress cussing in studies without exception, breaking barriers only to Acarigua - Araure. Turn the mañana.GRACIAS. PROF. MIGUEL HERNANDEZ. TEL: 0426-8365609 MY TWITTERdiversidadfun my email <ATTENTION. Publishing violent, offensive, defamatory or any content that violates the provisions of Article 27 of the Law on Social Responsibility in Radio, TV and Electronic Media are not allowed
Bolivarian Constitution cussing of Venezuela Plan for Economic and Social Development of the Nation (2001-2007) Education Law (1980) and its Reform Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents (Lopnna) cussing Decree Law 1,796 for people with disabilities Proposal Elder Law Strategic Plan Simón Bolívar The 5 engines.
Article 102 Education is a human right and a fundamental cussing social duty, is democratic, free and compulsory. The State assumes responsibility as an irrevocable maximum interest at all levels and modalities function as an instrument of scientific, humanistic and technological knowledge in the service of society ...
4. Article 3. The State has as its essential for the protection and development of the individual and respect for their dignity, the democratic exercise of the popular will, the construction of a just society and peace loving, promotion of prosperity and welfare of the people and ensuring compliance cussing with the principles, rights and duties enshrined in this Constitution. Education and work are the fundamental processes for guaranteeing these purposes.
5. Article 19. The State guarantees cussing every person, in accordance with the progressive principle and without discrimination, the enjoyment and inalienable, indivisible and interdependent human rights exercise. Respect for and guarantees are mandatory for public bodies in accordance with the Constitution, human rights treaties signed and ratified by the Republic and the laws that implement them.
6. Article 20. Everyone has the right to the free development of his personality, no limitations other than those deriving from the rights of others and public and social order. Article cussing 52. Everyone has the right to assemble for lawful purposes, in accordance with the law. The State is obligated to facilitate the exercise of this right.
7. Article 79: Young people have the right and duty to be active participants in the development process. The State, with the joint participation cussing of families and society, create opportunities to stimulate their productive transition into adult life and in particular training and access to first job, in accordance with the law.
8. Article 99. The values of culture are an inalienable property of the Venezuelan people and a fundamental right that the state should encourage and ensure, by providing the conditions, legal instruments, means and funding. Autonomy of public cultural administration in the terms established by law are recognized. The State guarantees the protection and preservation, enrichment, conservation and restoration of cultural, tangible and intangible heritage and historical memory of the nation. The assets constituting the cultural heritage of the nation are inalienable and indefeasible. The law establishes penalties and sanctions for damage caused to these assets.
9. Article 100. The folk cultures of Venezuela enjoy special attention, recognition of and respect for intercultural relations under the principle of equality of cultures. The law should establish incentives and incentives for individuals, institutions and communities that promote, support, develop or finance plans, cussing programs and cultural activities in the country and Venezuelan culture abroad. The State guarantees cultural workers joining cussing the social security system that allows them a dignified life, recognizing the idiosyncrasies of cultural work, in accordance with the law.
10. Article 102. Education is a human right and a fundamental social duty, is democratic, free and obligatori

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