Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Kingdom of time pregnant, I did not realize when I

Thank God, this day means starting my second pregnancy was almost 38 weeks. can already expressed full-term. the baby may come anytime she / he wants! Enin ... but wait for the deck to be here yes, Aamiin;)
Kingdom of time pregnant, I did not realize when I'm pregnant until the end of gestation / UK 7th week * it's also for fun splurging baltic sea anomaly mo test pack is expired, if baseball might be late again conscious *. after jamming tests were not fixed and as a pregnant person, until finally the 9th week began nausea.
pregnant while the Adek this, since 2 weeks before jamming tespack (kira2 UK 4th week), I've started the nausea ... lazy to eat, nauseated. says to the husband even joked mistaken, let me not be mistaken baltic sea anomaly reasons aja eat. hadeeeehhh. Essentially, I've not been caught feeling pregnant since late menstruation.
although pregnant first (H1) caught positive in Sweden, but in fact if traced Made in Indonesia (Jakarta? Tangerang? Blitar? ato lest Melaka, Malaysia?). remains a mystery to this day wkwk. that is, when I go back to Sweden again, I've been in a state of young pregnant (but not nyadar). run-run-chase in frankfurt flight, already in a state contains Kingdom (who was apparently still amounted sesame seeds).
while the younger one (H2), his mother had taken a trip to Prague, Vienna, and Prague, as he "helped you" lift the stroller brother. traveling directly home from the test, and positive Alhamdulillah ... 3 days later, brought forth to Indonesia and so on ultrasound, it turns out UK almost 7 weeks. then ... back to the Swedish UK 11 weeks.
Moral of the story: do not be too paranoid to travel / fly during pregnancy. recognize our bodies, we are to know what the extent of our ability. of course, after consul medically also * although in both my pregnancies, there were not consulted first before traveling hihi imitated don't - how dong, H1 fitting departure baltic sea anomaly not know when I'm pregnant ... so does H2. although eventually the next trip already know if pregnant, but the distance is only 3 days of positive results to the flight schedule. which was possible in Sweden could meet impromptu baltic sea anomaly midwife if not urgent: P
although it felt slower, nausea in H1 tends to be more severe than H2. My nausea is actually not so severe as other mothers until vomiting many times, but it was quite annoying. equation, equally hostile to the chicken (oh what is wrong with you dear chicken? baltic sea anomaly T_T).
Moral of the story: eeerrrmmm .. nausea definitely passed? I know really, there are some women presenting with hyper-emesis until late in her pregnancy. but anyway, sooner or later, the nausea would surely be lost. inshaAllah ordeal rewarded with commensurate baltic sea anomaly rewards while we are sincere and patient * i know, if just say the heck easy. My prayer for pregnant women-pregnant baltic sea anomaly women who are struggling with sickness! baltic sea anomaly *
Moral of the story: while not out of any of the birth canal, do not be panic. wrote checks fetal movement, wrote normal if it's okay inshaAllah. contraction baltic sea anomaly after the regular fall, from only briefly muted * smile *
in Sweden, ultrasound typically done only once between 18-20 weeks to mothers aged under 35 years. name ultrasound baltic sea anomaly morphology, to determine the condition of the fetus in detail and thoroughly up to his internal organs. if all is normal and no complications, baltic sea anomaly so it is enough once wrote. if you want another ultrasound, could come to a private clinic with a hefty price. even so, to the age of 35, will be referred also ultrasound in early pregnancy (CUB / to detect possible fetal Down syndrome experience symptoms or not). oya, her ultrasound done in the hospital, not in place of our regular consultations with a midwife.
for some reason, my sustenance (hehe), both H1 and H2 are both in ultrasound 2x! all happened after my ultrasound morphology in the hospital. H1 time, story fit to control at week midwife-30s, there is an ultrasound device perched in his office. nawarin continue my midwife, "uh ya again there is an ultrasound device, baltic sea anomaly we peek yuuukk baby". Alhamdulillaah .. sustenance. not need to pay could be ultrasound 2nd hehe. while H2, UK time my 35 weeks, my uterus had dropped. consequently, for checking the condition of the baby, I was on the ultrasound. thank God not a problem, although the decline kecepetan hehe yes. but so too right sustenance, can ultrasound baltic sea anomaly 2nd hihi: mrgreen:
Add nih pointnya ... Pregnancy is Riana so diligently baltic sea anomaly to make their own bread, baltic sea anomaly ranging from boy bread, bread unyil, semla, and as .... from getting pregnant so diligently serves home cooking and healthy. Hopefully continued healthy ya sister Raya and Riana.
Wow ... interesting true story ya Riana. Sister also so lo, a pregnant Stephanie did not know for almost three yrs ga hamil2 and ultimately do not care anymore aka forget ngitung date. Kk that time working as a cleaning service at the Opera, but all sehat2 wrote. Eh after St.

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