Friday, August 22, 2014

Agnes Bemoe (2) Batak (1) Books (8) Stories (9) Love (1) Dalihan na Tolu (1) Erna Manurutng (1) Fam

On top of this ship, the cool wind blow in between beautiful hair. Stroking soft, spoiled wave form of each strand of hair. Kurapatkan my body to body "Do you love me?" I asked. msc fantasia "Do you know the depth of the meaning msc fantasia of that word?" Behind msc fantasia you asked gently. "Teach me how deep meaning ..." I replied. You turn your face towards the blue sea beneath us. As he adjusted his glasses, as if being plumbed its depths. Then you turned to me Hold my fingers tightly with both hands. Then gently kissed my cheek without saying anything. I'm happy, even if only a relatively small share of love. Love you never say.
Agnes Bemoe (2) Batak (1) Books (8) Stories (9) Love (1) Dalihan na Tolu (1) Erna Manurutng (1) Family (2) Novel (4) Prose (1) Poetry (24) return ( 1) Ray Vanray msc fantasia (1) Rays David (6) Sunu Purnama (1) Tabloid Solafide (1) Toba (1)
2014 (6) October (4) March (1) February (1) 2013 (4) October (1) August (2) July (1) 2012 (6) March (2) February (1) January (3) 2011 (13) December (3) October (1) September (1) December (1) February (2) January (5) 2010 (13) December (5) November (3) October (2) September (1) June (1) April (1) 2009 (30) December (1) November (4) October (25) Sis I Love You More By God, I Love You. One Does He Love You Like I Love You? You At The End Of Story In the Garden Cane Like the Dew Thank You, God ... I Love You by Ten Fingers msc fantasia I Hate Dead Overnight Silja Line Waiting msc fantasia Lover's Tears Surrender My Heart Kneeling Wounds Three Ubud OVERTIME MAY poem To Help Me To My wife Bathsheba's Pushing Carts, nak ... (Kembalika ... Drizzle
This time my son's handsome, he wore a black suit very well with a clean white face. Bushy black hair and neatly ...

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