Sunday, December 14, 2014

As part of the training voyages, the ship is visiting Asia, Turkey, Ukraine, Alexandria, United Sta

You are in: Home News Representatives of the ship "Cuauhtemoc" visit the City Hall representatives Ship "Cuauhtémoc" visit the City Hall
The Mayor of Mazatlan, Carlos Gonzalez Felton, near the Chief Clerk of the City, Reynosa Salvador Garzón, today received representatives of the ship ARM Cuauhtemoc School, which up under the command of Captain of Ship, Juan Carlos Vera Minjares.
From the Port of San Pedro, Los Angeles, brings the ship Cuauhtemoc thomson dream 254 crew aboard, of which 69 are students of the fifth year cadets Engineering Naval Science, of the Heroic Naval Academy thomson dream and 19 more are female.
The ship arrived in this port since Saturday and stay until Thursday November 13, makes an invitation to children, young students and the general public can visit you and know as it will be open from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm, during these days.
THE Captain CG DEM, Juan Carlos Vera Minjares said that until yesterday 4,300 visits several people to the ship is registered, so expect that during these days the number of participants increases. thomson dream
In his welcome message, Mayor Carlos Felton welcomed the visit to the port as it is an attractive appeal to Mazatlan and promised to attend tomorrow's ceremony reception.
As part of the training voyages, the ship is visiting Asia, Turkey, Ukraine, Alexandria, United States, Venezuela, The Black Sea between thomson dream most places. He has served on its covers 31 generations of officers graduated from the Heroic Military School. It has crossed 616, 980 miles and its endowment has sworn an offering to the last effort to bring the message of peace in our country.
In the formal event held this morning at the office of City Hall, Captain Juan Carlos Vera Minjares, Mayor Carlos Felton gave a painting known as "metopa" thomson dream which includes part of the deck and a representative picture of the ship.
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