Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Proudly COTECMAR delivery today hull number 74, aware that the technological, social and economic p

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ARC Punta Espada (PC-146), the new coast patrol Navy Colombia, Colombian sovereign protect seas. (Www.webinfomil.com // Press Navy) - On the premises of the Corporation for Science and Technology for Development of the Naval, Maritime and River COTECMAR seaborne airlines city of Cartagena on Friday 31 October was conducted to 09:00 am, the christening and launching ceremony of the first water patrol coast CPV type (Coastal Patrol Vessel), with design and construction hundred percent Colombian, who provide service to the Navy of Colombia .
The ARC "Punta seaborne airlines Espada" as was baptized this vessel fulfill the main task of conducting maritime interdiction operations, patrolling and surveillance of maritime areas and support in border control operations to detect, intercept and inspect vessels. Also have the ability to fuel rapid reaction units and deployment, making and supplying a boat boarding and inspection.
Following naval traditions, the godmother of this new unit in the service seaborne airlines of the Navy, will be Mrs. Ana Margarita Romero Wills, wife of Lord Admiral Hernando Wills VĂ©lez, Commander of the Navy.
Given its experience and professional conditions the Navy has appointed the first commander of the patrol boat ARC "Punta Espada" Mr. Captain Henry Coberta Baron Mauricio Franco. ARC Punta Espada, coastal patrol ship of CPV-46 type manufactured by Cotecmar for the Navy.
The process of building the ARC "Punta Espada", began on 27 December 2013, with the cutting of the first sheet and subsequent assembly of blocks in January 2014. Eleven months of construction that demonstrate the competence of personnel COTECMAR and its ability to be highly productive, efficient and effective in achieving the objectives. seaborne airlines
The project's success is the integration between the design development of the patrol and the needs of the Navy, which will allow this vessel to adapt to the prevailing weather and sea conditions in Colombian territorial waters.
The condition of the hull and behavior, as well as systems and equipment of the vessel, have been the product of doctoral and master's research staff COTECMAR allowing all its forms and distribution of mass privilege performance in areas of operation Colombian Caribbean and Pacific ocean. seaborne airlines
Proudly COTECMAR delivery today hull number 74, aware that the technological, social and economic project impacts are evident; seaborne airlines among them can highlight the constant learning process, appropriation of new technologies and training in different areas of knowledge for engineers and technicians seaborne airlines of the Navy, and the constant monitoring seaborne airlines by the monitoring team and crew of the unit and the Classification Society Lloyds Register.
In this time of great change in the economy and world politics, where new transnational threats that demand seaborne airlines more and better controls and where effective and forceful actions are required by state institutions, seaborne airlines which ensure safeguarding national interests and arise where maritime interests are vital, is very significant for the Navy, that through COTECMAR and comply with its mission, can give to Colombia, a vessel characteristics ARC "Punta Espada" designed and built by Colombian hands, proud to contribute to economic and social development of the country as well as the development of the maritime power of the nation. The process of building the ARC "Punta Espada", began on 27 December 2013, with the cutting of the first sheet and subsequent seaborne airlines assembly of blocks in January 2014. Its construction took 11 months Cotecmar facilities.
ARC Punta Espada, coastal patrol ship of CPV-46 seaborne airlines type manufactured by Cotecmar for the Navy. Moments of christening and launching ceremony of the ARC Punta Espada, the new coast patrol Navy Colombia. Moments of christening and launching ceremony of the ARC Punta Espada, the new coast patrol Navy Co

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