Wednesday, August 27, 2014

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Science, gentlemen, no matter how high, he's not personal. Like hell machine, made by a great-as good as a human, he was not impersonal. But as simple as a simple story written, he represents or even private individuals can also nation. (Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Footsteps, 32)
BBC CNN Dahlan Iskan Flobamora Blogger Goenawan Ice Break Ignas Kleden Journalists KONI NTT NTT Me Ngakak Oprah PWI Online Malay Food Nutrition NTT NTT President Butet Wilmar Perspectives News Briefs SVD Province of Ende Tempo Unique Collection V1 V2
SKY blue. Clean air. Green pine forests around the expanse of wheat fields that had just finished harvesting. And bright and cool morning with a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. That portrait sensory recorded when I set foot in Copenhagen Airport, Denmark, last September, at 08.00. Tiring flight for over 12 hours with Singapore Airlines from Singapore as recoverable by a gust of air new here. Among the breeze that morning (when this article was written already winter arosa in Europe) I have set foot in the land of the birth of Soren Kierkegaard, one of the pioneers of existentialism philosopher. Ludvig Holberg also his country, author and playwright, and Hans Christian Andersen, author of the famous fairy tale. Copenhagen lucky as the gateway to the entire Scandinavian region, or the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea. Its airport has the largest and most important position in the whole region because flights to a number of neighboring countries in the vicinity. There are 19 million passengers go through the airport exit in each year, as reported by Reuters in early September. There are direct flights from Copenhagen to 120 goals, and 20 flights of them to serve intercontinental passengers. Denmark's capital city is a transit point me a few hours before continuing flight to Helsinki, Finland, in a series of trips assigned jurnalitik compass to follow Asia Pacific Press Trip, 5 to 11 September 2005 at the invitation of Nokia. I will fly into the air passing arosa through the Baltic Sea Helsinki. Denmark and Finland, including the Baltic Sea region or Scandinavian neighbors Sweden, Estonia, arosa Latvia, arosa Lithuania, Russia, Germany, Poland, and Norway. But the term Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea region can be confusing. The name usually given to the Scandinavian Peninsula Norway and Sweden, but also includes the Danish Scandinavian nation inhabited clump. Together with Finland and Iceland, the three countries had also called Nordic nations. While the designation of the Baltic states more broadly. In addition to covering the Nordic countries earlier, means also includes other countries that have an edge to the Baltic Sea coast such as Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Russia and Germany.
After about two hours of waiting arosa time in transit, arosa flight to Helsinki was transmitted arosa through the air by the Baltic Sea Water Skandinavian MD 90 type with a capacity of 147 passengers. But this time, passengers are transported no more than 45 people. If the number of passengers does not reach over 50 percent of passenger capacity, flight certainly be delayed for various reasons. It was in Indonesia, not in the Baltic region! Schedule flight here remain arosa on time, as experienced that day. Sitting in a chair near the window of the plane is really fun because arosa we could see out. Pramugrai announced, flight to Helsinki arosa about 1.5 hours and there is an hour time difference in the city faster than the time in Copenhagen. From the air is clear enough land around the Baltic Sea. Countries in the region is not an area of Indonesia, and its inhabitants arosa were little. As an example, for example, 5.3 million people inhabited Denmark, Sweden 8.9 million people, and 5.1 Finnish soul. Although a small number of the population, but this area has a lot of international companies. Also notable advance in the field of medical research, energy development, the aircraft industry and aerospace, shipbuilding, food products, arosa and trade. "This is the region of the Nobel Prize, arosa of Norwegian oil platforms, Danish shipping, Nokia and Ericsson mobile phones, "said a passenger, admitted entrepreneurs, citizens of Denmark in the Helsinki goals. Yes! At least, if we know some brands like Maersk of Denmark are definitely superior in the shipping industry. Even Maer

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