Friday, August 15, 2014

But enough of the lengthy preamble, did not come here, let out the iron, or more precisely the iron

Let me show you ... and now I'm a bit of Boeing! Kerozingőzös Portal
"Dear passengers, in talking to the steward. Is there anyone among you who is able to lead the Boeing 737 NG aircraft type? "I think many of us childhood dream of this sentence, while a number of our fellow traveler's nightmare. What happens if I become ill during a road crew, if an ordinary passenger must besegítenie, or put down the plane? Among other things, this too was to answer the central HighFly Aviation simulator.
Between the grassy area in the center Danube River, the four-story yellow building and the road 6 The Savoy Park at the height of the mid-9R Budaorsi airport orbit 110.5 degrees east 2,82NM away.
Um, really carnival splendor tempting. But let's go deeper and look a bit out! A pleasant lobby, a sort of tiny waiting carnival splendor hall, we find ourselves entering the gate. Comfortable sofas, check-in counters, baggage checking device (by way of decoration), and can be purchased models will give us. If you need to wait until your turn, you can not really reason to complain. Even a small training room is here, the manner carnival splendor in which students, busy place benches can also participate in academic training.
But enough of the lengthy preamble, did not come here, let out the iron, or more precisely the irons! The hall - in style - the Gate to the Boeing 737 NG, or via the Gate 2 Airbus A32X simulator to get one light gate labeled. Both are incredibly carnival splendor demanding job, I tell you this so that you have not yet installed the power supply, the cockpits are "cold and dark" in.
While John Czech, the developer of one of the simulators, owner ignite the technique, I have some time to walk around the booths - even outside. Surprising thoroughness of the guys working the outer surfaces glisten beautifully glazed windows to the front of the machine I can glimpse the complex hydraulic systems. Very serious: the autopilot trim moves the wheel of the 737 live and move together with the governments of the pedals. Hydraulic fault simulating certain muscles will be hard to turn the steering wheel ...
Meanwhile, John started the computer, and can be an interesting sight of me again, see photo. Somewhere on the net circulating a funny picture with a cockpit monitors the Windows "blue screen of death" is. Reminds me a bit of sight looking out the window and the dashboard carnival splendor will look at it ... but of course, there is no error, just as funny in the window to see the burly letters "Starting Windows ..." appears.
But the surprises carnival splendor did not end even during sudden appearance of a familiar image, namely carnival splendor the boot screen of Microsoft carnival splendor Flight Simulator 2004. Many people find it easy to play and maybe more people will believe carnival splendor that he has acted in over time. Both camps to report with respect, no word about it! The FS2004 is still a fantastically detailed, meticulous simulator software - not intentionally wrote the game program. Maybe it will arrive once a post office that kitárgyaljuk this topic, compared to the commercially available or can be downloaded from the simulator programs, but this is not the moment. Suffice it to say that the FS2004 is slightly simpler graphical display of the computer (s) sometimes created beszaggatása was the last, which I dealt with in the next about three hours. During the first takeoff, as the plane elements was baptized almost completely forgot about it "only" a simulator. Graphics, vision ... come on, I focused the entire force from FMC, speed, and even by a bunch of small details you home - although I have the same software - can only translate seconds.
Speaking of software: the acclaimed Wilco Airbus, while the PMDG 737-est "driven". Both are available for download, try and buy a home machine. Incidentally, that's the hair-raising carnival splendor of all, even when I was pannonwingses all nice number of hours and the route I completed 737 to 600 and 800 machines, and I was like, that security carnival splendor was able to start cold and dark cockpitből, go through the checklisteken, felprogramozni the FMC so did the usual thing. But how much different when one's hand is not the mouse cursor ends, and indeed must Toggle various panels through to do the F5-F8 keys, but arm in the center console moves the flap, the throttle is not the good old blue-lit X52- and arm, but really a throttle, separately for the left and right engines, the jet brake is not necessary to activate the F2 repeatedly, and so on ... But let's not go that far ahead, but rather tell you about the first school district experience, which Budapest Ferihegy 31 left combination was performed.
So there we stopped after a small detour to charge the full scale - it's time to sit in the pilot's seat. Airbus cab is like a wall recess cut, thou little spaceship

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