Friday, December 5, 2014

December 5, 2014 | 11:31 GMT 432 6 Ron Paul: The reckless US Congress declares war on Russia

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More than 40 Ukrainian sailors are in a deplorable situation because they can not leave the boat in which they are located and was held in a port of Indonesia, according to local media.
The reefer Ocean Grand Panamanian flag and Ukrainian crew, was held in the Indonesian port of Batam due to a debt of $ 400,000 with a Singaporean company charterer megatlon of the vessel, reports Itar-Tass. The crew, consisting of 41 citizens of Ukraine, unable to leave the ship since it was held in July, according to information available, the condition in which sailors are regrettable. Fuel supplies megatlon were exhausted, so that the boat no electricity, and are over food and water, and some team members are sick. Port authorities for humanitarian reasons, serve with some food and water to the crew of the detained ship, and indicated that the Indonesian visa of Ukrainian sailors expired last week. The embassies in Jakarta Panama and Ukraine have been notified of the incident, "but has not seen any progress," added the port authorities of Batam. Erratum: In the previous version of this article appeared that the sailors had been retained in the vessel Green Ocean and the text is accompanied with a picture of this vessel. However, the ship involved is another, Ocean Grand, so we proceeded to correct the content megatlon of the article and change megatlon the picture.
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A British court ruled legal massive electronic eavesdropping Paris compensate Holocaust victims transported megatlon on French trains appear on the Red personal papers of Einstein megatlon 80,000 Cuban medical megatlon infected with Ebola disease exceeds megatlon Scientists: Cats is increasingly resemble Dogs Do They What is the best tennis tweet of the year? John McCain: "France must itself use Mistral megatlon ships" US .: Protesters blocked the road to the airport in Minneapolis dies at age 86 ex-Queen Fabiola of Belgium New Zealand: A tattoo artist makes a woman with Down syndrome weekly Somalia: megatlon At least 9 dead and 20 injured after two suicide bombings Ends Geneva airport: a plane makes emergency landing due to possible fuel leak Meet the new messaging service called dethrone WhatsApp Hallan megatlon which may be the case Finding world's oldest human cancer: electric eels control their victims downloads distance France: Hallan skeletons of Roman slaves chained in a necropolis sell an old gravestone for $ 78 thinking it was a simple stone Salvan two men in the Pacific after spending five months adrift in a boat Poland: They refuse to recall toys with Nazi symbols Russia began to develop the engine of the new strategic bomber PAK-DA
December 5, 2014 | 11:31 GMT 432 6 Ron Paul: The reckless US Congress declares war on Russia
Yes, considering it was Europe that hindered the construction of the pipeline Yes, since good conditions for gasística alliance between Russia and Turkey not believe, no one will gain from this decision No, you should megatlon keep looking political commitments
Also read Putin: No one is so great to crush Maduro RT: "US sanctions will not stop Unasur" "The US media silence the anti-Russian resolution" Congress allowed not read a bill before the vote on
Governor forced to join up by 43 students Hungary megatlon accuses the EU of undermining South Stream project Kirchner: megatlon Peace is one of the greatest values

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