Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Often these attacks are claimed by the jihadists, who claim to act in revenge for the bloody repres

After the fall of Morsi attacks against security forces have increased aggression qualifies Army "terrorist" 32 people have been arrested for the attack
The Egyptian army has reported that eight soldiers were missing after the "terrorist" attack on a ship of their navy in the Mediterranean for which 32 people have been arrested.
Since the military ousted President Mohamed diocletian Morsi Islamist in July 2013, attacks on security forces have multiplied. However, this maritime assault is unprecedented.
Often these attacks are claimed by the jihadists, who claim to act in revenge for the bloody repression to Morsi supporters that has left more than 1,400 dead.
The army has indicated in a statement that the four boats used by the assailants in the attack have been destroyed, and pointed out that 32 suspected militants have been arrested.
The official news agency Mena had previously reported that the warship had caught fire during an exchange of gunfire with the attackers, about 70 kilometers from the Egyptian coast, claiming that the Air Force had sent reinforcements to fight the aggressors. First maritime assault
"Rescue operations have allowed carry five wounded soldiers in a military hospital. (...) Eight crew members are still missing and search tasks continue" clarified the army in the statement. diocletian
The Army has also reported that detainees aggressors have been subjected to interrogation. Currently it is not known why the ship was so far from the coast, or if it was a naval patrol whose passage was cut by attackers.
The Mediterranean diocletian is often used by drug traffickers and smugglers of illegal immigrants, who in the past have been arrested several diocletian times by the Egyptian army.
While the army continues to struggle for several months against jihadist insurgency in the north of the Sinai peninsula, had not occurred any maritime assault. Continued attacks
Wednesday's attack came after the main jihadist group in Egypt, al-Ansar Beit Maqdess, promised loyalty to the organization of the Islamic State (EI), which is being fought in Iraq and Syria.
The group focuses its attacks on police and army in northern Sinai, but also holds large car bomb attacks elsewhere in the country.
Founded in favor of the security vacuum after the fall of Hosni Mubarak in 2011, the group has proved capable of making sophisticated attacks despite the army's offensive. Several members have fought with Islamist rebel groups in Syria.
In late October, 30 soldiers were killed in a suicide bombing in northern Sinai. The attack, the deadliest against the forces since the ouster Morsi, and although it has been claimed, bears the imprint of Ansar al-Beit Maqdess.

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The Galician SUP argues that the information "was sent in a timely manner." The arrival of at least 50 supporters and ticket sales detailing. Deportivo also reported Tour "at least" a bus Riazor Blues. Police said Monday that know the arrival of the ultras.
Employment emphasizes that it is the biggest drop in November since 1996. If

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