Friday, August 29, 2014

There are more than 800 km common border with three countries, Iraq, Turkey and Nakhichevan Autonom

There are more than 800 km common border with three countries, Iraq, Turkey and Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, West Azerbaijan as one of the most sensitive and strategic border provinces is distinct from other parts of the country. Formed over thousands of cases of trafficking in alcohol and about six hundred cases of smuggling weapons and ammunition discovered since the beginning of last year millions of bottles and cans of liquor and a variety of weapons and arrested hundreds of people in this area indicates the world extent of trafficking in the region. While authorities in the statistics of seized contraband but sources told refrained from entering the era of substantial variety of alcohol and other weapons of war and hunting in the country that borders Iraq and Turkey.
One of the smugglers of alcohol on Oshnavieh city located in West Azarbaijan the world Province, naturally on the condition of anonymity should be willing to talk to reporters about the age of smuggling booze into the country the world of Iraq explained.
He said: "Most Mshrvbaty which is smuggled into Iran from Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey, and the company moved to the city of Erbil in Northern Iraq" mineral "given that the company is a monopoly of some Iraqi officials. Then supplies the city's drinking "Dyanv" the world I was taken there by one of the religious minorities living in Iraqi Kurdistan is packaged and delivered to dealers. "
The smuggler's worst snowy winter weather season for smugglers outlined and said: "In this chapter, beverage carriers, forced by livestock long distances in harsh and difficult mountain paths covered with snow during the acceleration and deceleration, which in this context further shipment to the cattle feed composition of barley the world flour and alcohol because they can accelerate the process of carrying Mhmvlatshan The animals eat this compound can travel long distances more. "
He went on to pay tribute as duties and customs agents PJAK and PKK forces in the Kurdistan region the world of Iraq and said: "After drinking carriers, and customs duties are the borders of Iran by the forces of the other age groups escort obstacle Conservatives do not. " the world
According to the smuggling of alcohol cities "Oshnavieh, Mahabad and piranshahr" the most important centers in Iran are trafficked cargo dock. He added: "consignments after crossing the border regions of some aspects, such as" Dvlh Field "in Haj Omran border region" Mrgvr "Oshnavieh, Highlands" Klashyn "and the" herd can "dock shipments to major centers in the region (the city in ruins) and Mahabad. (Plain Oshnavieh) transferred there after drinking is embedded in cars, petrol tankers and buses, road and shipped to different cities. "
The Toyota the world Land Cruisers the world as mentioned in the shipment of used car and said: "The car is significant to us because they are more maneuverable than the police cars are out of power."
He also said about embedding predicates the world trafficking "highly skilled welders the world who work in the city of Mahabad Oshnavieh and beverages are embedded in their cars and they have the skills for making petrol tankers Dvjdarhay the world sources that even the police checkpoints the world are identified and explored, as well as in most inter-city bus, we embed Mhmvlatman "
He Mhmvlatshan the world about passing in front of police checkpoints, said: "We are a very small percentage Azmhmvlat recovered and the remaining checkpoints for different reasons, such as the extent of the shipment, and some inspections weak shortage of officers and sometimes the payment of bribes no problem destined to engage. "
His final destination major cities of Tehran, Karaj consignment of liquor, and sh Branch outlined and said: "We are in the dock areas and warehouses that after discharging their cargo at our dealers and agents are widely distributed in the cities."
The cause of trafficking, the minimum daily income of five hundred thousand Rials outlined and the carriers consignment of liquor smugglers Word to complain and said: "It works for Oshnavieh frontier city that has no border market, the only source of income."
A security official, who spoke on condition of anonymity him, on this evening's correspondent said: "Apart from drug trafficking phenomenon has been as well as information alcohol comprehensive studies bachelor". the world The main reason some people on the area of trafficking the world in poor economic conditions, the economic underinvestment outlined in border areas and improper positioning of the border markets the world "said Oshnavieh when people are left the absence of a border market suffer activities of the can Economic laws do, some of them forced to work for subsistence activities, especially alcohol, the world weapons smuggling turn. "
He criticized the inappropriate behavior and to look solely to the issue of security, said: "We still do not have a clear definition of contraband goods shall carry on any trade name, let it some goods such as flour, sugar and contraband are not food .; We should strictly forbidden items such as firearms, tobacco and alcohol, and we fight for subsistence the world allow local residents the world to exchange certain goods act, because otherwise we may smuggling goods

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