Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I do not go into long explanations, I knew it would be tsl3 today, little perx bit lately dealt wit

Luckily, 19: 41 pm kipostolni succeeded. You do not want to disparage PROMIN because if you do not you put out you'll probably only one that's interesting enough to come out for days that there is hardly any news about the site and the current most prestigious tournament has not received even one post ...
I do not go into long explanations, I knew it would be tsl3 today, little perx bit lately dealt with the face and the rest of last week did a good job, I thought that now would be as good. Then I came up to watch the broadcast, and I could not find the link but I only found out after the first game, that even I kitehetném you do not mind if some people have "saved" on Saturday night, at least in this match was that überelhetett pretty much everything perx
Chimaira comment Reply # 6: That's no excuse, even for such a "need" to put. Okay, now Aston sure could use that "what I want it to cart off, 'cause perx it's all about," but we all know that there is a community page for communityért, so yes it should be a reminder \ kibeszélő.
@ Chimaria: I think a lot of people perx this is the only SC2 community site spend. run time if I do not preach here, you will not learn elsewhere. For example, I have not heard about it today ^^ only lost around to look through the last weekend vodokat, and oops, I just came across a half-hour h it is still TSL. and say if you live ^^ afternoon had promulgated, would not have modtam off my girl, but I also -.-
Reply to comment Gate # 1: http://starcraft2.hu/2011/03/24/reszeg-terran-vs-master protoss/ perx http://starcraft2.hu/2011/03/24/the-litterbox-episode- starcraft-2-4-fails / http://starcraft2.hu/2011/03/23/enwl-donto/ perx http://starcraft2.hu/2011/03/23/tsl3-1-and-two-solar winner-Inter / http://starcraft2.hu/2011/03/22/1-3-patch-track-re-valtozasok/ http://starcraft2.hu/2011/03/22/szombaton silverhun-kupa/ http://starcraft2.hu/2011/03/22/bratok-vs-dark-alternative force-tvz/
Chimaira comment Reply # 11: I still do not understand how such a thing could be included in the basic set. Yes, hypeolva is, it's a fact, but not a terrible own goal kihírezni when you go before or a few hours.
No Marauder {resolved. There was an older BNet acc om it restored. I had to switch perx to a password and voila! } - Aug 06 8:08 PM. Marauder {Secondborn: Thanks for your answer, but as I wrote boxed version is here in front of me on the table ...} - Aug 01 6:59 PM. {Peace Pirates of the dusts. } - Aug 01 10:45 DE. XES {Thanks for the article! Replays are not ignorant uneducated? Why is it impossible to get around pro replays ...} - Jul 31, 7:51 DE. {Secondborn four years, but there is still no perfect balance. Of course, the fact remains indisputable priority for the RTS ...} - Jul 30, 6:34 DE.

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