Sunday, December 7, 2014

After five days of sinking, still work to refloat the vessel Seine

After five days of sinking, still work to refloat the vessel Seine | EL UNIVERSAL - Cartagena
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After five days of sinking, still work to refloat the vessel Seine
Captain Juan Manuel Jimenez, head of the Navy Diving, who is leading the rescue operation of the boat, said the condition of the ship has affected the refloating of the same, as it is very deteriorated.
"I was extremely damaged. It was a complicated process, however, as we have managed to gain about 30 inches upwards. From today started working 24 hours, pumping, knocking the water pumps and closing the spaces left with inlets to the ship start earning buoyancy "said Captain Jimenez. (Read: Continuing efforts to revive the Seine boat that sank in the bay)
"No guarantee, I aspire that Friday it was floating, but it must be clear that depends on many factors. These last days have you worked until 1 am and returns at 6 am, and from today will work 24 hours, cruise holidays "he added.
In operation, the team is composed by Captain Luis Jiménez; Lieutenant Commander Elkin Pacheco, second in command; a logistics group and three rescue groups that have diving supervisors and the number of divers depending on what is needed.
According to the narration by the captain, "the Sena assigned two people who are attentive to the whole process and have provided the required cruise holidays information on the ship and logistical facilities to do whatever it takes". (See: That was in its heyday cruise holidays the ship "The Apprentice" Seine)
"We removed the vessel and immediately the contractor is responsible for cleaning, to remove the oil and fuel waste, so that no contamination cruise holidays is present. Exit the ship and immediately proceed to clean, "said Jimenez, who also noted that such cleaning would be within the space barriers and enabled to prevent any contingency. "Better to have the problem cruise holidays in one place and handle it," concluded the captain.
Café (Libra)
Wind Intensity: 9-18 km / h
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